# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # Licensed under the MIT License. Describe 'enums' -Tags "CI" { Context 'basic enums' { enum E1 { e0 e1 e2 } It "has correct value 0" { [E1]::e0 | Should -Be ([E1]0) } It "has correct value 1" { [E1]::e1 | Should -Be ([E1]1) } It "has correct value 2" { [E1]::e2 | Should -Be ([E1]2) } It "cast from string" { [E1]::e1 | Should -Be 'e1' } It "cast to string" { 'e2' | Should -Be ([E1]::e2) } } Context 'Basic enum with initial value' { enum E2 { e0 e1 = 5 e2 } It "has correct value 0" { [E2]::e0 | Should -Be ([E2]0) } It "has correct value 5" { [E2]::e1 | Should -Be ([E2]5) } It "has correct value 6" { [E2]::e2 | Should -Be ([E2]6) } It "cast from string" { [E2]::e1 | Should -Be 'e1' } It "cast to string" { 'e2' | Should -Be ([E2]::e2) } } Context 'Basic enum with initial value expression' { enum E3 { e0 e1 = 5 e2 = [int]::MaxValue e3 = 1 # This shouldn't be an error even though previous member was max int } It "has correct value 0" { [E3]::e0 | Should -Be ([E3]0) } It "has correct value 5" { [E3]::e1 | Should -Be ([E3]5) } It "has correct value [int]::MaxValue" { [E3]::e2 | Should -Be ([E3]([int]::MaxValue)) } It "has correct value 1" { [E3]::e3 | Should -Be ([E3]1) } It "cast from string" { [E3]::e2 | Should -Be 'e2' } It "cast to string" { 'e3' | Should -Be ([E3]::e3) } } Context 'Enum with complicated initial value' { enum E4 { e0 = [E5]::e0 + 2 } enum E5 { e0 = [E6]::e0 + 2 } # Don't add space after 'e0 ='! Fix #2543 enum E6 { e0 =38 } It 'E4 has correct value' { [E4]::e0 | Should -Be ([E4]42) } It 'E5 has correct value' { [E5]::e0 | Should -Be ([E5]40) } It 'E6 has correct value' { [E6]::e0 | Should -Be ([E6]38) } } Context 'Enum with non-default underlying type' { enum EX1 : byte { A;B;C;D } enum EX2 : sbyte { A;B;C;D } enum EX3 : short { A;B;C;D } enum EX4 : ushort { A;B;C;D } enum EX5 : int { A;B;C;D } enum EX6 : uint { A;B;C;D } enum EX7 : long { A;B;C;D } enum EX8 : ulong { A;B;C;D } It 'EX1 has the specified underlying type' { [Enum]::GetUnderlyingType([EX1]) | Should -Be ([byte]) } It 'EX2 has the specified underlying type' { [Enum]::GetUnderlyingType([EX2]) | Should -Be ([sbyte]) } It 'EX3 has the specified underlying type' { [Enum]::GetUnderlyingType([EX3]) | Should -Be ([short]) } It 'EX4 has the specified underlying type' { [Enum]::GetUnderlyingType([EX4]) | Should -Be ([ushort]) } It 'EX5 has the specified underlying type' { [Enum]::GetUnderlyingType([EX5]) | Should -Be ([int]) } It 'EX6 has the specified underlying type' { [Enum]::GetUnderlyingType([EX6]) | Should -Be ([uint]) } It 'EX7 has the specified underlying type' { [Enum]::GetUnderlyingType([EX7]) | Should -Be ([long]) } It 'EX8 has the specified underlying type' { [Enum]::GetUnderlyingType([EX8]) | Should -Be ([ulong]) } } Context 'Enum with negative user-specified values' { enum V1 { A = -4 B = [int]::MinValue C } It 'Negative values are correctly assigned to members' { [V1]::A.value__ | Should -Be -4 [V1]::B.value__ | Should -Be -2147483648 [V1]::C.value__ | Should -Be -2147483647 } } } Describe 'Basic enum errors' -Tags "CI" { ShouldBeParseError 'enum' MissingNameAfterKeyword 4 ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo' MissingTypeBody 8 ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo {' MissingEndCurlyBrace 10 ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo { x = }' ExpectedValueExpression 14 ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo { x =' ExpectedValueExpression,MissingEndCurlyBrace 14,10 ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo {} enum foo {}' MemberAlreadyDefined 12 ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo { x; x }' MemberAlreadyDefined 14 -SkipAndCheckRuntimeError ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo { X; x }' MemberAlreadyDefined 14 -SkipAndCheckRuntimeError ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo1 { x = [foo2]::x } enum foo2 { x = [foo1]::x }' CycleInEnumInitializers,CycleInEnumInitializers 0,28 -SkipAndCheckRuntimeError ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo { e = [int]::MaxValue; e2 }' EnumeratorValueOutOfBounds 33 -SkipAndCheckRuntimeError ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo { e = [int]::MaxValue + 1 }' EnumeratorValueOutOfBounds 15 -SkipAndCheckRuntimeError ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo : byte { e = -1 }' EnumeratorValueOutOfBounds 22 -SkipAndCheckRuntimeError ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo { e = $foo }' EnumeratorValueMustBeConstant 15 -SkipAndCheckRuntimeError ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo { e = "hello" }' CannotConvertValue 15 -SkipAndCheckRuntimeError ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo { a;b;c;' MissingEndCurlyBrace 10 ShouldBeParseError 'enum foo : string { a }' InvalidUnderlyingType 11 -SkipAndCheckRuntimeError }