# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. ## ## ---------- ## Test Note: ## ---------- ## Since these tests change session and system state (constrained language and system lockdown) ## they will all use try/finally blocks instead of Pester AfterEach/AfterAll to ensure session ## and system state is restored. ## Pester AfterEach, AfterAll is not reliable when the session is constrained language or locked down. ## Import-Module HelpersSecurity $defaultParamValues = $PSDefaultParameterValues.Clone() $PSDefaultParameterValues["it:Skip"] = !$IsWindows try { Describe "Export-ModuleMember should not work across language boundaries" -Tags 'Feature','RequireAdminOnWindows' { BeforeAll { $script = @' function IEXInjectableFunction { param ([string] $path) Invoke-Expression -Command "dir $path" } function PrivateAddTypeAndRun { param ([string] $source) $type = Add-Type -TypeDefinition $source -passthru $type::new() } Export-ModuleMember -Function IEXInjectableFunction '@ $modulePathName = "modulePath_$(Get-Random -Max 9999)" $modulePath = Join-Path $testdrive $modulePathName New-Item -ItemType Directory $modulePath $trustedModuleFile = Join-Path $modulePath "T1TestModule_System32.psm1" $script | Out-File -FilePath $trustedModuleFile } AfterAll { Remove-Module -Name T1TestModule_System32 -Force -ErrorAction Ignore } It "Verifies that IEX running in ConstrainedLanguage cannot export functions from trusted module" { try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode Import-Module -Name $trustedModuleFile -Force # Use the vulnerable IEXInjectableFunction function to export all functions from module # Note that Invoke-Expression will run in constrained language mode because it is known to be vulnerable T1TestModule_System32\IEXInjectableFunction -path 'c:\windows\system32\CodeIntegrity; Export-ModuleMember -Function *' throw "No Error!" } catch { $expectedError = $_ } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -EnableFullLanguageMode -RevertLockdownMode } # A security error should be thrown $expectedError.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -BeExactly "Modules_CannotExportMembersAccrossLanguageBoundaries,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ExportModuleMemberCommand" # PrivateAddTypeAndRun private function should not be exposed $result = Get-Command -Name T1TestModule_System32\PrivateAddTypeAndRun 2> $null $result | Should -BeNullOrEmpty } } Describe "Dot-source operator is not allowed in modules on locked down systems that export functions with wildcards" -Tags 'Feature','RequireAdminOnWindows' { BeforeAll { $TestModulePath = Join-Path $TestDrive "Modules_$(Get-Random -Maximum 99999)" New-Item -Path $TestModulePath -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Module that dot sources ps1 file while and exports functions with wildcard. $scriptModuleNameA = "ModuleDotSourceWildcard_System32" $moduleFilePathA = Join-Path $TestModulePath ($scriptModuleNameA + ".psm1") $dotSourceNameA = "DotSourceFileNoWildCard_System32" $dotSourceFilePathA = Join-Path $TestModulePath ($dotSourceNameA + ".ps1") @' function PublicDSFnA { "PublicDSFnA"; PrivateDSFnA } function PrivateDSFnA { "PrivateDSFnA" } '@ | Out-File -FilePath $dotSourceFilePathA @' . {0} function PublicFnA {{ "PublicFnA"; PublicDSFnA }} function PrivateFnA {{ "PrivateFnA"; PrivateDSFnA }} Export-ModuleMember -Function "*" '@ -f $dotSourceFilePathA | Out-File -FilePath $moduleFilePathA # Module that dot sources ps1 file that exports module functions. Parent module exports nothing. $scriptModuleNameB = "ModuleDotSourceNoExport_System32" $moduleFilePathB = Join-Path $TestModulePath ($scriptModuleNameB + ".psm1") $dotSourceNameB = "DotSourceFileWildCard_System32" $dotSourceFilePathB = Join-Path $TestModulePath ($dotSourceNameB + ".ps1") @' function PublicDSFnB { "PublicDSFnB"; PrivateDSFnB } function PrivateDSFnB { "PrivateDSFnB" } Export-ModuleMember -Function "*" '@ | Out-File -FilePath $dotSourceFilePathB @' . {0} function PublicFnB {{ "PublicFnB"; PrivateFnB }} function PrivateFnB {{ "PrivateFnB" }} '@ -f $dotSourceFilePathB | Out-File -FilePath $moduleFilePathB # Module that dot sources ps1 file and exports functions with wildcard, but has overriding manifest. $scriptModuleNameC = "ModuleDotSourceWildCardM_System32" $moduleFilePathC = Join-Path $TestModulePath ($scriptModuleNameC + ".psm1") $dotSourceNameC = "DotSourceFileNoWildCardM_System32" $dotSourceFilePathC = Join-Path $TestModulePath ($dotSourceNameC + ".ps1") $manifestFilePathC = Join-Path $TestModulePath ($scriptModuleNameC + ".psd1") @' function PublicDSFnC { "PublicDSFnC"; PrivateDSFnC } function PrivateDSFnC { "PrivateDSFnC" } '@ | Out-File -FilePath $dotSourceFilePathC @' . {0} function PublicFnC {{ "PublicFnC"; PublicDSFnC }} function PrivateFnC {{ "PrivateFnC"; PrivateDSFnC }} Export-ModuleMember -Function "*" '@ -f $dotSourceFilePathC | Out-File -FilePath $moduleFilePathC '@{{ ModuleVersion = "1.0"; RootModule = "{0}"; FunctionsToExport = @("PublicFnC","PublicDSFnC") }}' -f $moduleFilePathC | Out-File -FilePath $manifestFilePathC # Module that dot sources ps1 file while and exports functions with no wildcards. $scriptModuleNameD = "ModuleDotSourceNoWildcard_System32" $moduleFilePathD = Join-Path $TestModulePath ($scriptModuleNameD + ".psm1") $dotSourceNameD = "DotSourceFileNoWildCardD_System32" $dotSourceFilePathD = Join-Path $TestModulePath ($dotSourceNameD + ".ps1") @' function PublicDSFnD { "PublicDSFnD"; PrivateDSFnD } function PrivateDSFnD { "PrivateDSFnD" } '@ | Out-File -FilePath $dotSourceFilePathD @' . {0} function PublicFnD {{ "PublicFnD"; PublicDSFnD }} function PrivateFnD {{ "PrivateFnD"; PrivateDSFnD }} Export-ModuleMember -Function "PublicFnD","PublicDSFnD" '@ -f $dotSourceFilePathD | Out-File -FilePath $moduleFilePathD # Module that dot sources ps1 file but does not use Export-ModuleMember $scriptModuleNameE = "ModuleDotSourceNoExportE_System32" $moduleFilePathE = Join-Path $TestModulePath ($scriptModuleNameE + ".psm1") $dotSourceNameE = "DotSourceFileNoExportE_System32" $dotSourceFilePathE = Join-Path $TestModulePath ($dotSourceNameE + ".ps1") @' function PublicDSFnE { "PublicDSFnE"; PrivateDSFnE } function PrivateDSFnE { "PrivateDSFnE" } '@ | Out-File -FilePath $dotSourceFilePathE @' . {0} function PublicFnE {{ "PublicFnE"; PublicDSFnE }} function PrivateFnE {{ "PrivateFnE"; PrivateDSFnE }} '@ -f $dotSourceFilePathE | Out-File -FilePath $moduleFilePathE # Module with dot source ps1 file and nested modules that do use Export-ModuleMember $scriptModuleNameF = "ModuleDotSourceNestedExport_System32" $moduleFilePathF = Join-Path $TestModulePath ($scriptModuleNameF + ".psm1") $manifestFilePathF = Join-Path $TestModulePath ($scriptModuleNameF + ".psd1") $nestedSourceNameF = "NestedSourceWithExport_System32" $nestedSourceFilePathF = Join-Path $TestModulePath ($nestedSourceNameF + ".psm1") @' . {0} function NestedPubFnF {{ "NestedPubFnF"; PublicDSFnE }} Export-ModuleMember -Function * '@ -f $dotSourceFilePathE | Out-File -FilePath $nestedSourceFilePathF @' function PublicFnF { "PublicFnF"; NestedPubFnF } '@ | Out-File -FilePath $moduleFilePathF '@{{ ModuleVersion = "1.0"; RootModule = "{0}"; NestedModules = "{1}"; FunctionsToExport = "PublicFnF","NestedPubFnF" }}' -f $moduleFilePathF,$nestedSourceFilePathF | Out-File -FilePath $manifestFilePathF # Module with dot source ps1 file and import module and Export-ModuleMember with wildcard $scriptModuleNameG = "ModuleDotSourceImportExport_System32" $moduleFilePathG = Join-Path $TestModulePath ($scriptModuleNameG + ".psm1") $importModNameG = "ImportModWitExport_System32" $importModFilePathG = Join-Path $TestModulePath ($importModNameG + ".psm1") @' . {0} function ImportPubFnG {{ "ImportPubFnG"; PublicDSFnE }} Export-ModuleMember -Function * '@ -f $dotSourceFilePathE | Out-File $importModFilePathG @' Import-Module {0} function PublicFnG {{ "PublicFnG"; ImportPubFnG }} Export-ModuleMember -Function PublicFnG '@ -f $importModFilePathG | Out-File -FilePath $moduleFilePathG # Module with dot source and with multiple Export-ModuleMember use. $scriptModuleNameH = "ModuleDotSourceImportExportH_System32" $moduleFilePathH = Join-Path $TestModulePath ($scriptModuleNameH + ".psm1") @' . {0} function PublicFnH {{ "PublicFnH"; PrivateFnH }} function PrivateFnH {{ "PrivateFnH" }} Export-ModuleMember -Function * Export-ModuleMember -Function PublicFnH '@ -f $dotSourceFilePathE | Out-File $moduleFilePathH # Module with dot source and only class definition, and no functions exported. $scriptModuleNameI = "ModuleDotSourceClassesOnly_System32" $moduleFilePathI = Join-Path $TestModulePath ($scriptModuleNameI + ".psm1") @' class Class1 {{ static [string] GetMessage() {{ . {0}; return "Message" }} }} '@ -f $dotSourceFilePathE | Out-File $moduleFilePathI # Module manifest with dot source and only class definition, and no functions exported. $scriptManifestNameI = "ManifestDotSourceClassesOnly_System32" $moduleManifestPathI = Join-Path $TestModulePath ($scriptManifestNameI + ".psd1") "@{ ModuleVersion='1.0'; RootModule='$moduleFilePathI' }" | Out-File $moduleManifestPathI # Module with using directive $scriptModuleNameJ = "ModuleWithUsing_System32" $moduleFilePathJ = Join-Path $TestModulePath ($scriptModuleNameJ + ".psm1") @' using module {0} function PublicUsingFn {{ [Class1]::GetMessage() }} Export-ModuleMember -Function PublicUsingFn '@ -f $moduleManifestPathI | Out-File $moduleFilePathJ Write-Verbose "Test module files created" } AfterAll { Remove-Module $scriptModuleNameA -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Module $scriptModuleNameB -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Module $scriptModuleNameC -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Module $scriptModuleNameD -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Module $scriptModuleNameE -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Module $scriptModuleNameF -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Module $scriptModuleNameG -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Module $scriptModuleNameH -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Module $scriptModuleNameI -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Module $scriptModuleNameJ -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } It "Verifies that importing trusted module in system lockdown which dot sources a ps1 file while exporting all functions with wildcard throws expected error" { try { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Import-Module -Name $moduleFilePathA -Force 2> $null throw "No Exception!" } catch { $expectedError = $_ } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode } $expectedError.