Describe "Get-FileHash" { New-Variable testDocument -Value (Join-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath assets) -ChildPath testablescript.ps1) -Scope Global -Force # The MACTripleDES and RIPEMD160 algorithms are unsupported on Linux $algorithms = @{"SHA1" ="01B865D143E07ECC875AB0EFC0A4429387FD0CF7"; "SHA256" = "4A6DA9F1C0827143BB19FC4B0F2A8057BC1DF55F6D1F62FA3B917BA458E8F570"; "SHA384" = "656215B6A07011E625206F43E57873F49AD7B36DFCABB70F6CDCE2303D7A603E55D052774D26F339A6D80A264340CB8C"; "SHA512" = "C688C33027D89ACAC920545471C8053D8F64A54E21D0415F1E03766DDCDA215420E74FAFD1DC399864C6B6B5723A3358BD337339906797A39090B02229BF31FE"; "MD5" = "7B09811D1631C9FD46B39D1D35522F0A"; } Context "Cmdlet result tests" { It "Should default to correct hash algorithm" { $result = Get-FileHash $testDocument $result.Algorithm | Should Be "SHA256" } It "Should be able to set the default hash algorithm" { $PSDefaultParameterValues.add("Get-FileHash:Algorithm","MD5") $result = Get-FileHash $testDocument $result.Algorithm | Should Be "MD5" $PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("Get-FileHash:Algorithm") } It "Should list the path of the file under test" { $result = Get-FileHash $testDocument $result.Path | Should Be $testDocument } } Context "Algorithm tests" { It "Should be able to get the correct hash from each algorithm" { foreach ( $algorithm in $algorithms.Keys) { $algorithmResult = Get-FileHash $testDocument -Algorithm $algorithm $algorithmResult.Hash | Should Be $algorithms[$algorithm] } #MACTripleDES and RIPEMD160 are unsupported in the existing Pester tests from windows team { Get-FileHash $testDocument -Algorithm MACTripleDES } | Should Throw "Algorithm 'MACTripleDES' is not supported in this system." { Get-FileHash $testDocument -Algorithm RIPEMD160 } | Should Throw "Algorithm 'RIPEMD160' is not supported in this system." } } }