Describe "Format-List" { $nl = [Environment]::NewLine BeforeEach { $in = New-Object PSObject Add-Member -InputObject $in -MemberType NoteProperty -Name testName -Value testValue } It "Should call format list without error" { { $in | Format-List } | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } It "Should be able to call the alias" { { $in | fl } | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } It "Should have the same output whether choosing alias or not" { $expected = $in | Format-List | Out-String $actual = $in | fl | Out-String $actual | Should Be $expected } It "Should produce the expected output" { $expected = "${nl}${nl}testName : testValue${nl}${nl}${nl}${nl}" $in = New-Object PSObject Add-Member -InputObject $in -MemberType NoteProperty -Name testName -Value testValue $in | Format-List | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $in | Format-List | Out-String | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $in | Format-List | Out-String | Should Be $expected } It "Should be able to call a property of the piped input" { # Tested on two input commands to verify functionality. { Get-Command | Format-List -Property Name } | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty { Get-Date | Format-List -Property DisplayName } | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } It "Should be able to display a list of props when separated by a comma" { (Get-Command | Format-List -Property Name,Source | Out-String) -Split "${nl}" | Where-Object { $_.trim() -ne "" } | ForEach-Object { $_ | Should Match "(Name)|(Source)" } } It "Should show the requested prop in every element" { # Testing each element of format-list, using a for-each loop since the Format-List is so opaque (Get-Command | Format-List -Property Source | Out-String) -Split "${nl}" | Where-Object { $_.trim() -ne "" } | ForEach-Object { $_ | Should Match "Source :" } } It "Should not show anything other than the requested props" { $output = Get-Command | Format-List -Property Name | Out-String $output | Should Not Match "CommandType :" $output | Should Not Match "Source :" $output | Should Not Match "Module :" } It "Should be able to take input without piping objects to it" { $output = { Format-List -InputObject $in } $output | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } }