# Resources Resources are `.resx` files with string values that we use for error messages and such. They live in `src\\resources` folders. At the moment `dotnet cli` doesn't support generating C# bindings (strongly typed resource files). We are using `src\windows-build\gen` folder in [src\windows-build](https://github.com/PowerShell/psl-windows-build) with pre-generated `.cs` files to work-around it. See [issue 756](https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/746) for details. ## Editing resx files **Don't edit** resx files from Visual Studio. It will try to create `.cs` files for you and you will get whole bunch of hard-to-understand errors. To edit resource file, use any **plain text editor**. Resource file is a simple xml, and it's easy to edit. ### Updating string If you just updated the string value, that's all you need to do: no need to re-generate `.cs` files ### Adding or removing string When you adding or removing string, `.cs` file need to be changed. 1. Run `Start-ResGen` function from `PowerShellGitHubDev.psm1` 1. Make sure your code is building with newly generated resources (run `Start-PSBuild`). 1. Go to submodule (`cd src\windows-build`) and perform the [submodule commit dance](../git/committing.md). Follow working with [submodule rules](../../.github/CONTRIBUTING.md#submodules)