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -BeExactly "Modules_SystemLockDown_CannotUseDotSourceWithWildCardFunctionExport,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ImportModuleCommand" } It "Verifies that importing trusted module in system lockdown which dot sources a ps1 file that exports functions with wildcard throws expected error" { try { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Import-Module -Name $moduleFilePathB -Force 2> $null throw "No Exception!" } catch { $expectedError = $_ } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode } $expectedError.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -BeExactly "Modules_SystemLockDown_CannotUseDotSourceWithWildCardFunctionExport,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ImportModuleCommand" } It "Verifies that importing trusted module in system lockdown which dot sources a ps1 file while exporting functions with wildcard but has overriding manifest export does not throw error" { try { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" $module = Import-Module -Name $manifestFilePathC -Force -PassThru } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode } $module.ExportedCommands.Count | Should -Be 2 $module.ExportedCommands["PublicFnC"] | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty $module.ExportedCommands["PublicDSFnC"] | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } It "Verifies that importing trusted module in system lockdown which dot sources ps1 file but does not export functions with wildcard does not throw error" { try { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" $module = Import-Module -Name $moduleFilePathD -Force -PassThru } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode } $module.ExportedCommands.Count | Should -Be 2 $module.ExportedCommands["PublicFnD"] | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty $module.ExportedCommands["PublicDSFnD"] | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } It "Verifies that importing trusted module with dotsource and wildcard function export works when not in lock down mode" { $module = Import-Module -Name $moduleFilePathA -Force -PassThru $module.ExportedCommands.Count | Should -Be 4 $module.ExportedCommands["PublicFnA"] | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty $module.ExportedCommands["PrivateFnA"] | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty $module.ExportedCommands["PublicDSFnA"] | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty $module.ExportedCommands["PrivateDSFnA"] | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } It "Verifies that importing trusted module with dotsource and no function export works without error in lockdown mode" { try { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" $module = Import-Module -Name $moduleFilePathE -Force -PassThru } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode } $module.ExportedCommands.Count | Should -Be 0 } It "Verifies that dot source manifest and module with nested module works as expected in system lock down" { try { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" $module = Import-Module -Name $manifestFilePathF -Force -PassThru } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode } $module.ExportedCommands.Count | Should -Be 2 $module.ExportedCommands["PublicFnF"] | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty $module.ExportedCommands["NestedPubFnF"] | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } It "Verifies that an imported module that dot sources and exports via wilcard is detected and disallowed" { try { $expectedError = $null Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" $module = Import-Module -Name $moduleFilePathG -Force -PassThru -ErrorVariable expectedError 2> $null } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode } $expectedError[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -BeExactly "Modules_SystemLockDown_CannotUseDotSourceWithWildCardFunctionExport,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ImportModuleCommand" } It "Verifies that a module with dot source file and multiple Export-ModuleMember calls still errors with wildcard" { try { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" $module = Import-Module -Name $moduleFilePathH -Force -PassThru 2> $null throw "No Exception!" } catch { $expectedError = $_ } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode } $expectedError.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -BeExactly "Modules_SystemLockDown_CannotUseDotSourceWithWildCardFunctionExport,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ImportModuleCommand" } It "Verifies that a classes only module with dot-source and with using directive loads successfully" { try { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" $module = Import-Module -Name $moduleFilePathJ -Force -PassThru $result = PublicUsingFn } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode } $module | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty $result | Should -BeExactly "Message" } } Describe "Call operator invocation of trusted module private function" -Tags 'Feature','RequireAdminOnWindows' { BeforeAll { $scriptModuleName = "ImportTrustedManifestWithCallOperator_System32" $moduleFileName = Join-Path $TestDrive ($scriptModuleName + ".psm1") $manifestFileName = Join-Path $TestDrive ($scriptModuleName + ".psd1") @' function PublicFn { Write-Output "PublicFn" } function PrivateFn { Write-Output "PrivateFn" } '@ > $moduleFileName "@{ ModuleVersion = '1.0'; RootModule = '$moduleFileName'; FunctionsToExport = 'PublicFn' }" > $manifestFileName } AfterAll { Remove-Module ImportTrustedManifestWithCallOperator_System32 -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } It "Verifies expected error when call operator attempts to access trusted module scope function" { try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $module = Import-Module -Name $manifestFileName -Force -PassThru & $module PrivateFn throw "No Exception!" } catch { $expectedError = $_ } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode } $expectedError.