Describe "Stream writer tests" { $targetfile = "writeoutput.txt" # A custom function is defined here do handle the debug stream dealing with the confirm prompt # that would normally function Write-Messages { [CmdletBinding()] param() If ($PSBoundParameters['Debug']) { $DebugPreference = 'Continue' } Write-Verbose "Verbose message" Write-Debug "Debug message" } function Get-OutputResults { # Get the contents of the targetfile. # Make the array a string for less brittle testing $output = $(Get-Content $args[0]) [String]::Join([Environment]::NewLine, $output ) return $output } Context "Redirect Stream Tests" { # These tests validate that a stream is actually being written to by redirecting the output of that stream AfterEach { Remove-Item $targetfile } It "Should write warnings to the warning stream" { Write-Warning "Test Warning" 3>&1 > $targetfile Get-Content $targetfile | Should Be "Test Warning" } It "Should write error messages to the error stream" { Write-Error "Testing Error" 2>&1 > $targetfile $result = Get-OutputResults $targetfile # The contents of the error stream should contain the expected text $result -match ": Testing Error" | Should Be $true } It "Should write debug messages to the debug stream" { Write-Messages -Debug -EA SilentlyContinue 5>&1 > $targetfile $result = Get-OutputResults $targetfile # The contents of the debug stream should contain the expected text $result -match "Debug Message" | Should Be $true } It "Should write messages to the verbose stream" { Write-Messages -Verbose 4>&1 > $targetfile $result = Get-OutputResults $targetfile # The contents of the debug stream should contain the expected text $result -match "Verbose Message" | Should Be $true } } Context "Error automatic variable" { It "Should write error messages to the `$Error automatic variable" { Write-Error "Test Error Message" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Error[0] | Should Match "Test Error Message" } } }