Describe "Job Cmdlet Tests" -Tag "CI" { Context "Simple Jobs" { AfterEach { Get-Job | Remove-Job -force } BeforeEach { $j = start-job -scriptblock { 1 + 1 } } It "Start-Job produces a job object" { $j.gettype().fullname | should be "System.Management.Automation.PSRemotingJob" } It "Get-Job retrieves a job object" { (Get-Job -id $ | should be "System.Management.Automation.PSRemotingJob" } It "Remove-Job can remove a job" { remove-job $j -force try { get-job $j -ea Stop throw "Execution OK" } catch { $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "JobWithSpecifiedNameNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetJobCommand" } } It "Receive-Job can retrieve job results" -pending { $waitjob = Wait-Job -Timeout 10 -id $ if ( $waitJob ) { $result = receive-job -id $ $ | Should be 2 } } } Context "jobs which take time" { BeforeEach { $j = start-job -scriptblock { Start-Sleep 15 } } AfterEach { Get-Job | Remove-Job -force } It "Wait-Job will wait for a job" { $result = wait-Job $j $result | should be $j } It "Stop-Job will stop a job" -pending { Stop-Job -id $ $j.Status |Should be Stopped } } } Describe "Debug-job test" -tag "Feature" { BeforeAll { $rs = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace() $rs.Open() $rs.Debugger.SetDebugMode([System.Management.Automation.DebugModes]::RemoteScript) $rs.Debugger.add_DebuggerStop({$true}) $ps = [powershell]::Create() $ps.Runspace = $rs } AfterAll { $rs.Dispose() $ps.Dispose() } # we check this via implication. # if we're debugging a job, then the debugger will have a callstack It "Debug-Job will break into debugger" -pending { $ps.AddScript('$job = start-job { 1..300 | % { sleep 1 } }').Invoke() $ps.Commands.Clear() $ps.Runspace.Debugger.GetCallStack() | Should BeNullOrEmpty start-sleep 3 $asyncResult = $ps.AddScript('debug-job $job').BeginInvoke() $ps.commands.clear() start-sleep 2 $result = $ps.runspace.Debugger.GetCallStack() $result.Command | Should be "" } }