Describe "History cmdlet test cases" -Tags "CI" { Context "Simple History Tests" { BeforeEach { $setting = []::New() $setting.AddToHistory = $true $ps = [PowerShell]::Create("NewRunspace") # we need to be sure that history is added, so use the proper # Invoke variant $null = $ps.addcommand("Get-Date").Invoke($null,$setting) $ps.commands.clear() $null = $ps.addscript("1+1").Invoke($null,$setting) $ps.commands.clear() $null = $ps.addcommand("Get-Location").Invoke($null,$setting) $ps.commands.clear() } AfterEach { $ps.Dispose() } It "Get-History returns proper history" { # for this case, we'll *not* add to history $result = $ps.AddCommand("Get-History").Invoke() $result.Count | should be 3 $result[0].CommandLine | should be "Get-Date" $result[1].CommandLine | should be "1+1" $result[2].CommandLine | should be "Get-Location" } It "Invoke-History invokes proper command" { $result = $ps.AddScript("Invoke-History 2").Invoke() $result | Should be 2 } It "Clear-History removes history" { $ps.AddCommand("Clear-History").Invoke() $ps.commands.clear() $result = $ps.AddCommand("Get-History").Invoke() $result | should BeNullOrEmpty } It "Add-History actually adds to history" { # add this invocation to history $ps.AddScript("Get-History|Add-History").Invoke($null,$setting) # that's 4 history lines * 2 $ps.Commands.Clear() $result = $ps.AddCommand("Get-History").Invoke() $result.Count | Should be 8 for($i = 0; $i -lt 4; $i++) { $result[$i+4].CommandLine | Should be $result[$i].CommandLine } } } It "Tests Invoke-History on a cmdlet that generates output on all streams" { $streamSpammer = ' function StreamSpammer { [CmdletBinding()] param() Write-Debug "Debug" Write-Error "Error" Write-Information "Information" Write-Progress "Progress" Write-Verbose "Verbose" Write-Warning "Warning" "Output" } $informationPreference = "Continue" $debugPreference = "Continue" $verbosePreference = "Continue" ' $invocationSettings = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSInvocationSettings $invocationSettings.AddToHistory = $true $ps = [PowerShell]::Create() $null = $ps.AddScript($streamSpammer).Invoke() $ps.Commands.Clear() $null = $ps.AddScript("StreamSpammer"); $null = $ps.Invoke($null, $invocationSettings) $ps.Commands.Clear() $null = $ps.AddScript("Invoke-History -id 1") $result = $ps.Invoke($null, $invocationSettings) $outputCount = $( $ps.Streams.Error; $ps.Streams.Progress; $ps.Streams.Verbose; $ps.Streams.Debug; $ps.Streams.Warning; $ps.Streams.Information).Count $ps.Dispose() ## Twice per stream - once for the original invocation, and once for the re-invocation $outputCount | Should be 12 } It "Tests Invoke-History on a private command" { $invocationSettings = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSInvocationSettings $invocationSettings.AddToHistory = $true $ps = [PowerShell]::Create() $null = $ps.AddScript("(Get-Command Get-Process).Visibility = 'Private'").Invoke() $ps.Commands.Clear() $null = $ps.AddScript("Get-Process -id $pid") $null = $ps.Invoke($null, $invocationSettings) $ps.Commands.Clear() $null = $ps.AddScript("Invoke-History -id 1") $result = $ps.Invoke($null, $invocationSettings) $errorResult = $ps.Streams.Error[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId $ps.Dispose() $errorResult | Should be CommandNotFoundException } }