# # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # ------------------ PackageManagement Test ---------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Actual Tests: $source = "http://www.nuget.org/api/v2/" $sourceWithoutSlash = "http://www.nuget.org/api/v2" $fwlink = "http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=623861&clcid=0x409" $longName = "THISISOVER255CHARACTERSTHISISOVER255CHARACTERSTHISISOVER255CHARACTERSTHISISOVER255CHARACTERSTHISISOVER255CHARACTERSTHISISOVER255CHARACTERSTHISISOVER255CHARACTERSTHISISOVER255CHARACTERSTHISISOVER255CHARACTERSTHISISOVER255CHARACTERSTHISISOVER255CHARACTERSTHISISOVER255CHARACTERS"; $workingMaximumVersions = {"2.0", "2.5", "3.0"}; $packageNames = @("Azurecontrib", "AWSSDK", "TestLib"); $minimumVersions = @("1.0", "1.3", "1.5"); $maximumVersions = @("1.8", "2.1", "2.3"); $dtlgallery = "https://dtlgalleryint.cloudapp.net/api/v2/" $providerName ="Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell" $vstsFeed = "https://powershellgettest.pkgs.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/_packaging/psgettestfeed/nuget/v2" $vstsFeedWithSlash = "https://powershellgettest.pkgs.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/_packaging/psgettestfeed/nuget/v2/" #$proxyPath = "$env:tmp\ProxyConsoleProgram\Microsoft.HttpForwarder.Console.exe" $password = ConvertTo-SecureString "4bwvgxrbzvlxc7xgv22eehlix3enmrdwblrxkirnrc3uak23naoa" -AsPlainText -Force $vstsCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential "quoct", $password $pkgSources = @("NUGETTEST101", "NUGETTEST202", "NUGETTEST303"); $nuget = "nuget" # returns true if the test for the current nuget version should be skipped or not # Example: if we want to skip test for any nuget version below, we will use # SkipVersion -maxVersion function SkipVersion([version]$minVersion,[version]$maxVersion) { # if min version is not null and the current nuget version is less than that, then no skip if ($minVersion -ne $null -and $nugetVersion -lt $minVersion) { return $false } if ($maxVersion -ne $null -and $nugetVersion -gt $maxVersion) { return $false } return $true } Describe "Find, Get, Save, and Install-Package with Culture" -Tags @('BVT', 'DRT'){ <# (get-packageprovider -name "OneGetTest" -list).name | should match "OneGetTest" $x = PowerShell '(Import-PackageProvider -name OneGetTest -RequiredVersion 9.9 -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -force ).Name' $x | should match "OneGetTest" #> it "EXPECTED: Find a package should not show Culture" -Skip { $packages = Find-Package -ProviderName OneGetTest -DisplayCulture $packages.Culture | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $packages.Name | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } it "EXPECTED: Find a package with a DisplayCulture" -Skip { $packages = Find-Package -DisplayCulture $packages.Culture | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $packages.Name | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } it "EXPECTED: Get a package should not show Culture" -Skip { $packages = Get-Package -DisplayCulture -ProviderName OneGetTest $packages.Culture | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $packages.Name | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } it "EXPECTED: Install a package with a DisplayCulture" -Skip { $packages = install-Package -ProviderName OneGetTest -name jquery -force -DisplayCulture $packages.Culture | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $packages.Name | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } it "EXPECTED: Save a package with a DisplayCulture" -Skip { $packages = save-Package -ProviderName OneGetTest -name jquery -DisplayCulture -path $destination $packages.Culture | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $packages.Name | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } } Describe "Event Test" -Tags @('BVT', 'DRT') { it "EXPECTED: install a package should raise event" -Skip:(-not $IsWindows) { Install-Package EntityFramework -ProviderName nuget -requiredVersion 6.1.3 -Destination $TestDrive -source 'http://www.nuget.org/api/v2/' -force $retryCount= 5 while($retryCount -gt 0) { $events = @(Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{ ProviderName = $providerName; Id = 4101 } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) try { if($events) { $events[0].Message | Should Match "Package=EntityFramework" break } } catch { } $retryCount-- Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500 } if($events) { $event= $events[0] $event.ProviderName | Should Match "Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell" $event.Id | Should Match 4101 $event.Message | Should Match "Installed" $event.Message | Should Match "Package=EntityFramework" $event.Message | Should Match "Version=6.1.3" $event.Message | Should Match "Provider=NuGet" $event.Message | Should Match "Source=http://www.nuget.org/api/v2/" #$event.Message | Should Match ([regex]::Escape("DestinationPath=$env:tmp")) } else { # this will fail the test $events | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } } it "EXPECTED: install a package should report destination" -Skip { Import-PackageProvider OneGetTest -Force Install-Package Bla -ProviderName OneGetTest -Force $retryCount= 5 while($retryCount -gt 0) { $events = @(Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{ ProviderName = $providerName; Id = 4101 } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) try { if($events) { $events[0].Message | Should Match "Package=11160201-1500_amd64fre_ServerDatacenterCore_en-us.wim" break } } catch { } $retryCount-- Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500 } if($events) { $event= $events[0] $event.ProviderName | Should Match "Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell" $event.Id | Should Match 4101 $event.Message | Should Match "Installed" $event.Message | Should Match "Package=11160201-1500_amd64fre_ServerDatacenterCore_en-us.wim" $event.Message | Should Match "Version=" $event.Message | Should Match "Provider=OneGetTest" $event.Message | Should Match "Source=from a funland" $fullPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($env:tmp) $event.Message | Should Match ([regex]::Escape("DestinationPath=$fullPath\Test")) } else { # this will fail the test $events | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } } it "EXPECTED: uninstall a package should raise event" -Skip:(-not $IsWindows) { Install-Package EntityFramework -ProviderName nuget -requiredVersion 6.1.3 -Destination $TestDrive -source 'http://www.nuget.org/api/v2/' -force UnInstall-Package EntityFramework -ProviderName nuget -Destination $TestDrive $retryCount= 5 while($retryCount -gt 0) { $events = @(Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{ ProviderName = $providerName; Id = 4102 } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) try { if($events) { $events[0].Message | Should Match "Package=EntityFramework" break } } catch { } $retryCount-- Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500 } if($events) { $event= $events[0] $event.ProviderName | Should Match "Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell" $event.Id | Should Match 4102 $event.Message | Should Match "Uninstalled" $event.Message | Should Match "Package=EntityFramework" $event.Message | Should Match "Version=6.1.3" $event.Message | Should Match "Provider=NuGet" $event.Message | Should Match "EntityFramework.6.1.3.nupkg" } else { # this will fail the test $events | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } } it "EXPECTED: save a package should raise event" -Skip:(-not $IsWindows) { save-Package EntityFramework -ProviderName nuget -path $TestDrive -requiredVersion 6.1.3 -source 'http://www.nuget.org/api/v2/' -force $retryCount= 5 while($retryCount -gt 0) { $events = @(Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{ ProviderName = $providerName; Id = 4103} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) try { if($events) { $events[0].Message | Should Match "Package=EntityFramework" break } } catch { } $retryCount-- Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500 } if($events) { $event= $events[0] $event.ProviderName | Should Match "Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell" $event.Id | Should Match 4103 $event.Message | Should Match "Downloaded" $event.Message | Should Match "Package=EntityFramework" $event.Message | Should Match "Version=6.1.3" $event.Message | Should Match "Provider=NuGet" $event.Message | Should Match "Source=http://www.nuget.org/api/v2/" # $event.Message | should Match ([regex]::Escape("DestinationPath=$env:tmp")) } else { # this will fail the test $events | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } } } Describe "Find-Package" -Tags @('BVT', 'DRT'){ it "EXPECTED: Find a package with a location created via new-psdrive" -Skip:(-not $IsWindows) { $Error.Clear() New-PSDrive -Name xx -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $TestDrive -warningaction:silentlycontinue -ea silentlycontinue > $null; find-package -name "fooobarrr" -provider nuget -source xx:\ -warningaction:silentlycontinue -ea silentlycontinue $ERROR[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | should Not Be "SourceNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.FindPackage" $ERROR[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "NoMatchFoundForCriteria,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.FindPackage" } It "EXPECTED: Finds 'Zlib' Package" { $version = "" $expectedDependencies = @("zlib.v120.windesktop.msvcstl.dyn.rt-dyn/[]", "zlib.v140.windesktop.msvcstl.dyn.rt-dyn/[]") $zlib = find-package -name "zlib" -provider $nuget -source $source -RequiredVersion $version -forcebootstrap $zlib.name | should match "zlib" $zlib.Dependencies.Count | should be 2 $zlib.Meta.Attributes["packageSize"] | should match "2742" [long]$zlib.Meta.Attributes["versionDownloadCount"] -ge 4961 | should be $true $zlib.Meta.Attributes["requireLicenseAcceptance"] | should match "False" $zlib.TagId | should match "zlib#" foreach ($dep in $zlib.Dependencies) { $match = $false foreach ($expectedDependency in $expectedDependencies) { if ($dep.EndsWith($expectedDependency)) { $match = $true break } } $match | should be $true } } It "EXPECTED: Finds 100 packages should throw error" { $packages = Find-Package -Provider $nuget -Source $source | Select -First 100 (Find-Package -ProviderName $nuget -Source $source -Name $packages.Name -ErrorAction silentlycontinue) | should throw } It "EXPECTED: Finds 128 packages should throw error" { $packages = Find-Package -Provider $nuget -Source $source | Select -First 127 (Find-Package -ProviderName $nuget -Source $source -Name $packages.Name -ErrorAction silentlycontinue) | should throw } It "EXPECTED: Finds 'TestPackage' Package using fwlink" { (find-package -name "TestPackage" -provider $nuget -source $fwlink -forcebootstrap).name | should match "TestPackage" } It "EXPECTED: Finds work with dependencies loop" -Skip { (find-package -name "ModuleWithDependenciesLoop" -provider $nuget -source "$dependenciesSource\SimpleDependenciesLoop").name | should match "ModuleWithDependenciesLoop" } It "EXPECTED: Finds 'Zlib' Package with -IncludeDependencies" { $version = "" $packages = Find-Package -Name "zlib" -ProviderName $nuget -Source $source -RequiredVersion $version -ForceBootstrap -IncludeDependencies $packages.Count | should match 3 $expectedPackages = @("zlib", "zlib.v120.windesktop.msvcstl.dyn.rt-dyn", "zlib.v140.windesktop.msvcstl.dyn.rt-dyn") foreach ($expectedPackage in $expectedPackages) { $match = $false foreach ($package in $packages) { # All the packages have the same version for zlib if ($package.Name -match $expectedPackage -and $package.Version -match $version) { $match = $true break } } $match | should be $true } } It "EXPECTED: Finds package with Credential" { $credPackage = Find-Package Contoso -Credential $vstsCredential -Source $vstsFeed -ProviderName $Nuget $credPackage.Count | should be 1 $credPackage.Name | should match "Contoso" # find all packages should not error out $packages = Find-Package -Credential $vstsCredential -Source $vstsFeed -ProviderName $Nuget # should have at least 40 packages $packages.Count -ge 40 | should be $true } It "EXPECTED: Cannot find unlisted package" { find-package -provider $nuget -source $dtlgallery -name hellops -erroraction silentlycontinue $Error[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "NoMatchFoundForCriteria,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.FindPackage" } It "EXPECTED: Cannot find unlisted package with all versions parameter" { $packages = find-package -name gistprovider -provider $nuget -source $dtlgallery -AllVersions # we should still be able to find at least 2 listed package $packages.Count -gt 1 | should be $true # this version is unlisted $packages.Version.Contains("0.6") | should be $false # this version is listed $packages.Version.Contains("1.2") | should be $true } It "EXPECTED: Cannot find unlisted package with all versions and maximum versions" { $packages = find-package -name gistprovider -provider $nuget -source $dtlgallery -AllVersions -MaximumVersion 1.3 # we should still be able to find 2 listed package (which is version 1.2 and 1.3) $packages.Count -eq 2 | should be $true # this version is unlisted $packages.Version.Contains("0.6") | should be $false # this version is listed $packages.Version.Contains("1.2") | should be $true } It "EXPECTED: Cannot find unlisted package with all versions and minimum versions" { $packages = find-package -name gistprovider -provider $nuget -source $dtlgallery -AllVersions -MinimumVersion 0.5 # we should still be able to find at least 2 listed package (which is version 1.2 and 1.3) $packages.Count -gt 2 | should be $true # this version is unlisted $packages.Version.Contains("0.6") | should be $false # this version is listed $packages.Version.Contains("1.2") | should be $true } It "EXPECTED: Finds unlisted package with required version" { (find-package -name hellops -provider $nuget -source $dtlgallery -requiredversion 0.1.0).Name | should match "HellOps" } It "EXPECTED: Cannot find unlisted package with maximum versions" { # error out because all the versions below 0.6 are unlisted find-package -provider $nuget -source $dtlgallery -name gistprovider -maximumversion 0.6 -erroraction silentlycontinue $Error[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "NoMatchFoundForCriteria,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.FindPackage" } It "EXPECTED: Cannot find unlisted package with minimum versions" { $packages = find-package -name gistprovider -provider $nuget -source $dtlgallery -AllVersions -MinimumVersion 0.5 # we should still be able to find at least 2 listed package (which is version 1.2 and 1.3) $packages.Count -gt 2 | should be $true # this version is unlisted $packages.Version.Contains("0.6") | should be $false # this version is listed $packages.Version.Contains("1.2") | should be $true } It "EXPECTED: Finds 'awssdk' package which has more than 200 versions" { (find-package -name "awssdk" -provider $nuget -source $source -forcebootstrap -AllVersions).Count -gt 200 | should be $true # Uncomment this once publish the new version of nuget $awssdk = Find-Package -Name "awssdk" -Provider $nuget -source $source -forcebootstrap -RequiredVersion 2.3.53 [long]$awssdk.Meta.Attributes["downloadCount"] -ge 1023357 | should be $true $awssdk.Meta.Attributes["updated"] | should match "2015-12-15T17:46:22Z" $awssdk.TagId | should match "AWSSDK#" } It "EXPECTED: Finds A Combination Of Packages With Various Versions" { foreach ($x in $packageNames) { foreach ($y in $minimumVersions) { foreach ($z in $maximumVersions) { (find-package -name $x -source $source -provider $nuget -minimumversion $y -maximumversion $z).name | should be $x } } } } It "EXPECTED: Finds 'Zlib' Package After Piping The Provider" { (get-packageprovider -name $nuget | find-package -name zlib -source $source ).name | should be "zlib" } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Find Package Due To Too Long Of Name" { (find-package -name $longName -provider $nuget -source $source -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Find Package Due To Invalid Name" { (find-package -name "1THIS_3SHOULD_5NEVER_7BE_9FOUND_11EVER" -provider $nuget -source $source -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Find Package Due To Negative Maximum Version Parameter" { (find-package -name "zlib" -provider $nuget -source $source -maximumversion "-1.5" -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Find Package Due To Negative Minimum Version Parameter" { (find-package -name "zlib" -provider $nuget -source $source -minimumversion "-1.5" -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Find Package Due To Negative Required Version Parameter" { (find-package -name "zlib" -provider $nuget -source $source -requiredversion "-1.5" -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Find Package Due To Out Of Bounds Required Version Parameter" { (find-package -name "zlib" -provider $nuget -source $source -minimumversion "1.0" -maximumversion "1.5" -requiredversion "2.0" -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Find Package Due To Minimum Version Parameter Greater Than Maximum Version Parameter" { (find-package -name "zlib" -provider $nuget -source $source -minimumversion "1.5" -maximumversion "1.0" -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- Find-Package with wrong source should not error out about dynamic parameter" { find-package -source WrongSource -name zlib -erroraction silentlycontinue -Contains PackageManagement $Error[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "SourceNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.FindPackage" } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- Find-Package with wrong source and wrong dynamic parameter" { find-package -source WrongSource -name zlib -erroraction silentlycontinue -WrongDynamicParameter PackageManagement $Error[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "SourceNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.FindPackage" } } Describe Save-Package -Tags @('BVT', 'DRT'){ # make sure packagemanagement is loaded $destination = $TestDrive It "EXPECTED success: save-package path should be created with -force " { $dest = "$destination\NeverEverExists" $package = save-package -name TSDProvider -path $dest -source $dtlgallery -provider $nuget -force $package.Name | should be "TSDProvider" (test-path "$dest\TSDProvider*") | should be $true if (test-path "$dest\TSDProvider*") { rm $dest\TSDProvider* -force } if (test-path "$dest") { rm $dest -force } } It "EXPECTED success: save-package -LiteralPath" { $package = save-package -LiteralPath $destination -ProviderName nuget -Source $dtlgallery -name TSDProvider $package.Name | should be "TSDProvider" (test-path "$destination\TSDProvider*") | should be $true if (test-path "$destination\TSDProvider*") { rm $destination\TSDProvider* -force } } It "EXPECTED success: save-package -LiteralPath" { $dest = "$destination\NeverEverExists" $package = save-package -LiteralPath $dest -ProviderName nuget -Source $dtlgallery -name TSDProvider -force $package.Name | should be "TSDProvider" (test-path "$dest\TSDProvider*") | should be $true if (test-path "$dest\TSDProvider*") { rm $dest\TSDProvider* -force } if (test-path "$dest") { rm $dest -force } } It "EXPECTED success: find-package and save-package" { $package = find-package -name TSDProvider -provider $nuget -source $dtlgallery | save-package -path $destination $package.Name | should be "TSDProvider" (test-path "$destination\TSDProvider*") | should be $true if (test-path "$destination\TSDProvider*") { rm $destination\TSDProvider* -force } } It "save-package -name with wildcards, Expect error" { $Error.Clear() $package = save-package -path $destination -name DOESNOTEXIST* -warningaction:silentlycontinue -ErrorVariable wildcardError -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $wildcardError.FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "WildCardCharsAreNotSupported,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.SavePackage" } it "EXPECTED: Saves 'Zlib' Package To Packages Directory" { $version = "" $expectedPackages = @("zlib", "zlib.v120.windesktop.msvcstl.dyn.rt-dyn", "zlib.v140.windesktop.msvcstl.dyn.rt-dyn") $newDestination = Join-Path $TestDrive "nugetinstallation" try { $packages = Save-Package -Name "zlib" -ProviderName $nuget -Source $source -RequiredVersion $version -ForceBootstrap -Path $destination $packages.Count | should match 3 foreach ($expectedPackage in $expectedPackages) { #each of the expected package should be there Test-Path "$destination\$expectedPackage*" | should be $true $match = $false foreach ($package in $packages) { # All the packages have the same version for zlib if ($package.Name -match $expectedPackage -and $package.Version -match $version) { $match = $true break } } $match | should be $true } mkdir $newDestination # make sure we can install the package. To do this, we need to save the dependencies first (save-package -name "zlib.v120.windesktop.msvcstl.dyn.rt-dyn" -RequiredVersion $version -provider $nuget -source $source -path $destination) (save-package -name "zlib.v140.windesktop.msvcstl.dyn.rt-dyn" -RequiredVersion $version -provider $nuget -source $source -path $destination) (install-package -name "zlib" -provider $nuget -source $destination -destination $newDestination -force -RequiredVersion $version) (test-path "$newDestination\zlib.1.2*") | should be $true # Test that we have the nupkg file (test-path "$newDestination\zlib.1.2*\zlib*.nupkg") | should be $true # Test that dependencies are installed (test-path "$newDestination\zlib.v120*") | should be $true (test-path "$newDestination\zlib.v120*\zlib.v120*.nupkg") | should be $true (test-path "$newDestination\zlib.v140*") | should be $true (test-path "$newDestination\zlib.v140*\zlib.v140*.nupkg") | should be $true } finally { if (Test-Path $newDestination) { Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $newDestination } if (Test-Path $destination\zlib*) { rm $destination\zlib* } } } it "EXPECTED: Saves 'Zlib' Package to Packages Directory and install it without dependencies" { $version = "" $newDestination = "$TestDrive\newdestination\nugetinstallation" try { (save-package -name "zlib" -provider $nuget -source $source -Path $destination -RequiredVersion $version) (test-path $destination\zlib*) | should be $true remove-item $destination\zlib.v1* -force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Error.Clear() install-package -name zlib -provider $nuget -source $destination -destination $newDestination -force -RequiredVersion $version -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Error[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | should match "UnableToFindDependencyPackage,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.InstallPackage" (Test-Path "$newDestination\zlib*") | should be $false } finally { if (Test-Path $newDestination) { Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $newDestination } if (Test-Path $destination\zlib*) { rm $destination\zlib* } } } It "EXPECTED: Saves work with dependencies loop" -Skip { try { $msg = powershell "save-package -name ModuleWithDependenciesLoop -provider $nuget -source `"$dependenciesSource\SimpleDependenciesLoop`" -path $destination -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue; `$Error[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId" $msg | should match "ProviderFailToDownloadFile,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.SavePackage" (Test-Path $destination\ModuleWithDependenciesLoop*) | should be $false } finally { if (Test-Path $destination\ModuleWithDependenciesLoop*) { rm $destination\ModuleWithDependenciesLoop* } } } It "EXPECTED: Saves 'TestPackage' Package using fwlink" { try { (save-package -name "TestPackage" -provider $nuget -source $fwlink -Path $Destination) (Test-Path $destination\TestPackage*) | should be $true } finally { if (Test-Path $destination\TestPackage*) { rm $destination\TestPackage* } } } It "EXPECTED: Saves 'awssdk' package which has more than 200 versions" { (save-package -name "awssdk" -provider $nuget -source $source -Path $destination) (test-path $destination\awssdk*) | should be $true if (Test-Path $destination\awssdk*) { rm $destination\awssdk* } } It "EXPECTED: Saves package with Credential" -Pending { #TODO: Need to fix this. Already opened an issue on GitHub Save-Package Contoso -Credential $vstsCredential -Source $vstsFeed -ProviderName $Nuget -Path $destination (Test-Path $destination\contoso*) | should be $true if (Test-Path $destination\contoso*) { rm $destination\contoso* } } it "EXPECTED: Saves Various Packages With Various Version Parameters To Packages Directory" { foreach ($x in $packageNames) { foreach ($y in $minimumVersions) { foreach ($z in $maximumVersions) { save-package -name $x -source $source -provider $nuget -minimumversion $y -maximumversion $z -Path $destination (Test-Path -Path $destination\$x*) | should be $true if (Test-Path -Path $destination\$x*) { rm $destination\$x* } } } } } It "EXPECTED: Saves 'Zlib' Package After Having The Provider Piped" { (find-package -name "zlib" -provider $nuget -source $source | save-package -Path $destination) (Test-Path -Path $destination\zlib*) | should be $true if (Test-Path -Path $destination\zlib*) { rm $destination\zlib* } } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Save Package Due To Too Long Of