Describe "NativeLinuxCommands" { It "Should return a type of System.Object for hostname cmdlet" { (hostname).GetType().BaseType | Should Be 'System.Object' (hostname).GetType().Name | Should Be String } It "Should have not empty Name flags set for ps object" { ps | foreach-object { $_.ProcessName | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } } It "Should find Application grep" -Skip:$IsWindows { (get-command grep).CommandType | Should Be Application } It "Should pipe to grep and get result" -Skip:$IsWindows { "hello world" | grep hello | Should Be "hello world" } It "Should find Application touch" -Skip:$IsWindows { (get-command touch).CommandType | Should Be Application } It "Should find Alias ls" -Skip:$IsWindows { (get-command ls).CommandType | Should Be Alias } It "Should find Function mkdir" -Skip:$IsWindows { (get-command mkdir).CommandType | Should Be Function } }