# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. $script:forcePull = $true # Get docker Engine OS function Get-DockerEngineOs { docker info --format '{{ .OperatingSystem }}' } # Call Docker with appropriate result checksfunction Invoke-Docker function Invoke-Docker { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]] $Command, [ValidateSet("error","warning",'ignore')] $FailureAction = 'error', [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]] $Params, [switch] $PassThru, [switch] $SuppressHostOutput ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue' # Log how we are running docker for troubleshooting issues Write-Verbose "Running docker $command $params" -Verbose if($SuppressHostOutput.IsPresent) { $result = docker $command $params 2>&1 } else { &'docker' $command $params 2>&1 | Tee-Object -Variable result -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-String -Stream -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Write-Host -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } $dockerExitCode = $LASTEXITCODE if($PassThru.IsPresent) { Write-Verbose "passing through docker result$($result.length)..." -Verbose return $result } elseif($dockerExitCode -ne 0 -and $FailureAction -eq 'error') { Write-Error "docker $command failed with: $result" -ErrorAction Stop return $false } elseif($dockerExitCode -ne 0 -and $FailureAction -eq 'warning') { Write-Warning "docker $command failed with: $result" return $false } elseif($dockerExitCode -ne 0) { return $false } return $true } # Return a list of Linux Container Test Cases function Get-LinuxContainer { foreach($os in 'centos7','ubuntu16.04') { Write-Output @{ Name = $os Path = "$PSScriptRoot/../release/$os" } } } # Return a list of Windows Container Test Cases function Get-WindowsContainer { foreach($os in 'windowsservercore','nanoserver') { Write-Output @{ Name = $os Path = "$PSScriptRoot/../release/$os" } } } $script:repoName = 'microsoft/powershell' function Get-RepoName { return $script:repoName } function Set-RepoName { param([string]$RepoName) $script:repoName = $RepoName $script:forcePull = $false } function Test-SkipWindows { [bool] $canRunWindows = (Get-DockerEngineOs) -like 'Windows*' return ($IsLinux -or $IsMacOS -or !$canRunWindows) } function Test-SkipLinux { $os = Get-DockerEngineOs switch -wildcard ($os) { '*Linux*' { return $false } '*Mac' { return $false } # Docker for Windows means we are running the linux kernel 'Docker for Windows' { return $false } 'Windows*' { return $true } default { throw "Unknown docker os '$os'" } } } function Get-TestContext { param( [ValidateSet('Linux','Windows','macOS')] [string]$Type ) $resultFileName = 'results.xml' $logFileName = 'results.log' $containerTestDrive = '/test' # Return a windows context if the Context in Windows *AND* # the current system is windows, otherwise Join-path will fail. if($Type -eq 'Windows' -and $IsWindows) { $ContainerTestDrive = 'C:\test' } $resolvedTestDrive = (Resolve-Path "Testdrive:\").providerPath return @{ ResolvedTestDrive = $resolvedTestDrive ResolvedXmlPath = Join-Path $resolvedTestDrive -ChildPath $resultFileName ResolvedLogPath = Join-Path $resolvedTestDrive -ChildPath $logFileName ContainerTestDrive = $ContainerTestDrive ContainerXmlPath = Join-Path $containerTestDrive -ChildPath $resultFileName ContainerLogPath = Join-Path $containerTestDrive -ChildPath $logFileName Type = $Type ForcePull = $script:forcePull } } function Get-ContainerPowerShellVersion { param( [HashTable] $TestContext, [string] $RepoName, [string] $Name ) $imageTag = "${script:repoName}:${Name}" if($TestContext.ForcePull) { $null=Invoke-Docker -Command 'image', 'pull' -Params $imageTag -SuppressHostOutput } $runParams = @() $localVolumeName = $testContext.resolvedTestDrive $runParams += '--rm' if($TestContext.Type -ne 'Windows' -and $IsWindows) { # use a container volume on windows because host volumes are not automatic $volumeName = "test-volume-" + (Get-Random -Minimum 100 -Maximum 999) # using alpine because it's tiny $null=Invoke-Docker -Command create -Params '-v', '/test', '--name', $volumeName, 'alpine' -SuppressHostOutput $runParams += '--volumes-from' $runParams += $volumeName } else { $runParams += '-v' $runParams += "${localVolumeName}:$($testContext.containerTestDrive)" } $runParams += $imageTag $runParams += 'pwsh' $runParams += '-c' $runParams += ('$PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString() | out-string | out-file -encoding ascii -FilePath '+$testContext.containerLogPath) $null = Invoke-Docker -Command run -Params $runParams -SuppressHostOutput if($TestContext.Type -ne 'Windows' -and $IsWindows) { $null = Invoke-Docker -Command cp -Params "${volumeName}:$($testContext.containerLogPath)", $TestContext.ResolvedLogPath $null = Invoke-Docker -Command container, rm -Params $volumeName, '--force' -SuppressHostOutput } return (Get-Content -Encoding Ascii $testContext.resolvedLogPath)[0] } # Function defines a config mapping for testing Preview packages. # The list of supported OS for each release can be found here: # https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell-Docs/blob/staging/reference/docs-conceptual/PowerShell-Core-Support.md#supported-platforms function Get-DefaultPreviewConfigForPackageValidation { # format: = @{ 'centos7'='rhel.7'; 'debian.9'='debian.9'; 'fedora28'='rhel.7'; 'opensuse42.3'='linux-x64.tar.gz'; 'ubuntu16.04'='ubuntu.16.04'; 'ubuntu18.04'='ubuntu.18.04'; 'fxdependent-centos7'='linux-x64-fxdependent.tar.gz'; 'fxdependent-debian.9'='linux-x64-fxdependent.tar.gz'; 'fxdependent-fedora28'='linux-x64-fxdependent.tar.gz'; 'fxdependent-opensuse42.3'='linux-x64-fxdependent.tar.gz'; 'fxdependent-ubuntu16.04'='linux-x64-fxdependent.tar.gz'; 'fxdependent-ubuntu18.04'='linux-x64-fxdependent.tar.gz'; 'fxdependent-dotnetsdk-latest'='linux-x64-fxd-dotnetsdk.tar.gz' } } # Function defines a config mapping for testing Stable packages. # The list of supported OS for each release can be found here: # https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell-Docs/blob/staging/reference/docs-conceptual/PowerShell-Core-Support.md#supported-platforms function Get-DefaultStableConfigForPackageValidation { # format: = @{ 'centos7'='rhel.7'; 'debian.9'='debian.9'; 'opensuse42.3'='linux-x64.tar.gz'; 'ubuntu16.04'='ubuntu.16.04'; 'fxdependent-centos7'='linux-x64-fxdependent.tar.gz'; 'fxdependent-debian.9'='linux-x64-fxdependent.tar.gz'; 'fxdependent-opensuse42.3'='linux-x64-fxdependent.tar.gz'; 'fxdependent-ubuntu16.04'='linux-x64-fxdependent.tar.gz' } } # Returns a list of files in a specified Azure container. function Get-PackageNamesOnAzureBlob { param( [string] $ContainerUrl, # $SAS (shared access signature) param should include beginning '?' and trailing '&' [string] $SAS ) $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $($ContainerUrl + $SAS + 'restype=container&comp=list') $xmlResponce = [xml]$response.Substring($response.IndexOf('