name: PR-$(System.PullRequest.PullRequestNumber)-$(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.rr) trigger: # Batch merge builds together while a merge build is running batch: true branches: include: - master - release* - feature* paths: include: - '*' exclude: - /.vsts-ci/misc-analysis.yml - /.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/* - /.dependabot/config.yml pr: branches: include: - master - release* - feature* paths: include: - '*' exclude: - /.vsts-ci/misc-analysis.yml - /.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/* - /.dependabot/config.yml variables: GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS: "'core.autocrlf=false'" DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT: 1 POWERSHELL_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT: 1 # Avoid expensive initialization of dotnet cli, see: DOTNET_SKIP_FIRST_TIME_EXPERIENCE: 1 __SuppressAnsiEscapeSequences: 1 resources: - repo: self clean: true stages: - stage: BuildWin displayName: Build for Windows jobs: - template: templates/ci-build.yml - stage: TestWin displayName: Test for Windows jobs: - template: templates/windows-test.yml parameters: purpose: UnelevatedPesterTests tagSet: CI - template: templates/windows-test.yml parameters: purpose: ElevatedPesterTests tagSet: CI - template: templates/windows-test.yml parameters: purpose: UnelevatedPesterTests tagSet: Others - template: templates/windows-test.yml parameters: purpose: ElevatedPesterTests tagSet: Others - template: templates/verify-xunit.yml - stage: PackagingWin displayName: Packaging for Windows dependsOn: [] # by specifying an empty array, this stage doesn't depend on the stage before it jobs: # Unlike daily builds, we do not upload nuget package to MyGet so we do not wait on tests to finish. - template: templates/windows-packaging.yml