# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. Describe "TestImplicitRemotingBatching hook should correctly batch simple remote command pipelines" -Tag 'Feature','RequireAdminOnWindows' { BeforeAll { if (! $isWindows) { return } function ThrowSetupError { param ( [string] $errorMessage, [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord[]] $eRecords ) $msg = @() foreach ($err in $powerShell.Streams.Error) { $msg += $err.ToString() + "`n" } throw "$errorMessage : '$msg'" } # Make sure we can create a remote session $remotePSSession = New-RemoteSession if ($remotePSSession -eq $null) { Write-Verbose "Unable to create a remote session in test." } else { Remove-PSSession $remotePSSession } [powershell] $powerShell = [powershell]::Create([System.Management.Automation.RunspaceMode]::NewRunspace) # Create remote session in new PowerShell session $powerShell.AddScript('Import-Module -Name HelpersRemoting; $remoteSession = New-RemoteSession').Invoke() if ($powerShell.Streams.Error.Count -gt 0) { ThrowSetupError -errorMessage "Unable to create remote session for test with error" -eRecords $powerShell.Streams.Error } # Import implicit commands from remote session $powerShell.Commands.Clear() $powerShell.AddScript('Import-PSSession -Session $remoteSession -CommandName Get-Process,Write-Output -AllowClobber').Invoke() if ($powerShell.Streams.Error.Count -gt 0) { ThrowSetupError -errorMessage "Unable to import pssession for test" -eRecords $powerShell.Streams.Error } # Define $filter variable in local session $powerShell.Commands.Clear() $powerShell.AddScript('$filter = "pwsh","powershell"').Invoke() $localRunspace = $powerShell.Runspace [powershell] $psInvoke = [powershell]::Create([System.Management.Automation.RunspaceMode]::NewRunspace) $testCases = @( @{ Name = 'Two implicit commands should be successfully batched' CommandLine = 'Get-Process -Name "pwsh" | Write-Output' ExpectedOutput = $true }, @{ Name = 'Two implicit commands with Where-Object should be successfully batched' CommandLine = 'Get-Process | Write-Output | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "*pwsh*" }' ExpectedOutput = $true }, @{ Name = 'Two implicit commands with Where-Object alias (?) should be successfully batched' CommandLine = 'Get-Process | Write-Output | ? { $_.Name -like "*pwsh*" }' ExpectedOutput = $true }, @{ Name = 'Two implicit commands with Where-Object alias (where) should be successfully batched' CommandLine = 'Get-Process | Write-Output | where { $_.Name -like "*pwsh*" }' ExpectedOutput = $true }, @{ Name = 'Two implicit commands with Sort-Object should be successfully batched' CommandLine = 'Get-Process -Name "pwsh" | Sort-Object -Property Name | Write-Output' ExpectedOutput = $true }, @{ Name = 'Two implicit commands with Sort-Object alias (sort) should be successfully batched' CommandLine = 'Get-Process -Name "pwsh" | sort -Property Name | Write-Output' ExpectedOutput = $true }, @{ Name = 'Two implicit commands with ForEach-Object should be successfully batched' CommandLine = 'Get-Process -Name "pwsh" | Write-Output | ForEach-Object { $_ }' ExpectedOutput = $true }, @{ Name = 'Two implicit commands with ForEach-Object alias (%) should be successfully batched' CommandLine = 'Get-Process -Name "pwsh" | Write-Output | % { $_ }' ExpectedOutput = $true }, @{ Name = 'Two implicit commands with ForEach-Object alias (foreach) should be successfully batched' CommandLine = 'Get-Process -Name "pwsh" | Write-Output | foreach { $_ }' ExpectedOutput = $true }, @{ Name = 'Two implicit commands with Measure-Command should be successfully batched' CommandLine = 'Measure-Command { Get-Process | Write-Output }' ExpectedOutput = $true }, @{ Name = 'Two implicit commands with Measure-Object should be successfully batched' CommandLine = 'Get-Process | Write-Output | Measure-Object' ExpectedOutput = $true }, @{ Name = 'Two implicit commands with Measure-Object alias (measure) should be successfully batched' CommandLine = 'Get-Process | Write-Output | measure' ExpectedOutput = $true }, @{ Name = 'Implicit commands with variable arguments should be successfully batched' CommandLine = 'Get-Process -Name $filter | Write-Output' ExpectedOutput = $true }, @{ Name = 'Pipeline with non-implicit command should not be batched' CommandLine = 'Get-Process | Write-Output | Select-Object -Property Name' ExpectedOutput = $false }, @{ Name = 'Non-simple pipeline should not be batched' CommandLine = '1..2 | % { Get-Process pwsh | Write-Output }' ExpectedOutput = $false } @{ Name = 'Pipeline with single command should not be batched' CommandLine = 'Get-Process pwsh' ExpectedOutput = $false }, @{ Name = 'Pipeline without any implicit commands should not be batched' CommandLine = 'Get-PSSession | Out-Default' ExpectedOutput = $false } ) } AfterAll { if (! $isWindows) { return } if ($remoteSession -ne $null) { Remove-PSSession $remoteSession -ErrorAction Ignore } if ($powershell -ne $null) { $powershell.Dispose() } if ($psInvoke -ne $null) { $psInvoke.Dispose() } } It "" -TestCases $testCases -Skip:(! $IsWindows) { param ($CommandLine, $ExpectedOutput) $psInvoke.Commands.Clear() $psInvoke.Commands.AddScript('param ($cmdLine, $runspace) [System.Management.Automation.Internal.InternalTestHooks]::TestImplicitRemotingBatching($cmdLine, $runspace)').AddArgument($CommandLine).AddArgument($localRunspace) $result = $psInvoke.Invoke() $result | Should Be $ExpectedOutput } }