Describe "Write-Error DRT Unit Tests" -Tags DRT{ It "Should be works with command: write-error myerrortext" { Write-Error myerrortext -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Error[0] | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $Error[0].GetType().Name | Should Be 'ErrorRecord' #Exception verification $Error[0].Exception.GetType().Name | Should Be 'WriteErrorException' $Error[0].Exception.Message | Should Be 'myerrortext' $Error[0].Exception.Data.Count | Should Be 0 $Error[0].Exception.InnerException | Should BeNullOrEmpty #ErrorCategoryInfo verification $Error[0].CategoryInfo | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $Error[0].CategoryInfo.Category | Should Be 'NotSpecified' $Error[0].CategoryInfo.Activity | Should Be 'Write-Error' $Error[0].CategoryInfo.Reason | Should Be 'WriteErrorException' $Error[0].CategoryInfo.TargetName | Should BeNullOrEmpty $Error[0].CategoryInfo.TargetType | Should BeNullOrEmpty $Error[0].CategoryInfo.GetMessage() | Should Be 'NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException' #ErrorDetails verification $Error[0].ErrorDetails | Should BeNullOrEmpty #FullyQualifiedErrorId verification $Error[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException' #InvocationInfo verification $Error[0].InvocationInfo | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $Error[0].InvocationInfo.MyCommand.Name | Should BeNullOrEmpty } #Skip with issue #846 It "Should be works with all parameters" -Skip:$true { $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.ArgumentNullException -ArgumentList paramname Write-Error -Message myerrortext -Exception $exception -ErrorId myerrorid -Category syntaxerror -TargetObject TargetObject -CategoryActivity myactivity -CategoryReason myreason -CategoryTargetName mytargetname -CategoryTargetType mytargettype -RecommendedAction myrecommendedaction -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $Error[0] | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $Error[0].GetType().Name | Should Be 'ErrorRecord' #Exception verification $Error[0].Exception | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $Error[0].Exception.GetType().Name | Should Be 'ArgumentNullException' $Error[0].Exception.ParamName | Should Be 'paramname' $Error[0].Exception.Data.Count | Should Be 0 $Error[0].Exception.InnerException | Should BeNullOrEmpty #TargetObject verification $Error[0].TargetObject | Should Be 'TargetObject' #FullyQualifiedErrorId verification $Error[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be 'myerrorid' #ErrorCategoryInfo verification $Error[0].CategoryInfo | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $Error[0].CategoryInfo.Category | Should Be 'SyntaxError' $Error[0].CategoryInfo.Activity | Should Be 'myactivity' $Error[0].CategoryInfo.Reason | Should Be 'myreason' $Error[0].CategoryInfo.TargetName | Should Be 'mytargetname' $Error[0].CategoryInfo.TargetType | Should Be 'mytargettype' $Error[0].CategoryInfo.GetMessage() | Should Be 'SyntaxError: (mytargetname:mytargettype) [myactivity], myreason' #ErrorDetails verification $Error[0].ErrorDetails | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $Error[0].ErrorDetails.Message | Should Be 'myerrortext' $Error[0].ErrorDetails.RecommendedAction | Should Be 'myrecommendedaction' #InvocationInfo verification $Error[0].InvocationInfo | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $Error[0].InvocationInfo.MyCommand.Name | Should BeNullOrEmpty } } Describe "Write-Error" { It "Should be able to throw" { Write-Error "test throw" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Should Throw } It "Should throw a non-terminating error" { Write-Error "test throw" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 1 + 1 | Should Be 2 } It "Should trip an exception using the exception switch" { $var = 0 try { Write-Error -Exception -Message "test throw" } catch [System.Exception] { $var++ } finally { $var | Should Be 1 } } It "Should output the error message to the `$error automatic variable" { $theError = "Error: Too many input values." write-error -message $theError -category InvalidArgument -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $error[0]| Should Be $theError } }