param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] $coverallsToken, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] $codecovToken, [Parameter(Position = 2)] $azureLogDrive = "L:\" ) function Write-LogPassThru { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position = 0)] [string] $Message, $Path = "$env:Temp\CodeCoverageRunLogs.txt" ) $message = "{0:d} - {0:t} : {1}" -f ([datetime]::now),$message Add-Content -Path $Path -Value $Message -PassThru -Force } function Push-CodeCovData { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$file, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$CommitID, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$token, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$Branch = "master" ) $VERSION="64c1150" $url="" $query = "package=bash-${VERSION}&token=${token}&branch=${Branch}&commit=${CommitID}&build=&build_url=&tag=&slug=&yaml=&service=&flags=&pr=&job=" $CodeCovHeader = @{ Accept = "text/plain" } $uri = "$url/upload/v4?${query}" $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method POST -Uri $uri -Headers $CodeCovHeader if ( $response.StatusCode -ne 200 ) { Write-LogPassThru -Message "Could not get upload url for request $uri" throw "Could not get upload url" } $uploaduri = $response.content.split("`n")[-1] $UploadHeader = @{ "Content-Type" = "text/plain"; "x-amz-acl" = "public-read"; "x-amz-storage-class" = "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY" } $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Put -Uri $uploaduri -InFile $file -Headers $UploadHeader if ( $response.StatusCode -ne 200 ) { Write-LogPassThru -Message "Upload failed for upload uri: $uploaduri" throw "upload failed" } } Write-LogPassThru -Message "***** New Run *****" Write-LogPassThru -Message "Forcing winrm quickconfig as it is required for remoting tests." winrm quickconfig -force $codeCoverageZip = '' $testContentZip = '' $openCoverZip = '' Write-LogPassThru -Message "codeCoverageZip: $codeCoverageZip" Write-LogPassThru -Message "testcontentZip: $testContentZip" Write-LogPassThru -Message "openCoverZip: $openCoverZip" $outputBaseFolder = "$env:Temp\CC" $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $outputBaseFolder -Force $openCoverPath = "$outputBaseFolder\OpenCover" $testPath = "$outputBaseFolder\tests" $psBinPath = "$outputBaseFolder\PSCodeCoverage" $openCoverTargetDirectory = "$outputBaseFolder\OpenCoverToolset" $outputLog = "$outputBaseFolder\CodeCoverageOutput.xml" $psCodeZip = "$outputBaseFolder\" $psCodePath = "$outputBaseFolder\PSCode" $elevatedLogs = "$outputBaseFolder\TestResults_Elevated.xml" $unelevatedLogs = "$outputBaseFolder\TestResults_Unelevated.xml" try { $oldErrorActionPreference = $ErrorActionPreference $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' Write-LogPassThru -Message "Starting downloads." Invoke-WebRequest -uri $codeCoverageZip -outfile "$outputBaseFolder\" Invoke-WebRequest -uri $testContentZip -outfile "$outputBaseFolder\" Invoke-WebRequest -uri $openCoverZip -outfile "$outputBaseFolder\" Write-LogPassThru -Message "Downloads complete. Starting expansion" Expand-Archive -path "$outputBaseFolder\" -destinationpath "$psBinPath" -Force Expand-Archive -path "$outputBaseFolder\" -destinationpath $testPath -Force Expand-Archive -path "$outputBaseFolder\" -destinationpath $openCoverPath -Force ## Download uploader $coverallsToolsUrl = '' $coverallsPath = "$outputBaseFolder\coveralls" ## Saving the nupkg as zip so we can expand it. Invoke-WebRequest -uri $coverallsToolsUrl -outfile "$outputBaseFolder\" Expand-Archive -Path "$outputBaseFolder\" -DestinationPath $coverallsPath -Force Write-LogPassThru -Message "Expansion complete." Import-Module "$openCoverPath\OpenCover" -Force Install-OpenCover -TargetDirectory $openCoverTargetDirectory -force Write-LogPassThru -Message "OpenCover installed." Write-LogPassThru -Message "TestDirectory : $testPath" Write-LogPassThru -Message "openCoverPath : $openCoverTargetDirectory\OpenCover" Write-LogPassThru -Message "psbinpath : $psBinPath" Write-LogPassThru -Message "elevatedLog : $elevatedLogs" Write-LogPassThru -Message "unelevatedLog : $unelevatedLogs" $openCoverParams = @{outputlog = $outputLog; TestDirectory = $testPath; OpenCoverPath = "$openCoverTargetDirectory\OpenCover"; PowerShellExeDirectory = "$psBinPath\publish"; PesterLogElevated = $elevatedLogs; PesterLogUnelevated = $unelevatedLogs; } $openCoverParams | Out-String | Write-LogPassThru Write-LogPassThru -Message "Starting test run." if(Test-Path $outputLog) { Remove-Item $outputLog -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } Invoke-OpenCover @openCoverParams if(Test-Path $outputLog) { Write-LogPassThru -Message (get-childitem $outputLog).FullName } Write-LogPassThru -Message "Test run done." $gitCommitId = & "$psBinPath\publish\powershell.exe" -noprofile -command { $PSVersiontable.GitCommitId } $commitId = $gitCommitId.substring($gitCommitId.LastIndexOf('-g') + 2) Write-LogPassThru -Message $commitId $coverallsPath = "$outputBaseFolder\coveralls" $commitInfo = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get "$commitId" $message = ($commitInfo.message).replace("`n", " ") $author = $ $email = $ $coverallsExe = Join-Path $coverallsPath "tools\csmacnz.Coveralls.exe" $coverallsParams = @("--opencover", "-i $outputLog", "--repoToken $coverallsToken", "--commitId $commitId", "--commitBranch master", "--commitAuthor `"$author`"", "--commitEmail $email", "--commitMessage `"$message`"" ) $coverallsParams | ForEach-Object { Write-LogPassThru -Message $_ } Write-LogPassThru -Message "Uploading to CoverAlls" & $coverallsExe """$coverallsParams""" Write-LogPassThru -Message "Uploading to CodeCov" Push-CodeCovData -file $outputLog -CommitID $commitId -token $codecovToken -Branch 'master' Write-LogPassThru -Message "Upload complete." } catch { Write-LogPassThru -Message $_ } finally { ## See if Azure log directory is mounted if(Test-Path $azureLogDrive) { ##Create yyyy-dd folder $monthFolder = "{0:yyyy-MM}" -f [datetime]::Now $monthFolderFullPath = New-Item -Path (Join-Path $azureLogDrive $monthFolder) -ItemType Directory -Force $windowsFolderPath = New-Item (Join-Path $monthFolderFullPath "Windows") -ItemType Directory -Force $destinationPath = Join-Path $env:Temp ("CodeCoverageLogs-{0:yyyy_MM_dd}-{0:hh_mm_ss}.zip" -f [datetime]::Now) Compress-Archive -Path $elevatedLogs,$unelevatedLogs,$outputLog -DestinationPath $destinationPath Copy-Item $destinationPath $windowsFolderPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Item -Path $destinationPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } ## Disable the cleanup till we stabilize. #Remove-Item -recurse -force -path $outputBaseFolder $ErrorActionPreference = $oldErrorActionPreference }