Describe "Get-Date DRT Unit Tests" -Tags DRT { It "Get-Date with all parameters returns proper results" { $date = [datetime]::Now + ([timespan]::new(0,0,30)) $result = Get-Date -Date $date -Year 1973 -Month 2 -Day 22 -Hour 15 -Minute 40 -Second 10 -Millisecond 200 $result.GetType() | Should be ([Datetime]) $result.Year | Should be 1973 $result.Month| Should be 2 $result.Day | Should be 22 $result.Hour | Should be 15 $result.Minute | Should be 40 $result.Second | Should be 10 $result.Millisecond | Should be 200 } It "using -displayhint produces the correct output" -Pending:($env:TRAVIS_OS_NAME -eq "osx") { $d = Get-date -Date:"Jan 1, 2020" -DisplayHint Date | Out-String $d.Trim() | Should be "Wednesday, January 1, 2020" } It "using -format produces the correct output" { Get-date -Date:"Jan 1, 2020" -Format:"MMM-dd-yy" | Should be "Jan-01-20" } It "using -uformat produces the correct output" { Get-date -Date:"Jan 1, 2020" -UFormat:"%s" | Should be "1577836800" } It "using -uformat 'ymdH' produces the correct output" { Get-date -Date 0030-01-01T00:00:00 -uformat %y/%m/%d-%H | Should be "30/01/01-00" } It "using -uformat 'aAbBcCdDehHIjmMpr' produces the correct output" { Get-date -Date 1/1/0030 -uformat %a%A%b%B%c%C%d%D%e%h%H%I%j%m%M%p%r | Should be "TueTuesdayJanJanuaryTue Jan 1 00:00:00 003000101/01/30 1Jan001210100AM12:00:00 AM" } It "using -uformat 'StTuUVwWxXyYZ' produces the correct output" { Get-date -Date 1/1/0030 -uformat %S%T%u%U%V%w%W%x%X%y%Y%% | Should be "0000:00:002012001/01/3000:00:00300030%" } It "Get-date works with pipeline input" { $x = new-object System.Management.Automation.PSObject $x | add-member NoteProperty Date ([DateTime]::Now) $y = @($x,$x) ($y | Get-date).Length | Should be 2 } It "the LastWriteTime alias works with pipeline input" { $folder = "GetDateTest" $pathString = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $folder New-Item -Path $TestDrive -Name $folder -ItemType directory -Force for($i = 0; $i -lt 10; $i++) { $temp = [guid]::NewGuid() $pathString2 = Join-Path -Path $pathString -ChildPath $temp New-Item -Path $pathString -Name $temp -ItemType file -Force for($j = 0; $j -lt 100; $j++) { Add-Content -Path $pathString2 -Value $j } } $result1 = get-childitem -path $pathString | get-date $result2 = get-childitem -path $pathString | get-date $result1.Length | Should be 10 $result1.Length -eq $result2.Length | Should be $true for($i = 0; $i -lt $result1.Length; $i++) { $result1[$i] -eq $result2[$i] | Should be $true } Get-ChildItem -Path $pathString | Remove-Item Remove-Item -Path $pathString -Force -Recurse } } Describe "Get-Date" { It "Should return a DateTime object upon being called" { (Get-Date).GetType().Name.Equals('DateTime') | Should Be $true } It "Should have colons when ToString method is used" { (Get-Date).ToString().Contains(":") | Should be $true (Get-Date -DisplayHint Time).ToString().Contains(":") | Should be $true (Get-Date -DisplayHint Date).ToString().Contains(":") | Should be $true } It "Should be able to use the format flag" { # You would think that one could use simple loops here, but apparently powershell in Windows returns different values in loops (Get-Date -Format d).Contains("/") | Should be $true (Get-Date -Format D).Contains(",") | Should be $true (Get-Date -Format f).Contains(",") -and (Get-Date -Format f).Contains(":") | Should be $true (Get-Date -Format F).Contains(",") -and (Get-Date -Format F).Contains(":") | Should be $true (Get-Date -Format g).Contains("/") -and (Get-Date -Format g).Contains(":") | Should be $true (Get-Date -Format G).Contains("/") -and (Get-Date -Format G).Contains(":") | Should be $true (Get-Date -Format m).Contains(",") -or ` (Get-Date -Format m).Contains(":") -or ` (Get-Date -Format m).Contains("/") | Should be $false } It "Should check that Get-Date can return the correct datetime from the system time" { $timeDifference = $(Get-Date).Subtract([System.DateTime]::Now) $timeDifference.Days | Should Be 0 $timeDifference.Hours | Should Be 0 $timeDifference.Minutes | Should Be 0 $timeDifference.Milliseconds | Should BeLessThan 1 $timeDifference.Ticks | Should BeLessThan 10000 } }