jobs: - job: CreateMSIXBundle displayName: Create .msixbundle file pool: vmImage: windows-latest variables: - group: msixTools - group: 'Azure Blob variable group' steps: - template: release-SetReleaseTagAndContainerName.yml - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2 inputs: source: specific project: PowerShellCore pipeline: '696' preferTriggeringPipeline: true runVersion: latestFromBranch runBranch: '$(Build.SourceBranch)' artifact: finalResults patterns: '**/*.msix' path: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)\releasePipeline\msix' - pwsh: | $cmd = Get-Command makeappx.exe -ErrorAction Ignore if ($cmd) { Write-Verbose -Verbose 'makeappx available in PATH' $exePath = $cmd.Source } else { $toolsDir = '$(Pipeline.Workspace)\releasePipeline\tools' New-Item $toolsDir -Type Directory -Force > $null Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '$(makeappUrl)' -OutFile "$toolsDir\" Expand-Archive "$toolsDir\" -DestinationPath "$toolsDir\makeappx" -Force $exePath = "$toolsDir\makeappx\makeappx.exe" Write-Verbose -Verbose 'makeappx was installed:' Get-ChildItem -Path $toolsDir -Recurse } $vstsCommandString = "vso[task.setvariable variable=MakeAppxPath]$exePath" Write-Host "sending " + $vstsCommandString Write-Host "##$vstsCommandString" displayName: Install makeappx tool - pwsh: | $sourceDir = '$(Pipeline.Workspace)\releasePipeline\msix' $file = Get-ChildItem $sourceDir | Select-Object -First 1 $prefix = ($file.BaseName -split "-win")[0] $pkgName = "$prefix.msixbundle" Write-Verbose -Verbose "Creating $pkgName" $makeappx = '$(MakeAppxPath)' $outputDir = "$sourceDir\output" New-Item $outputDir -Type Directory -Force > $null & $makeappx bundle /d $sourceDir /p "$outputDir\$pkgName" Get-ChildItem -Path $sourceDir -Recurse $vstsCommandString = "vso[task.setvariable variable=BundleDir]$outputDir" Write-Host "sending " + $vstsCommandString Write-Host "##$vstsCommandString" displayName: Create MsixBundle - pwsh: | ## We use AzCopy v8.1 in our release pipeline, see the documentation at: ## $azcopy = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\AzCopy\AzCopy.exe" & $azcopy /Source:$(BundleDir) /Dest:https://$(StorageAccount)$(AzureVersion)-private /DestKey:$(StorageAccountKey) /Pattern:*.msixbundle /Y displayName: Upload MSIX Bundle package to Az Blob