# # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # ------------------ PackageManagement Test ---------------------------------------------- #$ProgramModulePath = "$Env:ProgramFiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules" $InternalGallery = "https://dtlgalleryint.cloudapp.net/api/v2/" $InternalSource = 'OneGetTestSource' <# SKIP FOR NOW SINCE POWERSHELLGET NOT WORKING YET make sure the package repository exists $a=Get-PackageSource -ForceBootstrap| select Name, Location, ProviderName $found = $false foreach ($item in $a) { #name contains "." foo.bar for example for the registered sources internally if($item.ProviderName -eq "PowerShellGet") { if ($item.Location -eq $InternalGallery) { Unregister-PackageSource $item.Name -Provider "PowerShellGet" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } } Register-PackageSource -Name $InternalSource -Location $InternalGallery -ProviderName 'PowerShellGet' -Trusted -ForceBootstrap -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #> # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Actual Tests: Describe "import-packageprovider" -Tags "Feature" { It "Import -force 'PowerShellGet', a builtin package provider, Expect succeed" { #avoid popup for installing nuget-any.exe Find-PackageProvider -force (Import-PackageProvider 'PowerShellGet' -verbose -force).name | should match "PowerShellGet" } It "Import a PowerShell package provider Expect succeed" -Skip { (get-packageprovider -name "OneGetTest" -list).name | should match "OneGetTest" $x = PowerShell '(Import-PackageProvider OneGetTest -WarningAction SilentlyContinue).Name' $x | should match "OneGetTest" $x = PowerShell '(Import-PackageProvider OneGetTest -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -force).Name' $x | should match "OneGetTest" } It "Import 'OneGetTestProvider' CSharp package provider with filePath from programs folder, Expect succeed" -Skip { $path = "$($ProgramProviderInstalledPath)\Microsoft.PackageManagement.OneGetTestProvider.dll" $path | should Exist $job=Start-Job -ScriptBlock { param($path) import-packageprovider -name $path; } -ArgumentList @($path) $a= $job | Receive-Job -Wait $a.Name | should match "OneGetTestProvider" } It "Import 'PSChained1Provider' PowerShell package provider with filePath from programfiles folder, Expect succeed" -Skip { $path = "$($ProgramModulePath)\PSChained1Provider.psm1" $path | should Exist $job=Start-Job -ScriptBlock { param($path) import-packageprovider -name $path; } -ArgumentList @($path) $a= $job | Receive-Job -Wait $a.Name | should match "PSChained1Provider" } It "Import a CSharp package provider with filePath from user folder -force, Expect succeed" -Skip { $path = "$($UserProviderInstalledPath)\Microsoft.PackageManagement.OneGetTestProvider.dll" $path | should Exist $job=Start-Job -ScriptBlock { param($path) import-packageprovider -name $path; } -ArgumentList @($path) $a= $job | Receive-Job -Wait $a.Name | should match "OneGetTestProvider" } It "Import a PowerShell package provider with filePath from user folder -force, Expect succeed" -Skip { $path = "$($UserModuleFolder)\PSChained1Provider.psm1" $path | should Exist $job=Start-Job -ScriptBlock { param($path) import-packageprovider -name $path; } -ArgumentList @($path) $a= $job | Receive-Job -Wait $a.Name | should match "PSChained1Provider" } It "Import a PowerShell package provider with -force, Expect succeed" -Skip { $path = "$($UserModuleFolder)\PSChained1Provider.psm1" $path | should Exist $newPath = "$($UserModuleFolder)\MyTest.psm1" Copy-Item -Path $path -Destination $newPath -Force $job=Start-Job -ScriptBlock { param($newPath) import-packageprovider -name $newPath -Force; } -ArgumentList @($newPath) $a= $job | Receive-Job -Wait $a.Name | should match "PSChained1Provider" $job=Start-Job -ScriptBlock { param($newPath) import-packageprovider -name $newPath -Force Set-Content -Path $newPath -Value "#test" -force import-packageprovider -name $newPath -Force } -ArgumentList @($newPath) Receive-Job -Wait -Job $job -ErrorVariable theError 2>&1 $theError.FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "FailedToImportProvider,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.ImportPackageProvider" } It "Import 'OneGetTest' PowerShell package provider that has multiple versions, Expect succeed" -Skip { #check all version of OneGetTest is listed $x = get-packageprovider "OneGetTest" -ListAvailable $x | ?