text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Select Columns... (none) The group title for items within a column whose value is empty/null. Value should be of Type {0}. This text represents the error which will be shown when the entered type does not match the type we are expecting. {0} is the expected type. The current selection is empty. The error validation string to present to the user when they have selected a value out of bounds. contains A filter rule that indicates a field must contain the specified value. does not contain A filter rule that indicates a field must not contain the specified value. does not equal A filter rule that indicates a field must not equal the specified value. equals A filter rule that indicates a field must equal the specified value. is greater than or equal to A filter rule that indicates a field must be greater than or equal to the specified value. is between A filter rule that indicates a field must be between the specified values. is empty A filter rule that indicates a field must be empty. is not empty A filter rule that indicates a field must not be empty. is less than or equal to A filter rule that indicates a field must be less than or equal to the specified value. ends with A filter rule that indicates a field must end with the specified value. starts with A filter rule that indicates a field must start with the specified value. Back The text representing the tool tip and help text for the Back Button in the Back Forward History control when the button is disabled Forward The text representing the tool tip and help text for the Forward Button in the Back Forward History control when the button is disabled The value must be a valid date in the following format: {0}. {0} will be filled in with the culture appropriate ShortDatePattern The value must be a valid number. Search The default background text of the search box. LeftToRight This value will be loaded at runtime to define the flow direction of WPF application. This value should be set to "RightToLeft" for mirrored language and "LeftToRight" for others. An ellipsis character. Ctrl+Add Ctrl+Shift+Add Ctrl+Plus Ctrl+Shift+Plus Ctrl+Subtract Ctrl+Shift+Subtract Ctrl+Minus Ctrl+Shift+Minus