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -BeExactly "CantInvokeCallOperatorAcrossLanguageBoundaries" } } Describe "Tests module table restrictions" -Tags 'Feature','RequireAdminOnWindows' { BeforeAll { # Module directory $moduleName = "Modules_" + (Get-RandomFileName) $modulePath = Join-Path $TestDrive $moduleName New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $modulePath # Parent module directory $scriptModuleName = "TrustedParentModule_System32" $scriptModulePath = Join-Path $modulePath $scriptModuleName $moduleFileName = Join-Path $scriptModulePath ($scriptModuleName + ".psm1") $manifestFileName = Join-Path $scriptModulePath ($scriptModuleName + ".psd1") New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $scriptModulePath # Import module directory $scriptModuleImportName = "TrustedImportModule_System32" $scriptModuleImportPath = Join-Path $modulePath $scriptModuleImportName $moduleImportFileName = Join-Path $scriptModuleImportPath ($scriptModuleImportName + ".psm1") New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $scriptModuleImportPath @' Import-Module -Name {0} function PublicFn {{ Write-Host "" Write-Host "PublicFn" PrivateFn1 }} '@ -f $scriptModuleImportName > $moduleFileName @' function PrivateFn1 { Write-Host "" Write-Host "PrivateFn1" Write-Host "Language mode: $($ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode)" } '@ > $moduleImportFileName "@{ ModuleVersion = '1.0'; NestedModules = '$moduleFileName'; FunctionsToExport = 'PublicFn' }" > $manifestFileName $savedPSModulePath = $env:PSModulePath $env:PSModulePath += (";" + $modulePath) } AfterAll { if ($savedPSModulePath -ne $null) { $env:PSModulePath = $savedPSModulePath } } It "Verifies that Get-Command does not expose private module function under system lock down" { $GetCommandPublicFnCmdInfo = $null $GetCommandPrivateFnCmdInfo = $null try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode # Imports both TrustedParentModule_System32 and TrustedImportModule_System32 modules Import-Module -Name $scriptModuleName -Force # Public functions should be available in the session $GetCommandPublicFnCmdInfo = Get-Command -Name "PublicFn" 2> $null # Private functions should not be available in the session # Get-Command will import the TrustedImportModule_System32 module from the PSModulePath to find PrivateFn1 # However, it should not get TrustedImportModule_System32 from the module cache because it was loaded in a # different language mode, and should instead re-load it (equivalent to Import-Module -Force) $GetCommandPrivateFnCmdInfo = Get-Command -Name "PrivateFn1" 2> $null } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode } $GetCommandPublicFnCmdInfo | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty $GetCommandPrivateFnCmdInfo | Should -BeNullOrEmpty } It "Verifies that Get-Command does not expose private function after explicitly importing nested module file under system lock down" { $ReImportPublicFnCmdInfo = $null $ReImportPrivateFnCmdInfo = $null try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode # Imports both TrustedParentModule_System32 and TrustedImportModule_System32 modules Import-Module -Name $scriptModuleName -Force # Directly import nested TrustedImportModule_System32 module. # This makes TrustedImportModule_System32 functions visible but should not use the existing loaded module # since all functions are visible, but instead should re-load the module with the correct language context, # ensuring only explictly exported functions are visible. Import-Module -Name $scriptModuleImportName # Public functions should be available in the session $ReImportPublicFnCmdInfo = Get-Command -Name "PublicFn" 2> $null # Private functions should not be available in the session $ReImportPrivateFnCmdInfo = Get-Command -Name "PrivateFn1" 2> $null } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode } $ReImportPublicFnCmdInfo | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty $ReImportPrivateFnCmdInfo | Should -BeNullOrEmpty } } Describe "Import mix of trusted and untrusted manifest and module files" -Tags 'Feature','RequireAdminOnWindows' { It "Verifies that an untrusted manifest with a trusted module will not load under system lockdown" { $manifestFileName = Join-Path $TestDrive "ImportUnTrustedManifestWithFnExport.psd1" $moduleFileName = Join-Path $TestDrive "ImportUnTrustedManifestWithFnExport_System32.psm1" @' function PublicFn { Write-Output "PublicFn" } function PrivateFn { Write-Output "PrivateFn" } '@ > $moduleFileName "@{ ModuleVersion = '1.0'; RootModule = '$moduleFileName'; FunctionsToExport = 'PublicFn','PrivateFn' }" > $manifestFileName try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode Import-Module -Name $manifestFileName -Force -ErrorAction Stop throw "No Exception!" } catch { $expectedError = $_ } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode Remove-Module ImportUnTrustedManifestWithFnExport_System32 -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $expectedError.