# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # Licensed under the MIT License. using namespace System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates using namespace System.Security.Cryptography function New-CmsRecipient { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] [OutputType([System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2])] param([String]$Name, [Switch]$Invalid, [String]$OutPfxFile) $hash = [HashAlgorithmName]::SHA256 $pad = [RSASignaturePadding]::Pkcs1 $oids = [OidCollection]::new() $oids.Add("") | Out-Null $ext1 = [X509KeyUsageExtension]::new([X509KeyUsageFlags]::DataEncipherment, $false) $ext2 = [X509EnhancedKeyUsageExtension]::new($oids, $false) $req = ([CertificateRequest]::new("CN=$Name", ([RSA]::Create(2048)), $hash, $pad)) if (!$Invalid) { ($ext1, $ext2).ForEach( { $req.CertificateExtensions.Add($_) }) } $certTmp = $req.CreateSelfSigned([datetime]::Now.AddDays(-1), [datetime]::Now.AddDays(365)) $certBytes = $certTmp.Export([X509ContentType]::Pfx, "tmp") [X509KeyStorageFlags[]]$flags = "PersistKeySet", "Exportable" $cert = [X509Certificate2]::new($certBytes, "tmp", $flags) if ($OutPfxFile) { $outfile = New-Item $OutPfxFile -Force [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($outfile.FullName, $cert.Export([X509ContentType]::Pfx)) } return $cert } Describe "CmsMessage cmdlets using X509 cert" -Tags "CI" { BeforeAll { Setup -Dir "certDir" Setup -File "vc1.pfx" Setup -File "vc2.pfx" Setup -File "certDir/vc3.pfx" Setup -File "message.txt" -Content "test" $file1 = "TestDrive:\vc1.pfx" $file2 = "TestDrive:\vc2.pfx" $messageFile = "TestDrive:\message.txt" $cipherFile = "TestDrive:\cipher.txt" $vc1 = New-CmsRecipient "ValidCms1" -OutPfxFile $file1 $vc2 = New-CmsRecipient "ValidCms2" -OutPfxFile $file2 $vc3 = New-CmsRecipient "ValidCms22" -OutPfxFile "TestDrive:\certDir\vc3.pfx" $ic = New-CmsRecipient "InvalidCms" -Invalid -OutPfxFile "TestDrive:\ic.pfx" $store = [X509Store]::new("My", [StoreLocation]::CurrentUser) $store.Open("ReadWrite") if (!$IsMacOS) { $store.Add($vc1) $store.Add($vc2) $store.Add($vc3) } $certContent = " -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDXTCCAkWgAwIBAgIQRTsRwsx0LZBHrx9z5Dag2zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADAh MR8wHQYDVQQDDBZNeURhdGFFbmNpcGhlcm1lbnRDZXJ0MCAXDTE0MDcyNTIyMjkz OVoYDzMwMTQwNzI1MjIzOTM5WjAhMR8wHQYDVQQDDBZNeURhdGFFbmNpcGhlcm1l bnRDZXJ0MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAx3SuShUvnRqn tYOIouJdP3wPZ5rtDi2KYPurpngGNZjM0EGDTrnhmEAI8DL4Kp6n/zz1mYVoX73+ 6uCpZX/13VDXg1neebJ261XpBX6FzxtclIQr8ywdUtrEgCnUAhgqgvO1Wwm4ogNR tWGCGkmlnqyaoV1j/V4KSn4WvKqSUIOZm0umGCTtNAJ6VtdpYO+uxxnRAapPUCY+ qQ7DFzTUECIo1lMlBcuMiXj6NSFr4/D7ltkZ27jCdsZmzI7ZvRnDlfSYTPQnAO/E 0uYn9uyKY/xfngWkUX/pe+j+10Lm1ypbASrj2Ezgf0KeZRXBwqKUOLhKheEmBJ18 rLV27qwHeQIDAQABo4GOMIGLMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIEMDAUBgNVHSUEDTALBgkr BgEEAYI3UAEwRAYJKoZIhvcNAQkPBDcwNTAOBggqhkiG9w0DAgICAIAwDgYIKoZI hvcNAwQCAgCAMAcGBSsOAwIHMAoGCCqGSIb3DQMHMB0GA1UdDgQWBBRIyIzwInLJ 3B+FajVUFMACf1hrxjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOCAQEAfFt4rmUmWfCbbwi2mCrZ Osq0lfVNUiZ+iLlEKga4VAI3sJZRtErnVM70eXUt7XpRaOdIfxjuXFpsgc37KyLi ByCORLuRC0itZVs3aba48opfMDXivxBy0ngqCPPLQsyaN9K7WnpvYV1QxiudYwwU 8U5rFmzlwNLvc3XiyoGWaVZluk2DIJawQ5QYAU9/NMBBCbPHjTG7k0l4cpcEC+Ex od3RlO6/MOYuK2WB4VTxKsV80EdA3ljlu7Td8P4movnrbB4rG4wpCpk05eREkg/5 Y54Ilo9m5OSAWtdx4yfS779eebLgUs3P+dk6EKwovXMokVveZA8cenIp3QkqSpeT cQ== -----END CERTIFICATE----- " } It "Cert Store: Encrypt/Decrypt using Subject" { "test" | Protect-CmsMessage -To $vc1.Subject | Unprotect-CmsMessage | Should -BeExactly "test" "test" | Protect-CmsMessage -To $vc1.Subject, $vc2.Subject | Unprotect-CmsMessage | Should -BeExactly "test" } It "Cert Store: Subject with wildcard (returns single cert)" { "test" | Protect-CmsMessage -To "*dCms1" | Unprotect-CmsMessage | Should -BeExactly "test" } It "Cert Store: Subject with wrong wildcard (returns multiple certs)" { { "test" | Protect-CmsMessage -To "*ValidCms*" -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw -ErrorId 'IdentifierMustReferenceSingleCertificate' } It "Cert Store: Encrypt/Decrypt using Thumbprint" { "test" | Protect-CmsMessage -To $vc1.Thumbprint | Unprotect-CmsMessage | Should -BeExactly "test" "test" | Protect-CmsMessage -To $vc1.Thumbprint, $vc2.Thumbprint | Unprotect-CmsMessage | Should -BeExactly "test" } It "Cert Store: Encrypt/Decrypt subject and thumbprint" { "test" | Protect-CmsMessage -To $vc1.Thumbprint, $vc2.Subject | Unprotect-CmsMessage | Should -BeExactly "test" } It "Cert Store: removing test certificates" { $store.Remove($vc1) $store.Remove($vc2) $store.Remove($vc3) if ($IsMacOS) { $store.Remove($ic) } $store.Certificates.Find("FindByThumbprint", $vc1.Thumbprint, $false).Count | Should -BeExactly 0 $store.Certificates.Find("FindByThumbprint", $vc2.Thumbprint, $false).Count | Should -BeExactly 0 $store.Certificates.Find("FindByThumbprint", $vc3.Thumbprint, $false).Count | Should -BeExactly 0 $store.Certificates.Find("FindByThumbprint", $ic.Thumbprint, $false).Count | Should -BeExactly 0 } It "Encrypting with X509Cert" { "test" | Protect-CmsMessage -To $vc1 | Should -BeLike '-----BEGIN CMS*' } It "Encrypting with base64 string" { "test" | Protect-CmsMessage -To $certContent | Should -BeLike '-----BEGIN CMS*' } It "Encrypting with multiple X509Cert" { "test" | Protect-CmsMessage -To $vc1, $vc2 | Should -BeLike '-----BEGIN CMS*' } It "Decrypt with X509Cert" { "test" | Protect-CmsMessage -To $vc1 | Unprotect-CmsMessage -To $vc1 | Should -BeExactly "test" } It "Decrypt with multiple X509Cert" { "test" | Protect-CmsMessage -To $vc1, $vc2 | Unprotect-CmsMessage -To $vc1, $vc2 | Should -BeExactly "test" } It "Encrypt with invalid cert" { { "test" | Protect-CmsMessage -To $ic -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw -ErrorId 'CertificateCannotBeUsedForEncryption' } It "Encrypt with valid and invalid" { { "test" | Protect-CmsMessage -To $vc1, $vc2, $ic -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw -ErrorId 'CertificateCannotBeUsedForEncryption' } It "Encrypt/Decrypt from file" { Protect-CmsMessage -Path $messageFile -To $vc1 -OutFile $cipherFile $msg = Unprotect-CmsMessage -To $vc1 -Path $cipherFile $msg | Should -BeExactly "test" } It "Get-CmsMessage from content" { ("test" | Protect-CmsMessage -To $vc1 | Get-CmsMessage).Content | Should -BeLike '-----BEGIN CMS*' } It "Get-CmsMessage from file" { (Get-CmsMessage -Path $cipherFile).Content | Should -BeLike '-----BEGIN CMS*' } It "Encrypt With Single File" { "test" | Protect-CmsMessage -To $file1 | Unprotect-CmsMessage -To $file1 | Should -BeExactly "test" } It "Encrypt With Multiple Files" { $msg = "test" | Protect-CmsMessage -To $file1, $file2 ($msg | Unprotect-CmsMessage -To $file1) | Should -BeExactly "test" ($msg | Unprotect-CmsMessage -To $file2) | Should -BeExactly "test" } It "Encrypt/Decrypt with Directory" { "test" | Protect-CmsMessage -To "TestDrive:\certDir" | Unprotect-CmsMessage -To "TestDrive:\certDir" | Should -BeExactly "test" } It "Decrypt with multiple files" { "test" | Protect-CmsMessage -To $vc1 | Unprotect-CmsMessage -To $file1, $file2 | Should -BeExactly "test" } AfterAll { $store.Dispose() } }