$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path Describe "Get-ItemProperty" { $currentDirectory = Split-Path $here -Leaf $parentDirectory = Split-Path (Join-Path -Path $here -ChildPath "..") -Leaf $tempDirectory = $TestDrive $testprovider = (Get-Item $tempDirectory).PSDrive.Name $testfile = Join-Path -Path $tempDirectory -ChildPath testfile1 New-Item $testfile -ItemType file -Force It "Should be able to be called on in the current directory" { $(Get-ItemProperty $here).Name | Should Be $currentDirectory } It "Should be able to be called on a parent directory" { (Get-ItemProperty $here/..).Name | Should Be $parentDirectory } It "Should be able to be called on a directory using the path switch" { { Get-ItemProperty -Path $tempDirectory } | Should Not Throw } It "Should be able to be called on a file using the path switch" { { Get-ItemProperty -Path $testfile } | Should Not Throw } It "Should be able to access a property using the Path and name switches" { { Get-ItemProperty -Path $testfile -Name fullname } | Should Not Throw $output = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testfile -Name fullname $output.PSPath | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $output.PSDrive | Should Be $testprovider $output.PSProvider.Name | Should Be "FileSystem" } It "Should be able to use the gp alias without error" { { gp . } | Should Not Throw { gp .. } | Should Not Throw } It "Should have the same results between alias and cmdlet" { $alias = gp -Path $testfile -Name fullname $cmdlet = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testfile -Name fullname $alias.PSPath | Should Be $cmdlet.PSPath $alias.PSDrive | Should Be $cmdlet.PSDrive $alias.PSProvider.Name | Should Be $cmdlet.PSProvider.Name } }