Name" { (save-package -name $longName -provider $nuget -source $source -Path $destination -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Save Package Due To Invalid Name" { (save-package -name "1THIS_3SHOULD_5NEVER_7BE_9FOUND_11EVER" -provider $nuget -source $source -Path $destination -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Save Package without folder pre-created" { (save-package -name Jquery -provider $nuget -source $source -Path "$destination\SavePackageTest\FolderDoesNotExist" -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Save Package -LiteralPath without folder pre-created" { (save-package -name Jquery -provider $nuget -source $source -LiteralPath "$destination\SavePackageTest\FolderDoesNotExist" -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Save Package Due To Negative Maximum Version Parameter" { (save-package -name "zlib" -provider $nuget -source $source -maximumversion "-1.5" -Path $destination -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Save Package Due To Negative Minimum Version Parameter" { (save-package -name "zlib" -provider $nuget -source $source -minimumversion "-1.5" -Path $destination -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Save Package Due To Negative Required Version Parameter" { (save-package -name "zlib" -provider $nuget -source $source -requiredversion "-1.5" -Path $destination -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Save Package Due To Out Of Bounds Required Version Parameter" { (save-package -name "zlib" -provider $nuget -source $source -minimumversion "1.0" -maximumversion "1.5" -requiredversion "2.0" -Path $destination -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Save Package Due To Minimum Version Parameter Greater Than Maximum Version Parameter" { (save-package -name "zlib" -provider $nuget -source $source -minimumversion "1.5" -maximumversion "1.0" -Path $destination -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw } } Describe "save-package with Whatif" -Tags @('BVT', 'DRT'){ # make sure that packagemanagement is loaded #import-packagemanagement $tempDir = Join-Path $TestDrive "nugettesttempfolder" BeforeEach{ $tempFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() $whatif = "What if: Performing the operation"; if (-not (Test-Path $tempDir)) { md $tempDir | Out-Null } } AfterEach { if(Test-Path $tempFile) { Remove-Item $tempFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue } } It "install-package -name nuget with whatif, Expect succeed" { if($PSCulture -eq 'en-US'){ # Start Transcript Start-Transcript -Path $tempFile Save-Package -name jquery -force -source $source -ProviderName NuGet -Path $tempDir -warningaction:silentlycontinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -whatif # Stop Transcript and get content of transcript file Stop-Transcript $transcriptContent = Get-Content $tempFile $transcriptContent | where { $_.Contains( $whatif ) } | should be $true Test-Path C:\foof | should be $false Remove-Item $whatif -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue } } It "install-package -name nuget with whatif where package has a dependencies, Expect succeed" { {Save-Package -name zlib -source https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/ ` -ProviderName NuGet -Path $tempDir -whatif} | should not throw } } Describe "install-package with Whatif" -Tags @('BVT', 'DRT'){ # make sure that packagemanagement is loaded #import-packagemanagement $installationPath = Join-Path $TestDrive "InstallationPath" BeforeEach{ $tempFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() $whatif = "What if: Performing the operation"; Remove-Item c:\foof -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -Force } AfterEach { if(Test-Path $tempFile) { Remove-Item $tempFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue } } It "install-package -name nuget with whatif, Expect succeed" { if($PSCulture -eq 'en-US'){ # Start Transcript Start-Transcript -Path $tempFile install-Package -name jquery -force -source $source -ProviderName NuGet -destination $installationPath -warningaction:silentlycontinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -whatif # Stop Transcript and get content of transcript file Stop-Transcript $transcriptContent = Get-Content $tempFile $transcriptContent | where { $_.Contains( $whatif ) } | should be $true Test-Path $installationPath | should be $false Remove-Item $whatif -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue } } It "install-package -name nuget with whatif where package has a dependencies, Expect succeed" { {install-Package -name zlib -source https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/ ` -ProviderName NuGet -destination $installationPath -whatif} | should not throw } } Describe "install-package with Scope" -Tags @('BVT', 'DRT'){ BeforeAll { if ($isWindows) { $userName = "smartguy" $password = "password%1" net user $userName $password /add $secesurestring = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force $credential = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $userName, $secesurestring } } AfterAll { if ($isWindows) { # Delete the user profile net user $userName /delete | Out-Null } } it "EXPECTED Success: Get and Install-Package without Scope without destination" { if ($IsWindows) { $ProgramFiles = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramFiles") $UserInstalledLocation = "$($ProgramFiles)\Nuget\Packages" } else { $UserInstalledLocation = "$HOME\.local\share\PackageManagement\NuGet\Packages" } if (Test-Path $UserInstalledLocation) { Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $UserInstalledLocation -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $package = install-package -ProviderName nuget -source $dtlgallery -name gistprovider -RequiredVersion 0.6 -force $package.Name | Should Match "GistProvider" $packages = Get-package -ProviderName nuget $packages | ?{ $_.Name -eq "GistProvider" } | should not BeNullOrEmpty (Test-Path "$UserInstalledLocation\GistProvider*") | should be $true } it "EXPECTED Success: Get and Install-Package AllUsers Scope Without destination" { if ($IsWindows) { $ProgramFiles = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramFiles") $UserInstalledLocation = "$($ProgramFiles)\Nuget\Packages" } else { $UserInstalledLocation = "$HOME\.local\share\PackageManagement\NuGet\Packages" } if (Test-Path $UserInstalledLocation) { Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $UserInstalledLocation -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $package = install-package -ProviderName nuget -source $dtlgallery -name gistprovider -RequiredVersion 0.6 -scope AllUsers -force $package.Name | Should Match "GistProvider" $packages = Get-package -ProviderName nuget $packages | ?{ $_.Name -eq "GistProvider" } | should not BeNullOrEmpty (Test-Path "$UserInstalledLocation\GistProvider*") | should be $true } it "EXPECTED Success: Get and Install-Package -Scope CurrentUser with destination" { if ($IsWindows) { $userProfile = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("LocalApplicationData") $UserInstalledLocation = "$($userProfile)\PackageManagement\Nuget\Packages" } else { $UserInstalledLocation = "$HOME\.local\share\PackageManagement\NuGet\Packages" } if (Test-Path $UserInstalledLocation) { Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $UserInstalledLocation -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $package = install-package -ProviderName nuget -source $dtlgallery -name gistprovider -RequiredVersion 0.6 -scope CurrentUser -destination $UserInstalledLocation -force $package.Name | Should Match "GistProvider" $packages = Get-package -ProviderName nuget $packages | ?