Contributing to Project Magrathea ================================= Rules ----- **Do not commit code changes to the master branch!** Don't forget to commit early and often! Please add `[ci skip]` to commits that should be ignored by the CI systems (e.g. changes to documentation). All pull requests **must** pass both CI systems before they will be approved. Write *good* commit messages. Follow Tim Pope's [guidelines][]: * The first line *must* be a short, capitalized summary * The second line *must* be blank * The rest should be a wrapped, detailed explanation of the what and why * The tone should be imperative [guidelines]: New to Git? ----------- - [Git Basics](docs/git/ install and getting started. - [Git for sd users](docs/git/ a handy reference document for people familiar with `sd`. - [Commit process](docs/git/ step-by-step commit guide with all gory details. Authentication -------------- If you do not have a preferred method of authentication, enable the storage credential helper, which will cache your credentials in plaintext on your system, so use a [token][]. ```sh git config --global credential.helper store ``` Alternatively, on Windows, you can try the [Git Credential Manager for Windows][manager]. [token]: [manager]: Microsoft employees ------------------- Microsoft employees should follow Microsoft open source [guidelinces][MS-OSS-Hub]. Particularly: * [Join][MS-OSS-Hub] Microsoft GitHub organization. * Use your `` for commit messages email. * Enable [2 factor authentication][]. [MS-OSS-Hub]: [2 factor authentication]: [Branches](docs/workflow/ -------- * Checkout a new local branch for every change you want to make (bugfix, feature). * Use `alias/feature-name` pattern. * Use lowercase-with-dashes for naming. * Use same branch name in superproject and all [submodules][]. [submodules]: Permissions ----------- If you have difficulty in pushing your changes, there is a high probability that you actually don't have permissions. Be sure that you have write access to corresponding repo (remember that submodules have their own privilege). You do *not* necessarily need to have write permissions to the main repositories, as you can also just [fork a repo][]. [fork a repo]: Recommended Git configurations ------------------------------ We highly recommend these configurations to help deal with whitespace, rebasing, and general use of Git. > Auto-corrects your command when it's sure (`stats` to `status`) ```sh git config --global help.autoCorrect -1 ``` > Refuses to merge when pulling, and only pushes to branch with same name. ```sh git config --global pull.ff only git config --global push.default current ``` > Shows shorter commit hashes and always shows reference names in the log. ```sh git config --global log.abbrevCommit true git config --global log.decorate short ``` > Ignores whitespace changes and uses more information when merging. ```sh git config --global apply.ignoreWhitespace change git config --global rerere.enabled true git config --global rerere.autoUpdate true git config --global am.threeWay true ``` [Mapping](docs/workflow/ -------- Learn about new files locations in PowerShell/PowerShell. [Resources](docs/workflow/ -------- Learn how to work with string resources in `.resx` files.