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -BeExactly "Modules_MismatchedLanguageModes,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ImportModuleCommand" } It "Verifies that an untrusted manifest with a trusted binary module does load under system lockdown" { $modulePath = "$PSScriptRoot\Modules" New-Item -Path $modulePath -ItemType Directory -Force $manifestFileName = Join-Path $modulePath "ImportUnTrustedManifestWithBinFnExport.psd1" $moduleFileName = Join-Path $modulePath "ImportUnTrustedManifestWithBinFnExport_System32.dll" "@{ ModuleVersion = '1.0'; NestedModules = '$moduleFileName'; CmdletsToExport = 'Invoke-Hello' }" > $manifestFileName $code = @' using System; using System.Management.Automation; [Cmdlet("Invoke", "Hello")] public sealed class InvokeHello : PSCmdlet { protected override void EndProcessing() { System.Console.WriteLine("Hello!"); } } '@ try { Add-Type -TypeDefinition $code -OutputAssembly $moduleFileName -ErrorAction Ignore } catch {} try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $module = Import-Module -Name $manifestFileName -Force -PassThru } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode } $module | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty $module.ExportedCommands["Invoke-Hello"] | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty if ($module -ne $null) { Remove-Module -Name $module.Name -Force -ErrorAction Ignore } } It "Verifies that an untrusted module with nested trusted modules cannot load in a locked down system" { $manifestFileName = Join-Path $TestDrive "ImportUnTrustedManifestWithTrustedModule.psd1" $moduleFileName = Join-Path $TestDrive "ImportUnTrustedManifestWithTrustedModule_System32.psm1" @' function PublicFn { Write-Output "PublicFn" } function PrivateFn { Write-Output "PrivateFn" } '@ > $moduleFileName "@{ ModuleVersion = '1.0'; NestedModules = '$moduleFileName'; FunctionsToExport = 'PublicFn','PrivateFn' }" > $manifestFileName try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode Import-Module -Name $manifestFileName -Force -ErrorAction Stop throw "No Exception!" } catch { $expectedError = $_ } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode } $expectedError.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -BeExactly "Modules_MismatchedLanguageModes,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ImportModuleCommand" } It "Verifies that an untrusted manifest containing all trusted modules does not load under system lock down" { $moduleFileName1 = Join-Path $TestDrive "ImportUnTrustedManifestWithTrustedModules1_System32.psm1" $moduleFileName2 = Join-Path $TestDrive "ImportUnTrustedManifestWithTrustedModules2_System32.psm1" $manifestFileName = Join-Path $TestDrive "ImportUnTrustedManifestWithTrustedModules.psd1" @' function PublicFn { Write-Output "PublicFn" } function PrivateFn { Write-Output "PrivateFn" } '@ > $moduleFileName1 @' function PublicFn2 { Write-Output "PublicFn2" } '@ > $moduleFileName2 "@{ ModuleVersion = '1.0'; NestedModules = '$moduleFileName1'; RootModule = '$moduleFileName2'; FunctionsToExport = 'PublicFn','PrivateFn' }" > $manifestFileName try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode Import-Module -Name $manifestFileName -Force -ErrorAction Stop throw "No Exception!" } catch { $expectedError = $_ } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode } $expectedError.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -BeExactly "Modules_MismatchedLanguageModes,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ImportModuleCommand" } # End Describe Block } Describe "Import trusted module files in system lockdown mode" -Tags 'Feature','RequireAdminOnWindows' { function CreateModuleNames { param ( [string] $moduleName ) $script:scriptModuleName = $moduleName $script:moduleFileName = Join-Path $TestDrive ($moduleName + ".psm1") } It "Verifes that trusted module file exports no functions in system lockdown" { CreateModuleNames "ImportTrustedModuleWithNoFnExport_System32" @' function PublicFn { Write-Output "PublicFn" } function PrivateFn { Write-Output "PrivateFn" } '@ > $moduleFileName try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $module = Import-Module -Name $moduleFileName -Force -PassThru } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode Remove-Module ImportTrustedModuleWithNoFnExport_System32 -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $module.ExportedCommands.Count | Should -Be 0 } It "Verifies that trusted module file exports only exported function in system lockdown" { CreateModuleNames "ImportTrustedModuleWithFnExport_System32" @' function PublicFn { Write-Output "PublicFn" } function PrivateFn { Write-Output "PrivateFn" } Export-ModuleMember -Function PublicFn '@ > $moduleFileName try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $module = Import-Module -Name $moduleFileName -Force -PassThr } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode Remove-Module ImportTrustedModuleWithFnExport_System32 -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $module.ExportedCommands.Count | Should -Be 1 $module.ExportedCommands.Values[0].Name | Should -BeExactly "PublicFn" } It "Verifies that trusted module with wild card function export in system lockdown" { CreateModuleNames "ImportTrustedModuleWithWildcardFnExport_System32" @' function PublicFn { Write-Output "PublicFn" } function PrivateFn { Write-Output "PrivateFn" } Export-ModuleMember -Function * '@ > $moduleFileName try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $module = Import-Module -Name $moduleFileName -Force -PassThru } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode Remove-Module ImportTrustedModuleWithWildcardFnExport_System32 -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $module.ExportedCommands.Count | Should -Be 2 } } Describe "Import trusted manifest files in system lockdown mode" -Tags 'Feature','RequireAdminOnWindows' { function CreateManifestNames { param ( [string] $moduleName, [switch] $twoModules, [switch] $noExtension, [switch] $dotSourceModule ) $script:scriptModuleName = $moduleName $script:moduleFileName = Join-Path $TestDrive ($moduleName + ".psm1") $script:manifestFileName = Join-Path $TestDrive ($moduleName + ".psd1") if ($twoModules) { $script:moduleFileName2 = Join-Path $TestDrive ($moduleName + "2.psm1") } if ($noExtension) { $script:moduleFileNameNoExt = Join-Path $TestDrive $scriptModuleName } if ($dotSourceModule) { $script:dotmoduleFileName = Join-Path $TestDrive ($moduleName + "Dot" + ".ps1") } } It "Verifies that trusted manifest exports no functions by default in lock down mode" { CreateManifestNames "ImportTrustedManifestWithNoFnExport_System32" @' function PublicFn { Write-Output "PublicFn" } function PrivateFn { Write-Output "PrivateFn" } '@ > $moduleFileName "@{ ModuleVersion = '1.0'; RootModule = '$moduleFileName' }" > $manifestFileName try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $module = Import-Module -Name $manifestFileName -Force -PassThru } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode Remove-Module ImportTrustedManifestWithNoFnExport_System32 -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $module.ExportedCommands.Count | Should -Be 0 } It "Verifies that trusted manifest exports no functions through wildcard in lock down mode" { CreateManifestNames "ImportTrustedManifestWithWildcardFnExport1_System32" @' function PublicFn { Write-Output "PublicFn" } function PrivateFn { Write-Output "PrivateFn" } '@ > $moduleFileName "@{ ModuleVersion = '1.0'; RootModule = '$moduleFileName'; FunctionsToExport = '*' }" > $manifestFileName try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $module = Import-Module -Name $manifestFileName -Force -PassThru } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode Remove-Module ImportTrustedManifestWithWildcardFnExport1_System32 -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $module.ExportedCommands.Count | Should -Be 0 } It "Verifies that trusted manifest exports no functions through name wildcard in lock down mode" { CreateManifestNames "ImportTrustedManifestWithWildcardNameFnExport_System32" @' function PublicFn { Write-Output "PublicFn" } function PrivateFn { Write-Output "PrivateFn" } '@ > $moduleFileName "@{ ModuleVersion = '1.0'; RootModule = '$moduleFileName'; FunctionsToExport = '*Fn*' }" > $manifestFileName try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $module = Import-Module -Name $manifestFileName -Force -PassThru } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode Remove-Module ImportTrustedManifestWithWildcardNameFnExport_System32 -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $module.ExportedCommands.Count | Should -Be 0 } It "Verifies that trusted manifest exports a single module function and ignores wildcard in lock down mode" { CreateManifestNames "ImportTrustedManifestWithWildcardModFnExport_System32" @' function PublicFn { Write-Output "PublicFn" } function PrivateFn { Write-Output "PrivateFn" } Export-ModuleMember -Function "PublicFn" '@ > $moduleFileName "@{ ModuleVersion = '1.0'; RootModule = '$moduleFileName'; FunctionsToExport = '*' }" > $manifestFileName try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $module = Import-Module -Name $manifestFileName -Force -PassThru } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode Remove-Module ImportTrustedManifestWithWildcardModFnExport_System32 -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $module.ExportedCommands.Count | Should -Be 1 $module.ExportedCommands.Values[0].Name | Should -BeExactly "PublicFn" } It "Verifies that trusted manifest exports no functions through the cmdlets export keyword" { CreateManifestNames "ImportTrustedManifestWithCmdletExport_System32" @' function PublicFn { Write-Output "PublicFn" } function PrivateFn { Write-Output "PrivateFn" } '@ > $moduleFileName "@{ ModuleVersion = '1.0'; RootModule = '$moduleFileName'; CmdletsToExport = '*' }" > $manifestFileName try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $module = Import-Module -Name $manifestFileName -Force -PassThru } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode Remove-Module ImportTrustedManifestWithCmdletExport_System32 -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $module.ExportedCommands.Count | Should -Be 0 } It "Verifies that trusted manifest with wildcard exports a single function from two modules" { CreateManifestNames "ImportTrustedManifestWithTwoMods_System32" -TwoModules @' function PublicFn { Write-Output "PublicFn" } function PrivateFn { Write-Output "PrivateFn" } Export-ModuleMember -Function PublicFn '@ > $moduleFileName @' function PrivateFn3 { Write-Output "PublicFn" } function PrivateFn4 { Write-Output "PrivateFn" } '@ > $moduleFileName2 "@{ ModuleVersion = '1.0'; RootModule = '$moduleFileName'; NestedModules = '$moduleFileName2'; FunctionsToExport = '*' }" > $manifestFileName try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $module = Import-Module -Name $manifestFileName -Force -PassThru } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode Remove-Module ImportTrustedManifestWithTwoMods_System32 -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $module.ExportedCommands.Count | Should -Be 1 $module.ExportedCommands.Values[0].Name | Should -BeExactly "PublicFn" } It "Verifies that trusted manifest explicitly exports a single function" { CreateManifestNames "ImportTrustedManifestWithExportFn_System32" @' function PublicFn { Write-Output "PublicFn" } function PrivateFn { Write-Output "PrivateFn" } '@ > $moduleFileName "@{ ModuleVersion = '1.0'; RootModule = '$moduleFileName'; FunctionsToExport = 'PublicFn' }" > $manifestFileName try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $module = Import-Module -Name $manifestFileName -Force -PassThru } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode Remove-Module ImportTrustedManifestWithExportFn_System32 -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $module.ExportedCommands.Count | Should -Be 1 $module.ExportedCommands.Values[0].Name | Should -BeExactly "PublicFn" } It "Verifies that trusted manifest with nested modules exports explicit function" { CreateManifestNames "ImportTrustedManifestWithNestedModsAndFnExport_System32" @' function PublicFn { Write-Output "PublicFn" } function PrivateFn { Write-Output "PrivateFn" } '@ > $moduleFileName "@{ ModuleVersion = '1.0'; NestedModules = '$moduleFileName'; FunctionsToExport = 'PublicFn' }" > $manifestFileName try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $module = Import-Module -Name $manifestFileName -Force -PassThru } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode Remove-Module ImportTrustedManifestWithNestedModsAndFnExport_System32 -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $module.ExportedCommands.Count | Should -Be 1 $module.ExportedCommands.Values[0].Name | Should -BeExactly "PublicFn" } It "Verifies that trusted manifest with nested modules exports no functions by default" { CreateManifestNames "ImportTrustedManifestWithNestedModsAndNoFnExport_System32" @' function PublicFn { Write-Output "PublicFn" } function PrivateFn { Write-Output "PrivateFn" } '@ > $moduleFileName "@{ ModuleVersion = '1.0'; NestedModules = '$moduleFileName' }" > $manifestFileName try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $module = Import-Module -Name $manifestFileName -Force -PassThru } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode Remove-Module ImportTrustedManifestWithNestedModsAndNoFnExport_System32 -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $module.ExportedCommands.Count | Should -Be 0 } It "Verifies that trusted manifest with nested modules and no extension module exports explicit function" { CreateManifestNames "ImportTrustedManifestWithNestedModsAndNoExtNoFnExport_System32" -NoExtension @' function PublicFn { Write-Output "PublicFn" } function PrivateFn { Write-Output "PrivateFn" } '@ > $moduleFileName "@{ ModuleVersion = '1.0'; NestedModules = '$moduleFileNameNoExt'; FunctionsToExport = 'PublicFn' }" > $manifestFileName try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $module = Import-Module -Name $manifestFileName -Force -PassThru } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode Remove-Module ImportTrustedManifestWithNestedModsAndNoExtNoFnExport_System32 -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $module.ExportedCommands.Count | Should -Be 1 $module.ExportedCommands.Values[0].Name | Should -BeExactly "PublicFn" } It "Verifies that trusted manifest with dot source module file respects lock down mode" { CreateManifestNames "ImportTrustedManifestWithDotSourceModAndFnExport_System32" -DotSourceModule @' function PublicFn { Write-Output "PublicFn" } function PrivateFn { Write-Output "PrivateFn" } '@ > $dotmoduleFileName @' . {0} function PrivateFn1 {{ Write-Output "PrivateFn1" }} function PrivateFn2 {{ Write-Output "PrivateFn2" }} '@ -f $dotmoduleFileName > $moduleFileName "@{ ModuleVersion = '1.0'; NestedModules = '$moduleFileName'; FunctionsToExport = 'PublicFn' }" > $manifestFileName try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $module = Import-Module -Name $manifestFileName -Force -PassThru } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode Remove-Module ImportTrustedManifestWithDotSourceModAndFnExport_System32 -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $module.ExportedCommands.Count | Should -Be 1 $module.ExportedCommands.Values[0].Name | Should -BeExactly "PublicFn" } } Describe "Untrusted manifest and module files import in lock down mode" -Tags 'Feature','RequireAdminOnWindows' { function CreateManifestNames { param ( [string] $moduleName ) $script:scriptModuleName = $moduleName $script:moduleFileName = Join-Path $TestDrive ($moduleName + ".psm1") $script:manifestFileName = Join-Path $TestDrive ($moduleName + ".psd1") } It "Verifies that importing untrusted manifest in lock down mode exports all functions by default" { CreateManifestNames "ImportUntrustedManifestWithNoFnExport" @' function PublicFn { Write-Output "PublicFn" } function PrivateFn { Write-Output "PrivateFn" } '@ > $moduleFileName "@{ ModuleVersion = '1.0'; RootModule = '$moduleFileName' }" > $manifestFileName try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $module = Import-Module -Name $manifestFileName -Force -PassThru } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode Remove-Module ImportUntrustedManifestWithNoFnExport -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $module.ExportedCommands.Count | Should -Be 2 } It "Verifies that