{ $_.Name -eq "GistProvider" } | should not BeNullOrEmpty (Test-Path "$UserInstalledLocation\GistProvider*") | should be $true } # Start job not working yet It "install-package CurrentUser scope in a non-admin console, expect succeed" -Pending { $Error.Clear() $job=Start-Job -ScriptBlock {Param ([Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string]$dtlgallery) install-package -ProviderName nuget -source $dtlgallery -name gistprovider -RequiredVersion 0.6 -force -scope CurrentUser} -Credential $credential -ArgumentList $dtlgallery $a= Receive-Job -Wait -Job $job $a.Name | should match 'gistprovider' } It "install-package without scope in a non-admin console, expect fail" -Pending { $Error.Clear() $job=Start-Job -ScriptBlock { install-package -ProviderName nuget -source http://nuget.org/api/v2 -name jquery -force } -Credential $credential Receive-Job -Wait -Job $job -ErrorVariable theError 2>&1 $theError.FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "InstallRequiresCurrentUserScopeParameterForNonAdminUser,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.InstallPackage" } It "install-package with AllUsers scope in a non-admin console, expect fail" -Pending { $Error.Clear() $job=Start-Job -ScriptBlock {install-package -ProviderName nuget -source http://nuget.org/api/v2 -name jquery -force -scope AllUsers} -Credential $credential Receive-Job -Wait -Job $job -ErrorVariable theError2 2>&1 $theError2.FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "InstallRequiresCurrentUserScopeParameterForNonAdminUser,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.InstallPackage" } } Describe Install-Package -Tags @('BVT', 'DRT'){ $destination = Join-Path $TestDrive "NugetPackages" $relativetestpath = Join-Path $TestDrive "RelativeTestPath" it "EXPECTED: Installs 'Zlib' Package To Packages Directory" { $version = "" (install-package -name "zlib" -provider $nuget -source $source -destination $destination -force -RequiredVersion $version) (test-path $destination\zlib.1.2*) | should be $true # Test that dependencies are installed (test-path $destination\zlib.v120*) | should be $true (test-path $destination\zlib.v140*) | should be $true if (Test-Path $destination\zlib*) { (Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $destination\zlib*) } } It "EXPECTED: Install package with credential" -Pending { try { Install-Package -Name Contoso -Provider $nuget -Source $vstsFeed -Credential $vstsCredential -Destination $destination -Force Test-Path $destination\Contoso* | should be $true } finally { if (Test-Path $destination\Contoso*) { Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $destination\Contoso* } } } It "install-package -name with wildcards, Expect error" { $Error.Clear() install-Package -name gist* -force -source $source -warningaction:silentlycontinue -ErrorVariable wildcardError -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $wildcardError.FullyQualifiedErrorId| should be "WildCardCharsAreNotSupported,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.InstallPackage" } it "EXPECTED: Installs package should decode percent-encoding string" { # Tab has a ++ folder try { Install-Package -Name Tab -RequiredVersion 1.0 -Source $dtlgallery -ProviderName NuGet -Destination $destination -Force Test-Path "$destination\Tab.\New folder ++" | should be $true } finally { if (Test-Path $destination\Tab*) { Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $destination\Tab* } } } it "EXPECTED: Fails to install a module with simple dependencies loop" -Skip { $msg = powershell "Install-Package ModuleWithDependenciesLoop -ProviderName nuget -Source `"$dependenciesSource\SimpleDependenciesLoop`" -Destination $destination -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; `$Error[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId" $msg | should be "DependencyLoopDetected,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.InstallPackage" } it "EXPECTED: Fails to install a module with a big dependencies loop" -Skip { $msg = powershell "Install-Package ModuleA -ProviderName nuget -source `"$dependenciesSource\BigDependenciesLoop`" -Destination $destination -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue;`$Error[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId" $msg | should be "DependencyLoopDetected,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.InstallPackage" } It "EXPECTED: Installs to existing relative path" { $oldPath = $PSScriptRoot try { if (-not (Test-Path $relativetestpath)) { md $relativetestpath } cd $relativetestpath $subdir = ".\subdir" if (-not (Test-Path $subdir)) { md $subdir } (install-package -Name "TestPackage" -ProviderName $nuget -Source $fwlink -Destination $subdir -Force) (Test-Path "$subdir\TestPackage*") | should be $true } finally { cd $oldPath if (Test-Path $relativetestpath) { Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $relativetestpath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } } It "EXPECTED: Installs to non existing relative path" { $oldPath = $PSScriptRoot try { if (-not (Test-Path $relativetestpath)) { md $relativetestpath } cd $relativetestpath $subdir = ".\subdir\subdir" if (Test-Path $subdir) { Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $subdir } (install-package -Name "TestPackage" -ProviderName $nuget -Source $fwlink -Destination $subdir -Force) (Test-Path "$subdir\TestPackage*") | should be $true } finally { cd $oldPath if (Test-Path $relativetestpath) { Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $relativetestpath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } } It "EXPECTED: Installs 'TestPackage' Package using fwlink" { try { (install-package -name "TestPackage" -provider $nuget -source $fwlink -Destination $Destination -force) (Test-Path $destination\TestPackage*) | should be $true } finally { if (Test-Path $destination\TestPackage*) { Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $destination\TestPackage* } } } it "EXPECTED: Installs 'awssdk' Package which has more than 200 versions To Packages Directory" { (install-package -name "awssdk" -provider $nuget -source $source -destination $destination -maximumversion 2.3 -force) (test-path $destination\awssdk*) | should be $true if (Test-Path $destination\awssdk*) { (Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $destination\awssdk*) } } it "EXPECTED: Installs Various Packages With Various Version Parameters To Packages Directory" { foreach ($x in $packageNames) { foreach ($y in $minimumVersions) { foreach ($z in $maximumVersions) { (install-package -name $x -source $source -provider $nuget -minimumversion $y -maximumversion $z -destination $destination -force) (Test-Path -Path $destination\$x*) | should be $true if (Test-Path -Path $destination\$x*) { (Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $destination\$x*) } } } } } It "EXPECTED: Installs 'Zlib' Package After Having The Provider Piped" { (find-package -name "zlib" -provider $nuget -source $source | install-package -destination $destination -force) (Test-Path -Path $destination\zlib*) | should be $true if (Test-Path -Path $destination\zlib*) { (Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $destination\zlib*) } } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Install Package Due To Too Long Of Name" { (install-package -name $longName -provider $nuget -source $source -destination $destination -force -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Install Package Due To Invalid Name" { (install-package -name "1THIS_3SHOULD_5NEVER_7BE_9FOUND_11EVER" -provider $nuget -source $source -destination $destination -force -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Install Package Due To Negative Maximum Version Parameter" { (install-package -name "zlib" -provider $nuget -source $source -maximumversion "-1.5" -destination $destination -force -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Install Package Due To Negative Maximum Version Parameter" { (install-package -name "zlib" -provider $nuget -source $source -minimumversion "-1.5" -destination $destination -force -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Install Package Due To Negative Maximum Version Parameter" { (install-package -name "zlib" -provider $nuget -source $source -requiredversion "-1.5" -destination $destination -force -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Install Package Due To Out Of Bounds Required Version Parameter" { (install-package -name "zlib" -provider $nuget -source $source -minimumversion "1.0" -maximumversion "1.5" -requiredversion "2.0" -destination $destination -force -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Install Package Due To Minimum Version Parameter Greater Than Maximum Version Parameter" { (install-package -name "zlib" -provider $nuget -source $source -minimumversion "1.5" -maximumversion "1.0" -destination $destination -force -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw } } Describe Get-Package -Tags @('BVT', 'DRT'){ $destination = Join-Path $TestDrive "NuGetPackages" it "EXPECTED: Gets The 'Adept.NugetRunner' Package After Installing" { (install-package -name "adept.nugetrunner" -provider $nuget -source $source -destination $destination -force) (get-package -name "adept.nugetrunner" -provider $nuget -destination $destination).name | should be "adept.nugetrunner" if (Test-Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) { (Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) } } It "EXPECTED: Gets The 'Adept.NugetRunner' Package After Installing And After Piping The Provider" { (install-package -name "adept.nugetrunner" -provider $nuget -destination $destination -source $source -force) (get-packageprovider -name $nuget | get-package "adept.nugetrunner" -destination $destination).name | should be "adept.nugetrunner" if (Test-Path -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) { (Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) } } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Get Package Due To Too Long Of Name" { (install-package -name "adept.nugetrunner" -provider $nuget -source $source -destination $destination -force) (get-package -name $longName -provider $nuget -destination $destination -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw if (Test-Path -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) { (Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) } } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Get Package Due To Invalid Name" { (install-package -name "adept.nugetrunner" -provider $nuget -source $source -destination $destination -force) (get-package -name "1THIS_3SHOULD_5NEVER_7BE_9FOUND_11EVER" -provider $nuget -destination $destination -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw if (Test-Path -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) { (Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) } } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Get Package Due To Out Of Bounds Required Version Parameter" { (install-package -name "adept.nugetrunner" -provider $nuget -source $source -destination $destination -force) (get-package -name "adept.nugetrunner" -provider $nuget -maximumversion "4.0" -minimumversion "1.0" -requiredversion "5.0" -destination $destination -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw if (Test-Path -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) { (Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) } } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Get Package Due To Minimum Version Parameter Greater Than Maximum Version Parameter" { (install-package -name "adept.nugetrunner" -provider $nuget -source $source -destination $destination -force) (get-package -name "adept.nugetrunner" -provider $nuget -maximumversion "3.0" -minimumversion "4.0" -destination $destination -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw if (Test-Path -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) { (Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) } } } Describe Uninstall-Package -Tags @('BVT', 'DRT'){ $destination = Join-Path $TestDrive "NuGetPackages" it "EXPECTED: Uninstalls The Right version of 'Jquery'" { (install-package -name "Jquery" -provider $nuget -source $source -destination $destination -RequiredVersion 2.1.3 -force).Version | Should match "2.1.3" (install-package -name "Jquery" -provider $nuget -source $source -destination $destination -RequiredVersion 2.1.4 -force).Version | Should match "2.1.4" #uninstall the old version uninstall-package -name "Jquery" -provider $nuget -destination $destination -RequiredVersion 2.1.3 #the old version should be gone but the later should exist (Get-Package -ProviderName nuget -RequiredVersion 2.1.3 -Name jquery -Destination $destination -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw (Get-Package -ProviderName nuget -RequiredVersion 2.1.4 -Name jquery -Destination $destination).Version | should be "2.1.4" } it "EXPECTED: Uninstalls The'Adept.Nugetrunner' Package From The Packages Directory" { (install-package -name "adept.nugetrunner" -provider $nuget -source $source -destination $destination -force) (uninstall-package -name "adept.nugetrunner" -provider $nuget -destination $destination -force) (Test-Path -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) | should be $false } It "EXPECTED: Uninstalls The'Adept.Nugetrunner' Package From The Packages Directory After Having The Package Piped" { (install-package -name "adept.nugetrunner" -provider $nuget -destination $destination -source $source -force) (get-package -name "adept.nugetrunner" -provider $nuget -destination $destination | uninstall-package -force) (Test-Path -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) | should be $false } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Uninstall Package Due To Too Long Of Name" { (install-package -name "adept.nugetrunner" -provider $nuget -source $source -destination $destination -force) (uninstall-package -name $longName -provider $nuget -destination $destination -force -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw if (Test-Path -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) { (Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) } } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Uninstall Package Due To Invalid Name" { (install-package -name "adept.nugetrunner" -provider $nuget -source $source -destination $destination -force) (uninstall-package -name "1THIS_3SHOULD_5NEVER_7BE_9FOUND_11EVER" -provider $nuget -destination $destination -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw if (Test-Path -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) { (Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) } } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Uninstall Package Due To Out Of Bounds Required Version Parameter" { (install-package -name "adept.nugetrunner" -provider $nuget -source $source -destination $destination -force) (uninstall-package -name "adept.nugetrunner" -provider $nuget -maximumversion "4.0" -minimumversion "1.0" -requiredversion "5.0" -destination $destination -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw if (Test-Path -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) { (Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) } } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Uninstall Package Due To Minimum Version Parameter Greater Than Maximum Version Parameter" { (install-package -name "adept.nugetrunner" -provider $nuget -source $source -destination $destination -force) (uninstall-package -name "adept.nugetrunner" -provider $nuget -maximumversion "3.0" -minimumversion "4.0" -destination $destination -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw if (Test-Path -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) { (Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) } } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Uninstall Package Due To Negative Maximum Version Parameter" { (install-package -name "adept.nugetrunner" -provider $nuget -source $source -destination $destination -force) (uninstall-package -name "zlib" -provider $nuget -maximumversion "-1.5" -destination $destination -force -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw if (Test-Path -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) { (Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) } } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Uninstall Package Due To Negative Minimum Version Parameter" { (install-package -name "adept.nugetrunner" -provider $nuget -source $source -destination $destination -force) (uninstall-package -name "zlib" -provider $nuget -minimumversion "-1.5" -destination $destination -force -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw if (Test-Path -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) { (Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) } } It "EXPECTED: -FAILS- To Uninstall Package Due To Negative Required Version Parameter" { (install-package -name "adept.nugetrunner" -provider $nuget -source $source -destination $destination -force) (uninstall-package -name "zlib" -provider $nuget -requiredversion "-1.5" -destination $destination -force -EA silentlycontinue) | should throw if (Test-Path -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) { (Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) } } It "E2E: Uninstall all versions of a specific package - Nuget Provider" { $packageName = "adept.nugetrunner" ($foundPackages = Find-Package -Name $packageName -Provider $nuget -Source $source -AllVersions) # Install all versions of the package foreach ($package in $foundPackages) { ($package | Install-Package -Destination $destination -Force) } # Uninstall all versions of the package Uninstall-Package -Name $packageName -Provider $nuget -AllVersions -Destination $destination # Get-Package must not