jobs: - job: build_testartifacts variables: - name: runCodesignValidationInjection value: false - name: NugetSecurityAnalysisWarningLevel value: none displayName: Build test artifacts condition: succeeded() pool: 'Hosted Ubuntu 1604' steps: - checkout: self clean: true - pwsh: | Import-Module ./build.psm1 Start-PSBootstrap displayName: Bootstrap - pwsh: | Import-Module ./build.psm1 function BuildTestPackage([string] $runtime) { Write-Verbose -Verbose "Starting to build package for $runtime" New-TestPackage -Destination $(System.ArtifactsDirectory) -Runtime $runtime if (-not (Test-Path $(System.ArtifactsDirectory)/ { throw "Test Package was not found at: $(System.ArtifactsDirectory)" } switch ($runtime) { win7-x64 { $packageName = "" } linux-x64 { $packageName = "" } linux-arm { $packageName = "" } linux-arm64 { $packageName = "" } osx-x64 { $packageName = "" } linux-musl-x64 { $packageName = ""} } Rename-Item $(System.ArtifactsDirectory)/ $packageName Write-Host "##vso[artifact.upload containerfolder=testArtifacts;artifactname=testArtifacts]$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)/$packageName" } BuildTestPackage -runtime win7-x64 BuildTestPackage -runtime linux-x64 BuildTestPackage -runtime linux-arm BuildTestPackage -runtime linux-arm64 BuildTestPackage -runtime osx-x64 BuildTestPackage -runtime linux-musl-x64 displayName: Build test package and upload