Describe "New-Variable DRT Unit Tests" -Tags DRT{ It "New-Variable variable with description should works"{ New-Variable foo bar -description "my description" $var1=Get-Variable -Name foo $var1.Name|Should Be "foo" $var1.Value|Should Be "bar" $var1.Options|Should Be "None" $var1.Description|Should Be "my description" } It "New-Variable variable with option should works"{ New-Variable foo bar -option Constant $var1=Get-Variable -Name foo $var1.Name|Should Be "foo" $var1.Value|Should Be "bar" $var1.Options|Should Be "Constant" $var1.Description|Should Be "" } It "New-Variable variable twice should throw Exception"{ New-Variable foo bogus try { New-Variable foo bar -EA Stop Throw "Execution OK" } catch { $_.CategoryInfo| Should Match "SessionStateException" $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "VariableAlreadyExists,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewVariableCommand" } New-Variable foo bar -Force -PassThru $var1=Get-Variable -Name foo $var1.Name|Should Be "foo" $var1.Value|Should Be "bar" $var1.Options|Should Be "None" $var1.Description|Should Be "" } It "New-Variable ReadOnly variable twice should throw Exception"{ New-Variable foo bogus -option ReadOnly try { New-Variable foo bar -EA Stop Throw "Execution OK" } catch { $_.CategoryInfo| Should Match "SessionStateException" $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "VariableAlreadyExists,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewVariableCommand" } New-Variable foo bar -Force -PassThru $var1=Get-Variable -Name foo $var1.Name|Should Be "foo" $var1.Value|Should Be "bar" $var1.Options|Should Be "None" $var1.Description|Should Be "" } } Describe "New-Variable" { It "Should create a new variable with no parameters" { { New-Variable var1 } | Should Not Throw } It "Should be able to set variable name using the Name parameter" { { New-Variable -Name var1 } | Should Not Throw } It "Should be able to assign a value to a variable using the value switch" { New-Variable var1 -Value 4 $var1 | Should Be 4 } It "Should be able to assign a value to a new variable without using the value switch" { New-Variable var1 "test" $var1 | Should Be "test" } It "Should assign a description to a new variable using the description switch" { New-Variable var1 100 -Description "Test Description" (Get-Variable var1).Description | Should Be "Test Description" } It "Should be able to be called with the nv alias" { nv var1 $var1 | Should BeNullOrEmpty nv var2 2 $var2 | Should Be 2 } It "Should not be able to set the name of a new variable to that of an old variable within same scope when the Force switch is missing" { New-Variable var1 (New-Variable var1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) | Should Throw } It "Should change the value of an already existing variable using the Force switch" { New-Variable var1 -Value 1 $var1 | Should Be 1 New-Variable var1 -Value 2 -Force $var1 | Should Be 2 $var1 | Should Not Be 1 } It "Should be able to set the value of a variable by piped input" { $in = "value" $in | New-Variable -Name var1 $var1 | Should Be $in } It "Should be able to pipe object properties to output using the PassThru switch" { $in = Set-Variable -Name testVar -Value "test" -Description "test description" -PassThru $in.Description | Should Be "test description" } It "Should be able to set the value using the value switch" { New-Variable -Name var1 -Value 2 $var1 | Should Be 2 } Context "Option tests" { It "Should be able to use the options switch without error" { { New-Variable -Name var1 -Value 2 -Option Unspecified } | Should Not Throw } It "Should default to none as the value for options" { (new-variable -name var2 -value 4 -passthru).Options | should be "None" } It "Should be able to set ReadOnly option" { { New-Variable -Name var1 -Value 2 -Option ReadOnly } | Should Not Throw } It "Should not be able to change variable created using the ReadOnly option when the Force switch is not used" { New-Variable -Name var1 -Value 1 -Option ReadOnly Set-Variable -Name var1 -Value 2 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $var1 | Should Not Be 2 } It "Should be able to set a new variable to constant" { { New-Variable -Name var1 -Option Constant } | Should Not Throw } It "Should not be able to change an existing variable to constant" { New-Variable -Name var1 -Value 1 -PassThru Set-Variable -Name var1 -Option Constant -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue (Get-Variable var1).Options | should be "None" } It "Should not be able to delete a constant variable" { New-Variable -Name var1 -Value 2 -Option Constant Remove-Variable -Name var1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $var1 | Should Be 2 } It "Should not be able to change a constant variable" { New-Variable -Name var1 -Value 1 -Option Constant Set-Variable -Name var1 -Value 2 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $var1 | Should Not Be 2 } It "Should be able to create a variable as private without error" { { New-Variable -Name var1 -Option Private } | Should Not Throw } It "Should be able to see the value of a private variable when within scope" { New-Variable -Name var1 -Value 100 -Option Private $var1 | Should Be 100 } It "Should not be able to see the value of a private variable when out of scope" { {New-Variable -Name var1 -Value 1 -Option Private}| Should Not Throw $var1 | Should BeNullOrEmpty } It "Should be able to use the AllScope switch without error" { { New-Variable -Name var1 -Option AllScope } | Should Not Throw } It "Should be able to see variable created using the AllScope switch in a child scope" { New-Variable -Name var1 -Value 1 -Option AllScope &{ $var1 = 2 } $var1 | Should Be 2 } } Context "Scope Tests" { BeforeAll { if ( get-variable -scope global -name globalVar1 -ea SilentlyContinue ) { Remove-Variable -scope global -name globalVar1 } if ( get-variable -scope script -name scriptvar -ea SilentlyContinue ) { remove-variable -scope script -name scriptvar } # no check for local scope variable as that scope is created with test invocation } AfterAll { if ( get-variable -scope global -name globalVar1 ) { Remove-Variable -scope global -name globalVar1 } if ( get-variable -scope script -name scriptvar ) { remove-variable -scope script -name scriptvar } } It "Should be able to create a global scope variable using the global switch" { new-variable -Scope global -name globalvar1 -value 1 get-variable -Scope global -name globalVar1 -ValueOnly | Should be 1 } It "Should be able to create a local scope variable using the local switch" { Get-Variable -scope local -name localvar -ValueOnly -ea silentlycontinue | should BeNullOrEmpty New-Variable -Scope local -Name localVar -value 10 get-variable -scope local -name localvar -ValueOnly | Should be 10 } It "Should be able to create a script scope variable using the script switch" { new-variable -scope script -name scriptvar -value 100 get-variable -scope script -name scriptvar -ValueOnly | should be 100 } } }