return any packages - since we just uninstalled allversions of the package Get-Package -Name "adept.nugetrunner" -Provider $nuget -Destination $destination -AllVersions -warningaction:silentlycontinue -ea silentlycontinue $ERROR[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "NoMatchFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.GetPackage" if (Test-Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) { (Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $destination\adept.nugetrunner*) } } It "uninstall-package -name with wildcards, Expect error" { $Error.Clear() $package = uninstall-package -name packagemanagement* -warningaction:silentlycontinue -ErrorVariable wildcardError -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $wildcardError.FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "WildCardCharsAreNotSupported,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.UninstallPackage" } It "uninstall-package -name with whitespaces only, Expect error" { $Error.Clear() $package = uninstall-package -name " " -warningaction:silentlycontinue -ErrorVariable wildcardError -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $wildcardError.FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "WhitespacesAreNotSupported,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.UninstallPackage" } } Describe Get-PackageProvider -Tags @('BVT', 'DRT'){ it "EXPECTED: Gets The 'Nuget' Package Provider" { (get-packageprovider -name $nuget -force).name | should be $nuget } it "EXPECTED: Should not raise pending reboot operations" -Skip:(-not $IsWindows) { $count = (get-itemproperty "hklm:\system\currentcontrolset\control\session manager").PendingFileRenameOperations.Count $providers = powershell "get-packageprovider" $countAfter = (get-itemproperty "hklm:\system\currentcontrolset\control\session manager").PendingFileRenameOperations.Count ($count -eq $countAfter) | should be $true } } Describe Get-PackageSource -Tags @('BVT', 'DRT') { $destination = Join-Path $TestDrive "NuGetPackages" BeforeAll{ #make sure the package repository exists Register-PackageSource -Name 'NugetTemp1' -Location "https://www.PowerShellGallery.com/Api/V2/" -ProviderName 'nuget' -Trusted -ForceBootstrap -force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue Register-PackageSource -Name 'NugetTemp2' -Location "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2" -ProviderName 'nuget' -Trusted -ForceBootstrap -force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue } AfterAll { UnRegister-PackageSource -Name 'NugetTemp1' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue UnRegister-PackageSource -Name 'NugetTemp2' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue } It "find-install-get-package Expect succeed" { find-package jquery | install-package -destination $destination -force -ForceBootstrap (Test-Path $destination\jquery*) | should be $true $a=get-package -Destination $destination -Name jquery $a | where { $_.Name -eq 'jQuery' } | should be $true } It "get-packageprovider--find-package, Expect succeed" { $a=(get-packageprovider -name nuget| find-package -Name jquery ) $a | where { $_.Name -eq 'jQuery' } | should be $true } It "get-packagesource--find-package, Expect succeed" { $a=(get-packagesource | find-package jquery -ForceBootstrap) $a | where { $_.Name -eq 'jQuery' } | should be $true } it "EXPECTED: Gets The 'Nuget' Package Provider" { $a = Get-PackageSource -Name *Temp* $a | ?{ $_.name -eq "NugetTemp1" } $a | ?{ $_.name -eq "NugetTemp2" } } it "EXPECTED: Gets The 'Nuget' Package Provider" { $a = Get-PackageSource -Name *Temp* -Location "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2" $a | ?{ $_.name -eq "NugetTemp2" } $a | ?{ $_.name -ne "NugetTemp1" } } } Describe Register-PackageSource -Tags @('BVT', 'DRT'){ $Destination = Join-Path $TestDrive "NUgettest" it "EXPECTED: Register a package source with a location created via new-psdrive" -Skip { New-PSDrive -Name xx -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $destination (register-packagesource -name "psdriveTest" -provider $nuget -location xx:\).name | should be "psdriveTest" (unregister-packagesource -name "psdriveTest" -provider $nuget) } it "EXPECTED: Registers A New Package Source 'NugetTest.org'" { (register-packagesource -name "nugettest.org" -provider $nuget -location $source).name | should be "nugettest.org" try { # check that even without slash, source returned is still nugettest.org (find-package -source $sourceWithoutSlash | Select -First 1).Source | should be "nugettest.org" } finally { (unregister-packagesource -name "nugettest.org" -provider $nuget) } } it "EXPECTED: Registers a package source that requires a credential with skipvalidate" { (register-packagesource -name "psgettestfeed" -provider $nuget -location $vstsFeed -SKipValidate) try { (Find-Package -Source "psgettestfeed" -Name ContosoClient -Credential $vstsCredential).Name | should be "ContosoClient" (Find-Package -Source $vstsFeed -Name ContosoClient -Credential $vstsCredential).Name | should be "ContosoClient" (Find-Package -Source $vstsFeedWithSlash -Name ContosoClient -Credential $vstsCredential).Name | should be "ContosoClient" } finally { (Unregister-PackageSource -Name "psgettestfeed") } } it "EXPECTED: Registers a package source that requires a credential" { (register-packagesource -name "psgettestfeed" -provider $nuget -location $vstsFeed -Credential $vstsCredential) try { (Find-Package -Source "psgettestfeed" -Name ContosoClient -Credential $vstsCredential).Name | should be "ContosoClient" (Find-Package -Source $vstsFeed -Name ContosoClient -Credential $vstsCredential).Name | should be "ContosoClient" (Find-Package -Source $vstsFeedWithSlash -Name ContosoClient -Credential $vstsCredential).Name | should be "ContosoClient" } finally { (Unregister-PackageSource -Name "psgettestfeed") } } it "EXPECTED: PackageSource persists" -Skip { $persist = "persistsource" $pssource = "http://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/" $redirectedOutput = "$env:tmp\nugettests\redirectedOutput.txt" $redirectedError = "$env:tmp\nugettests\redirectedError.txt" try { Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList "register-packagesource -name $persist -location $pssource -provider $nuget" -wait Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList "get-packagesource -name $persist -provider $nuget" -wait -RedirectStandardOutput $redirectedOutput -RedirectStandardError $redirectedError (Test-Path $redirectedOutput) | should be $true (Test-Path $redirectedError) | should be $true $redirectedOutput | should contain $persist [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace((Get-Content $redirectedError)) | should be $true } finally { if (Test-Path $redirectedOutput) { Remove-Item -Force $redirectedOutput -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } if (Test-Path $redirectedError) { Remove-Item -Force $redirectedError -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList "unregister-packagesource -name $persist -provider $nuget" -Wait } } it "EXPECTED: Registers a fwlink package source and use it to find-package and install-package" { try { (register-packagesource -name "fwlink" -provider $nuget -location $fwlink).name | should be "fwlink" (find-package -name "TestPackage" -source "fwlink" -provider $nuget).Name | should be "TestPackage" (install-package -name "TestPackage" -provider $nuget -source $fwlink -Destination $Destination -force) (Test-Path $destination\TestPackage*) | should be $true } finally { if (Test-Path $destination\TestPackage*) { Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $destination\TestPackage* } Unregister-PackageSource -Name "fwlink" -ProviderName $nuget -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } it "EXPECTED: Registers an invalid package source" { register-packagesource -name `"BingProvider`" -provider $nuget -location `"http://www.example.com/`" -erroraction silentlycontinue $Error[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be 'SourceLocationNotValid,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.RegisterPackageSource' } it "EXPECTED: Registers Multiple Package Sources" { foreach ($x in $pkgSources) { (register-packagesource -name $x -provider $nuget -location $source).name | should be $x (unregister-packagesource -name $x -provider $nuget) } } it "EXPECTED: Registers A 'NugetTest' Package Source After Having The Provider Piped" { (get-packageprovider -name $nuget | register-packagesource -name "nugettest" -location $source).ProviderName | should be $nuget (unregister-packagesource -name "nugettest" -provider $nuget) } } Describe Unregister-PackageSource -Tags @('BVT', 'DRT'){ it "EXPECTED: Unregisters The 'NugetTest.org' Package Source" { (register-packagesource -name "nugettest.org" -provider $nuget -location $source) (Find-Package -name jquery -Source "nugettest.org").Name | should not BeNullOrEmpty (unregister-packagesource -name "nugettest.org" -provider $nuget).name | should BeNullOrEmpty (Find-Package -name jquery -Source "nugettest.org" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue).Name | should BeNullOrEmpty } it "EXPECTED: Unregisters Multiple Package Sources" { foreach ($x in $pkgSources) { (register-packagesource -name $x -provider $nuget -location $source) (unregister-packagesource -name $x -provider $nuget).name | should BeNullOrEmpty } } it "EXPECTED: Unregisters A 'NugetTest' Package Source After Having The Provider Piped" { (get-packageprovider -name $nuget | register-packagesource -name "nugettest" -location $source) (unregister-packagesource -name "nugettest" -provider $nuget).name | should BeNullOrEmpty } } Describe Set-PackageSource -Tags @('BVT', 'DRT'){ it "EXPECTED: Sets The 'NugetTest' Package Source to 'NugetTest2'" { (register-packagesource -name "nugettest" -provider $nuget -location "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2") (set-packagesource -name "nugettest" -provider $nuget -location "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2" -newname "nugettest2" -newlocation "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2").name | should be "nugettest2" (unregister-packagesource -name "nugettest2" -provider $nuget) } it "EXPECTED: Set a package source that requires a credential" -Pending { (register-packagesource -name "psgettestfeed" -provider $nuget -location $vstsFeed -Credential $vstsCredential) try { (Set-PackageSource -Name "psgettestfeed" -provider $nuget -NewName "psgettestfeed2" -Credential $vstsCredential) (Get-PackageSource -Name "psgettestfeed2").Name | should match "psgettestfeed2" } finally { (Unregister-PackageSource -Name "psgettestfeed2") } } it "EXPECTED: Sets The 'NuGetTest' Package Source to 'NugetTest2' After Piping The Provider Then Piping The Entire Source" { (get-packageprovider -name $nuget | register-packagesource -name "nugettest" -location "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2" | set-packagesource -newname "nugettest2" -newlocation "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2").name | should be "nugettest2" (unregister-packagesource -name "nugettest2" -provider $nuget) } it "EXPECTED: Sets Multiple Package Sources To New Names" { (register-packagesource -name "nugettest" -provider $nuget -location "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2") (set-packagesource -name "nugettest" -provider $nuget -location "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2" -newname "nugettest2" -newlocation "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2").name | should be "nugettest2" (unregister-packagesource -name "nugettest2" -provider $nuget) (register-packagesource -name "nugettest3" -provider $nuget -location "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2") (set-packagesource -name "nugettest3" -provider $nuget -location "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2" -newname "nugettest4" -newlocation "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2").name | should be "nugettest4" (unregister-packagesource -name "nugettest4" -provider $nuget) } it "EXPECTED: Sets the location of 'NugetTest' PackageSource from nuget.org to powershellgallery.com" { (register-packagesource -name "nugettest5" -provider $nuget -location "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2") (set-packagesource -name "nugettest5" -provider $nuget -newlocation "https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/" -NewName "nugettest6").location | should be "https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/" (unregister-packagesource -name "nugettest6" -provider $nuget) } } Describe Check-ForCorrectError -Tags @('BVT', 'DRT'){ it "EXPECTED: returns a correct error for find-package with dynamic parameter when package source is wrong" { $Error.Clear() find-package -provider $nuget -source http://wrongsource/api/v2 -FilterOnTag tag -ea silentlycontinue $Error[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "SourceNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.FindPackage" } it "EXPECTED: returns a correct error for install-package with dynamic parameter when package source is wrong" { $Error.Clear() install-package -provider $nuget -source http://wrongsource/api/v2 zlib -Destination C:\destination -ea silentlycontinue $Error[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "SourceNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.InstallPackage" } } Describe Test-Proxy -Tags @('BVT', 'DRT') { It "EXPECTED: Register package source using proxy" -Skip { try { $processId = (Start-Process $proxyPath -PassThru).Id (register-packagesource -name "nugettest7" -provider $nuget -location "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2" -Proxy http://localhost:8080).Name | should be "nugettest7" (find-package -Name jquery -Source "nugettest7" -provider $nuget -Proxy http://localhost:8080).Name | should be "jQuery" (install-package -Name jquery -Source "nugettest7" -provider $nuget -Proxy http://localhost:8080 -Force).Name | should be "jQuery" } finally { Stop-Process $processId unregister-packagesource -name "nugettest7" -provider $nuget -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } It "EXPECTED: Cannot register using wrong proxy" -Skip { try { $processId = (Start-Process $proxyPath -PassThru).Id $packageSource = register-packagesource -name "nugettest7" -provider $nuget -location "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2" -Proxy http://localhost:8060 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $packageSource | should be $null } finally { Stop-Process $processId unregister-packagesource -name "nugettest7" -provider $nuget -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } It "EXPECTED: Set package source using proxy" -Skip { try { $processId = (Start-Process $proxyPath -PassThru).Id (register-packagesource -name "nugettest7" -provider $nuget -location "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2" -Proxy http://localhost:8080).Name | should be "nugettest7" (set-packagesource -name "nugettest7" -provider $nuget -newlocation "https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/" -Proxy http://localhost:8080).Location | should be "https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/" } finally { Stop-Process $processId unregister-packagesource -name "nugettest7" -provider $nuget -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } It "EXPECTED: Cannot set package source using wrong proxy" -Skip { try { $processId = (Start-Process $proxyPath -PassThru).Id (register-packagesource -name "nugettest7" -provider $nuget -location "https://www.nuget.org/api/v2" -Proxy http://localhost:8080).Name | should be "nugettest7" $packageSource = set-packagesource -name "nugettest7" -provider $nuget -newlocation "https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2/" -Proxy http://localhost:8060 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $packageSource | should be $null } finally { Stop-Process $processId unregister-packagesource -name "nugettest7" -provider $nuget -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } It "EXPECTED: cannot connect using the wrong proxy" -Skip { try { $processId = (Start-Process $proxyPath -PassThru).Id $packages = Find-Package -Provider NuGet -Proxy http://localhost:8060 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $packages | should be $null } finally { Stop-Process $processId } } It "EXPECTED: cannot connect if the server is not on the list allowed by proxy" -Skip { try { $processId = (Start-Process $proxyPath -PassThru).Id $packages = Find-Package -Provider NuGet -Proxy http://localhost:8080 -Source $dtlgallery -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $packages | should be $null } finally { Stop-Process $processId } } It "EXPECTED: find packages using the correct proxy" -Skip { try { $processId = (Start-Process $proxyPath -PassThru).Id $jquery = Find-Package -Provider NuGet -Proxy http://localhost:8080 -Source $source -Name jquery $jquery.Name | should match jquery } finally { Stop-Process $processId } } }