Describe "Update-FormatData" { BeforeAll { $path = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath "outputfile.ps1xml" $ps = [powershell]::Create() $iss = []::CreateDefault2() $rs = []::CreateRunspace($iss) $rs.Open() $ps.Runspace = $rs } AfterAll { $rs.Close() $ps.Dispose() } Context "Validate Update-FormatData update correctly" { It "Should not throw upon reloading previous formatting file" { { Update-FormatData } | Should Not throw } It "Should validly load formatting data" { Get-FormatData -typename System.Diagnostics.Process | Export-FormatData -Path $path $null = $ps.AddScript("Update-FormatData -prependPath $path") $ps.Invoke() $ps.HadErrors | Should be $false } } } Describe "Update-FormatData basic functionality" -Tags DRT{ BeforeAll { $testfilename = "testfile.ps1xml" $testfile = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $testfilename $xmlContent=@" AnyName PropertySetName FirstName LastName "@ $xmlContent > $testfile } It "Update-FormatData with WhatIf should work"{ { Update-FormatData -Append $testfile -WhatIf } | Should Not Throw { Update-FormatData -Prepend $testfile -WhatIf } | Should Not Throw } }