{ $_.Version.ToString() -eq "" } | should not BeNullOrEmpty $x | ?{ $_.Version.ToString() -eq "" } | should not BeNullOrEmpty $x | ?{ $_.Version.ToString() -eq "" } | should not BeNullOrEmpty #latest one is imported $y = powershell '(import-packageprovider -name "OneGetTest").Version.Tostring()' $y | should match "" } } Describe "import-packageprovider Error Cases" -Tags "Feature" { It "Expected error when importing wildcard chars 'OneGetTest*" { $Error.Clear() import-packageprovider -name OneGetTest* -warningaction:silentlycontinue -ea silentlycontinue $ERROR[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "InvalidParameter,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.ImportPackageProvider" } It "EXPECTED: returns an error when inputting a bad version format" { $Error.Clear() import-packageprovider -name Gistprovider -RequiredVersion BOGUSVERSION -warningaction:silentlycontinue -ea silentlycontinue $ERROR[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "InvalidVersion,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.ImportPackageProvider" } It "EXPECTED: returns an error when asking for a provider that does not exist" { $Error.Clear() import-packageprovider -name NOT_EXISTS -warningaction:silentlycontinue -ea silentlycontinue $ERROR[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "NoMatchFoundForCriteria,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.ImportPackageProvider" } It "EXPECTED: returns an error when asking for a provider with file full path and version" -Skip { $Error.Clear() import-packageprovider -name "$($ProgramModulePath)\PSChained1Provider.psm1" -RequiredVersion 9.9.9 -warningaction:silentlycontinue -ea silentlycontinue $ERROR[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "FullProviderFilePathVersionNotAllowed,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.ImportPackageProvider" } It "EXPECTED: returns an error when asking for a provider with RequiredVersion and MinimumVersion" { $Error.Clear() import-packageprovider -name PowerShellGet -RequiredVersion 1.0 -MinimumVersion 2.0 -warningaction:silentlycontinue -ea silentlycontinue $ERROR[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "VersionRangeAndRequiredVersionCannotBeSpecifiedTogether,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.ImportPackageProvider" } It "EXPECTED: returns an error when asking for a provider with RequiredVersion and MaximumVersion" { $Error.Clear() import-packageprovider -name PowerShellGet -RequiredVersion 1.0 -MaximumVersion 2.0 -warningaction:silentlycontinue -ea silentlycontinue $ERROR[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "VersionRangeAndRequiredVersionCannotBeSpecifiedTogether,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.ImportPackageProvider" } It "EXPECTED: returns an error when asking for a provider with a MinimumVersion greater than MaximumVersion" { $Error.Clear() import-packageprovider -name PowerShellGet -MaximumVersion 1.0 -MinimumVersion 2.0 -warningaction:silentlycontinue -ea silentlycontinue $ERROR[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "MinimumVersionMustBeLessThanMaximumVersion,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.ImportPackageProvider" } It "EXPECTED: returns an error when asking for a provider with MinimumVersion that does not exist" { $Error.Clear() Import-packageprovider -name OneGetTest -MinimumVersion 20.2 -warningaction:silentlycontinue -ea silentlycontinue $ERROR[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "NoMatchFoundForCriteria,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.ImportPackageProvider" } It "EXPECTED: returns an error when asking for a provider with MaximumVersion that does not exist" { $Error.Clear() Import-packageprovider -name OneGetTest -MaximumVersion 0.2 -warningaction:silentlycontinue -ea silentlycontinue $ERROR[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "NoMatchFoundForCriteria,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.ImportPackageProvider" } It "EXPECTED: returns an error when asking for a provider that has name with wildcard and version" { $Error.Clear() Import-packageprovider -name "OneGetTest*" -RequiredVersion 4.5 -force -warningaction:silentlycontinue -ea silentlycontinue $ERROR[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | should be "MultipleNamesWithVersionNotAllowed,Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement.Cmdlets.ImportPackageProvider" } } Describe "Import-PackageProvider with OneGetTest that has 3 versions: 1.1, 3.5, and 9.9." -Tags "Feature" { It "EXPECTED: success 'import OneGetTest -requiredVersion 3.5'" -Skip { powershell '(Import-packageprovider -name OneGetTest -requiredVersion 3.5 -WarningAction SilentlyContinue).Version.ToString()' | should match "" # test that if we call a function with error, powershell does not hang for the provider $warningMsg = powershell '(Import-packageprovider -name OneGetTest -requiredVersion 3.5) | Out-Null; Get-Package -ProviderName OneGetTest 3>&1' $result = $warningMsg[0] if ($PSCulture -eq "en-US") { foreach($w in $warningMsg) { if($w -match 'WARNING: Cannot bind parameter') { $result = $w } } $result.StartsWith('WARNING: Cannot bind parameter') | should be $true } } It "EXPECTED: success 'Import OneGetTest -requiredVersion 3.5 and then 9.9 -force'" -Skip { $a = powershell {(Import-packageprovider -name OneGetTest -RequiredVersion 3.5) > $null; (Import-packageprovider -name OneGetTest -requiredVersion 9.9 -force)} $a.Version.ToString()| should match "" } It "EXPECTED: success 'import OneGetTest with MinimumVersion and MaximumVersion'" -Skip { powershell '(Import-packageprovider -name OneGetTest -MinimumVersion 1.2 -MaximumVersion 5.0 -WarningAction SilentlyContinue).Version.ToString()' | should match "" } It "EXPECTED: success 'OneGetTest with MaximumVersion'" -Skip { powershell '(Import-packageprovider -name OneGetTest -MaximumVersion 3.5 -WarningAction SilentlyContinue).Version.ToString()' | should match "" } It "EXPECTED: success 'OneGetTest with MinimumVersion'" -Skip { powershell '(Import-packageprovider -name OneGetTest -MinimumVersion 2.2 -WarningAction SilentlyContinue).Version.ToString()' | should match "" } It "EXPECTED: success 'OneGetTest Find-Package with Progress'" -Skip { $ps = [PowerShell]::Create() $ps.AddScript("Import-PackageProvider -Name OneGetTest -RequiredVersion 9.9; Find-Package -ProviderName OneGetTest") $ps.Invoke() $ps.Streams.Progress.Count | Should be 29 $culture = (Get-Culture).Name if ($culture -eq "en-us") { $ps.Streams.Progress[1].Activity | Should match "Starting some progress" $ps.Streams.Progress[1].StatusDescription | should match "Processing" $ps.Streams.Progress[1].CurrentOperation | should match "Starting" $ps.Streams.Progress[5].Activity | should match "Updating" $ps.Streams.Progress[5].StatusDescription | should match "Finding packages" $ps.Streams.Progress[6].Activity | should match "Updating Inner" $ps.Streams.Progress[6].StatusDescription | should match "Finding inner packages" $ps.Streams.Progress[7].Activity | should match "Updating Inner" } $ps.Streams.Progress[1].ActivityId | Should Be 0 $ps.Streams.Progress[1].ParentActivityId | should be -1 $ps.Streams.Progress[1].SecondsRemaining | should match 10 $ps.Streams.Progress[1].RecordType -eq [System.Management.Automation.ProgressRecordType]::Processing | should be true $ps.Streams.Progress[1].PercentComplete | should be 22 $ps.Streams.Progress[2].SecondsRemaining | should be 5 $ps.Streams.Progress[4].PercentComplete | should be 100 $ps.Streams.Progress[4].RecordType -eq [System.Management.Automation.ProgressRecordType]::Completed | should be true $ps.Streams.Progress[5].PercentComplete | should be 0 $ps.Streams.Progress[6].PercentComplete | should be 0 $ps.Streams.Progress[7].PercentComplete | should be 25 } It "EXPECTED: success 'OneGetTest Find-Package returns correct TagId'" -Skip { $ps = [PowerShell]::Create() $ps.AddScript("Import-PackageProvider -Name OneGetTest -RequiredVersion 9.9; Find-Package -ProviderName OneGetTest") $result = $ps.Invoke() | Select -First 1 $result.TagId | should match "MyVeryUniqueTagId" } It "EXPECTED: success 'OneGetTest Get-Package returns correct package object using swidtag'" -Skip { $ps = [PowerShell]::Create() $null = $ps.AddScript("`$null = Import-PackageProvider -Name OneGetTest -RequiredVersion 9.9; Get-Package -ProviderName OneGetTest") $result = $ps.Invoke() $result.Count | should Be 2 ($result | Select -Last 1).TagId | should match "jWhat-jWhere-jWho-jQuery" } It "EXPECTED: success 'OneGetTest Get-Package returns correct progress message'" -Skip { $ps = [PowerShell]::Create() $null = $ps.AddScript("`$null = Import-PackageProvider -Name OneGetTest -RequiredVersion 9.9; Get-Package -ProviderName OneGetTest") $result = $ps.Invoke() $ps.Streams.Progress[1].PercentComplete | should be 0 $ps.Streams.Progress[1].Activity | should match "Updating" $ps.Streams.Progress[1].ActivityId | should be 10 $ps.Streams.Progress[2].PercentComplete | should be 0 $ps.Streams.Progress[2].Activity | should match "Updating Inner" $ps.Streams.Progress[2].ParentActivityId | should be 10 $ps.Streams.Progress[3].PercentComplete | should be 25 $ps.Streams.Progress[3].Activity | should match "Updating Inner" $ps.Streams.Progress[3].ParentActivityId | should be 10 } } Describe "Import-PackageProvider with OneGetTestProvider that has 2 versions: 4.5, 6.1" -Tags "Feature" { # install onegettestprovider # Not working yet since powershellget not working # Install-PackageProvider -Name OneGetTestProvider -RequiredVersion -Source $InternalGallery # Install-PackageProvider -Name OneGetTestProvider -RequiredVersion -Source $InternalGallery It "EXPECTED: Get-PackageProvider -ListAvailable succeeds" -Pending { $providers = Get-PackageProvider -ListAvailable ($providers | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'OneGetTest'}).Count | should match 3 ($providers | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'OneGetTestProvider'}).Count -ge 2 | should be $true } It "EXPECTED: Get-PackageProvider -ListAvailable succeeds even after importing gist provider" -Pending { Install-PackageProvider GistProvider -Source $InternalGallery Import-PackageProvider Gist $providers = Get-PackageProvider -ListAvailable ($providers | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'OneGetTest'}).Count | should match 3 ($providers | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'OneGetTestProvider'}).Count -ge 2 | should be $true } It "EXPECTED: success 'import OneGetTestProvider -requiredVersion 4.5'" -Pending { Import-PackageProvider -Name OneGetTestProvider -RequiredVersion 4.5 -Force (Get-PackageProvider OneGetTestProvider).Version.ToString() | should match '' } It "EXPECTED: success 'import OneGetTestProvider with MinimumVersion and MaximumVersion'" -Pending { Import-packageprovider -name OneGetTestProvider -MinimumVersion 4.6 -MaximumVersion 6.2 -Force (Get-PackageProvider OneGetTestProvider).Version.ToString() | should match '' } It "EXPECTED: success 'import OneGetTestProvider with MaximumVersion'" -Pending { Import-packageprovider -name OneGetTestProvider -MaximumVersion 4.6 -Force (Get-PackageProvider OneGetTestProvider).Version.ToString() | should match '' } It "EXPECTED: success 'OneGetTestProvider with MinimumVersion'" -Pending { Import-packageprovider -name OneGetTestProvider -MinimumVersion 6.0.5 -Force (Get-PackageProvider OneGetTestProvider).Version -ge [version]'' | should be $true } It "EXPECTED: success 'Import OneGetTestProvider -requiredVersion 4.5 and then 6.1 -force'" -Pending { Import-PackageProvider -Name OneGetTestProvider -RequiredVersion 4.5 -Force; Import-PackageProvider -Name OneGetTestProvider -RequiredVersion 6.1 -Force; (Get-PackageProvider OneGetTestProvider).Version.ToString() | should match '' } It "EXPECTED: success 'Import OneGetTestProvider -MinimumVersion 4.5 and then MaximumVersion 5.0 -force'" -Pending { Import-PackageProvider -Name OneGetTestProvider -MinimumVersion 4.5 -Force; (Get-PackageProvider OneGetTestProvider).Version -ge [version]'' | should be $true Import-PackageProvider -Name OneGetTestProvider -MaximumVersion 5.0 -Force; (Get-PackageProvider OneGetTestProvider).Version.ToString() | should match '' } }