Describe "New-Object" { It "should create an object with 4 fields" { $o = New-Object psobject $val = $o.GetType() $val.IsPublic | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $val.Name | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $val.IsSerializable | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $val.BaseType | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $val.IsPublic | Should Be $true $val.IsSerializable | Should Be $false $val.Name | Should Be 'PSCustomObject' $val.BaseType | Should Be 'System.Object' } It "should create an object with using Property switch" { $hash = @{ FirstVal = 'test1' SecondVal = 'test2' } $o = New-Object psobject -Property $hash $o.FirstVal | Should Be 'test1' $o.SecondVal | Should Be 'test2' } It "should create a .Net object with using ArgumentList switch" { $o = New-Object -TypeName System.Version -ArgumentList "" $o.GetType() | Should Be ([System.Version]) $o | Should Be "" } }