importing untrusted manifest in lock down mode exports explicit function" { CreateManifestNames "ImportUntrustedManifestWithFnExport" @' function PublicFn { Write-Output "PublicFn" } function PrivateFn { Write-Output "PrivateFn" } '@ > $moduleFileName "@{ ModuleVersion = '1.0'; RootModule = '$moduleFileName'; FunctionsToExport = 'PrivateFn' }" > $manifestFileName try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $module = Import-Module -Name $manifestFileName -Force -PassThru } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode Remove-Module ImportUntrustedManifestWithFnExport -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $module.ExportedCommands.Count | Should -Be 1 $module.ExportedCommands.Values[0].Name | Should -BeExactly 'PrivateFn' } It "Verifies that importing untrusted module file in lock down mode exports all functions by default" { CreateManifestNames "ImportUnTrustedModuleWithNoFnExport" @' function PublicFn { Write-Output "PublicFn" } function PrivateFn { Write-Output "PrivateFn" } '@ > $moduleFileName try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $module = Import-Module -Name $moduleFileName -Force -PassThru } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode Remove-Module ImportUnTrustedModuleWithNoFnExport -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $module.ExportedCommands.Count | Should -Be 2 } It "Verifies that importing untrusted module file in lock down mode exports explicit function" { CreateManifestNames "ImportUnTrustedModuleWithFnExport" @' function PublicFn { Write-Output "PublicFn" } function PrivateFn { Write-Output "PrivateFn" } Export-ModuleMember -Function PublicFn '@ > $moduleFileName try { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $module = Import-Module -Name $moduleFileName -Force -PassThru } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode Remove-Module ImportUnTrustedModuleWithFnExport -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $module.ExportedCommands.Count | Should -Be 1 $module.ExportedCommands.Values[0].Name | Should -BeExactly 'PublicFn' } } Describe "Export-ModuleMember should succeed in FullLanguage mode with scriptblock created without context" -Tag 'Feature' { BeforeAll { $typeDef = @' using System; using System.Management.Automation; using System.Management.Automation.Runspaces; public class TestScriptBlockCreate { private ScriptBlock _scriptBlock; public ScriptBlock CreateScriptBlock() { var thread = new System.Threading.Thread(ThreadProc); thread.Start(null); thread.Join(); return _scriptBlock; } private void ThreadProc(object state) { // Create script block on thread with no PowerShell context _scriptBlock = ScriptBlock.Create(@"function Do-Nothing {}; Export-ModuleMember -Function Do-Nothing"); } } '@ try { Add-Type -TypeDefinition $typeDef } catch { } } It "Verfies that Export-ModuleMember does not throw error with context-less scriptblock" { $scriptBlockCreator = [TestScriptBlockCreate]::new() $testScriptBlock = $scriptBlockCreator.CreateScriptBlock() $testScriptBlock | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty { New-Module -ScriptBlock $testScriptBlock -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Not -Throw -Because "Scriptblock without execution context is allowed in Full Language" } } Describe "New-Module should not create module from trusted scriptblock when running in ConstrainedLanguage context" -Tags 'Feature','RequireAdminOnWindows' { BeforeAll { $script = @' function ScriptFn { Write-Output $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode } '@ $scriptFileNameT = "NewModuleTrustedScriptBlock_System32" $scriptFilePathT = Join-Path $TestDrive ($scriptFileNameT + ".ps1") $script | Out-File -FilePath $scriptFilePathT $scriptFileNameU = "NewModuleUntrustedScriptBlock" $scriptFilePathU = Join-Path $TestDrive ($scriptFileNameU + ".ps1") $script | Out-File -FilePath $scriptFilePathU } It "New-Module throws error when creating module with trusted scriptblock in ConstrainedLanguage" { $expectedError = $null try { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" # Get scriptblock from trusted script file $sb = (Get-Command $scriptFilePathT).ScriptBlock # Create new module from trusted scriptblock while in ConstrainedLanguage try { New-Module -Name TrustedScriptFoo -ScriptBlock $sb throw "No Exception!" } catch { $expectedError = $_ } } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode } $expectedError.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should -BeExactly "Modules_CannotCreateModuleWithFullLanguageScriptBlock,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewModuleCommand" } It "New-Module succeeds in creating module with untrusted scriptblock in ConstrainedLanguage" { $result = $null try { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -SetLockdownMode $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = "ConstrainedLanguage" # Get scriptblock from untrusted script file $sb = (Get-Command $scriptFilePathU).ScriptBlock # Create and import module from scriptblock $m = New-Module -Name UntrustedScriptFoo -ScriptBlock $sb Import-Module -ModuleInfo $m -Force $result = ScriptFn } finally { Invoke-LanguageModeTestingSupportCmdlet -RevertLockdownMode -EnableFullLanguageMode Remove-Module UntrustedScriptFoo -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $result | Should -BeExactly "ConstrainedLanguage" } } } finally { if ($defaultParamValues -ne $null) { $Global:PSDefaultParameterValues = $defaultParamValues } }