# Docker These DockerFiles enable running PowerShell in a container for each Linux distribution we support. This requires an up-to-date version of Docker, such as 1.12. It also expects you to be able to run Docker without `sudo`. Please follow [Docker's official instructions][install] to install `docker` correctly. [install]: https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/ ## Release The release containers derive from the official distribution image, such as `centos:7`, then install dependencies, and finally install the PowerShell package. These containers live at [hub.docker.com/r/microsoft/powershell][docker-release]. At about 440 megabytes, they are decently minimal, with their size being the sum of the base image (200 megabytes) plus the uncompressed package (120 megabytes), and about 120 megabytes of .NET Core and bootstrapping dependencies. [docker-release]: https://hub.docker.com/r/microsoft/powershell/ ## Examples To run PowerShell from using a container: ```sh $ docker run -it microsoft/powershell Unable to find image 'microsoft/powershell:latest' locally latest: Pulling from microsoft/powershell cad964aed91d: Already exists 3a80a22fea63: Already exists 50de990d7957: Already exists 61e032b8f2cb: Already exists 9f03ce1741bf: Already exists adf6ad28fa0e: Pull complete 10db13a8ca02: Pull complete 75bdb54ff5ae: Pull complete Digest: sha256:92c79c5fcdaf3027626643aef556344b8b4cbdaccf8443f543303319949c7f3a Status: Downloaded newer image for microsoft/powershell:latest PowerShell Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. PS /> Write-Host "Hello, World!" Hello, World! ``` ## Building the images The images are built with the [`docker image build`](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/image_build/) command. ### Example ```sh PS /powershell/docker> cd ./release/ubuntu16.04/ PS /powershell/docker/release/ubuntu16.04> docker image build -t ps-ubuntu.16.04 . Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.072 kB Step 1/12 : FROM ubuntu:xenial ---> 7b9b13f7b9c0 Step 2/12 : LABEL maintainer "PowerShell Team " ---> Using cache ---> c6515b7d596f Step 3/12 : LABEL readme.md "https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/blob/master/docker/README.md" ---> Using cache ---> 721306ae4490 Step 4/12 : LABEL description "This Dockerfile will install the latest release of PS." ---> Using cache ---> 80c06f5481d2 Step 5/12 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends apt-utils ca-certificates curl apt-transport-https locales && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* ---> Using cache ---> 2d08e2300fc9 Step 6/12 : ENV LANG en_US.UTF-8 ---> Using cache ---> 6dfc363111c0 Step 7/12 : ENV LC_ALL $LANG ---> Using cache ---> b7ef2cd3a7ed Step 8/12 : RUN locale-gen $LANG && update-locale ---> Using cache ---> e75306ddf3e0 Step 9/12 : RUN curl https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc | apt-key add - ---> Using cache ---> f476b7be22a2 Step 10/12 : RUN curl https://packages.microsoft.com/config/ubuntu/16.04/prod.list | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft.list ---> Using cache ---> 909ca8e33a3b Step 11/12 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends powershell ---> Using cache ---> f32b54204619 Step 12/12 : ENTRYPOINT powershell ---> Using cache ---> ee667ad86a7b Successfully built ee667ad86a7b ``` ### Run the docker image you built ```sh PS /powershell/docker/release/ubuntu16.04> docker run -it ps-ubuntu.16.04 powershell -c '$psversiontable' Name Value ---- ----- PSVersion 6.0.0-beta PSEdition Core BuildVersion CLRVersion GitCommitId v6.0.0-beta.2 OS Linux 4.9.27-moby #1 SMP Thu May 11 04:01:18 ... Platform Unix PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...} PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.3 SerializationVersion WSManStackVersion 3.0 ``` ## NanoServer-Insider Release Notes Please be sure to use a build from the Windows Insider program, either [Windows Server Insider](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windowsinsiderpreviewserver) or the [Windows 10 Insider](https://insider.windows.com/GettingStarted), as your Container host before trying to pull this image. Otherwise, pulling this image will **fail**. Read more about the changes coming to Nano Server in future releases of Windows Server Insider [here](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/get-started/nano-in-semi-annual-channel). ### This is pre-release software Windows Server Insider Preview builds may be substantially modified before they are commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here. Some product features and functionality may require additional hardware or software. These builds are for testing purposes only. Microsoft is not obligated to provide any support services for this preview software. For more information see [Using Insider Container Images](https://github.com/Microsoft/Virtualization-Documentation/blob/live/virtualization/windowscontainers/quick-start/Using-Insider-Container-Images.md) and [Build and run an application with or without .NET Core 2.0 or PowerShell Core 6](https://github.com/Microsoft/Virtualization-Documentation/blob/live/virtualization/windowscontainers/quick-start/Nano-RS3-.NET-Core-and-PS.md). ### Known Issues #### PowerShell Get only works with CurrentUser Scope Due to [known issues with the nano-server-insider](https://github.com/Microsoft/Virtualization-Documentation/blob/live/virtualization/windowscontainers/quick-start/Insider-Known-Issues.md#build-16237), you must specify `-Scope CurrentUser` when using `Install-Module`. Example: ```PowerShell Install-Module -Scope CurrentUser ``` #### Docker run requires full path > **Note:** this is fixed in `10.0.16257.1000` of the NanoServer-Insider build. The powershell version of this should be released soon. Due to [an issue with the container not picking up the path](https://github.com/Microsoft/Virtualization-Documentation/blob/live/virtualization/windowscontainers/quick-start/Insider-Known-Issues.md#build-16237), you must specify the path when running a command on the command line. For example, you would expect to be able to run: ```PowerShell PS > docker run -it microsoft/nanoserver-insider-powershell powershell -c '$psversiontable' ``` but, in `nanoserver-insider-powershell` you must run: ```PowerShell PS > docker run -it microsoft/nanoserver-insider-powershell 'C:\program files\powershell\powershell' -c '$psversiontable' ```