# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. Describe "Additional static method tests" -Tags "CI" { Context "Basic static member methods" { BeforeAll { function Get-Name { "YES" } } It "test basic static constructor" { class Foo { static [string] $Name static Foo() { [Foo]::Name = Get-Name } } [Foo]::Name | Should Be "Yes" } It "test basic static method" { class Foo { static [string] GetName() { return (Get-Name) } } [Foo]::GetName() | Should Be "Yes" } } Context "Class defined in different Runspace" { BeforeAll { @' class Foo { static [string] $Name static Foo() { [Foo]::Name = Get-Name } static [string] GetName() { return (Get-AnotherName) } } '@ | Set-Content -Path $TestDrive\class.ps1 -Force ## Define the functions that [Foo] depends on in the default Runspace. function Get-Name { "Default Runspace - Name" } function Get-AnotherName { "Default Runspace - AnotherName" } ## Create another Runspace PS1 $ps1 = [powershell]::Create() ## Create another Runspace PS2 $ps2 = [powershell]::Create() function RunScriptInPS { param( [powershell] $PowerShell, [string] $Script, [switch] $IgnoreResult ) $result = $PowerShell.AddScript($Script).Invoke() $PowerShell.Commands.Clear() if (-not $IgnoreResult) { return $result } } ## Define the functions that [Foo] depends on in PS1 Runspace. RunScriptInPS -PowerShell $ps1 -Script "function Get-Name { 'PS1 Runspace - Name' }" -IgnoreResult RunScriptInPS -PowerShell $ps1 -Script "function Get-AnotherName { 'PS1 Runspace - AnotherName' }" -IgnoreResult # Dot source class.ps1 in the current Runspace . $TestDrive\class.ps1 # And then dot source class.ps1 in the PS1 Runspace RunScriptInPS -PowerShell $ps1 -Script ". $TestDrive\class.ps1" -IgnoreResult } AfterAll { # Dispose both Runspaces $ps1.Dispose() $ps2.Dispose() } It "Static constructor should run in the triggering Runspace if the class has been defined in that Runspace" { ## The static constructor is triggered by accessing '[Foo]::Name' which happens in the current Runspace. ## The class 'Foo' has been defined in the current Runspace, so it uses the current Runspace to run the ## static constructor. [Foo]::Name | Should Be "Default Runspace - Name" ## Static constructor runs only once, so accessing the Name property in the PS1 Runspace will just return ## the existing value. RunScriptInPS -PowerShell $ps1 -Script "[Foo]::Name" | Should Be "Default Runspace - Name" } It "Static method use the Runspace where the call happens if the class has been defined in that Runspace" { ## We call the static method in the current Runspace. The class 'Foo' has been defined ## in the current Runspace, so it will use it to run the method. [Foo]::GetName() | Should Be "Default Runspace - AnotherName" ## We call the static method in PS1 Runspace. The class 'Foo' has been defined in the ## PS1 Runspace, so it will use it to run the method. RunScriptInPS -PowerShell $ps1 -Script "[Foo]::GetName()" | Should Be 'PS1 Runspace - AnotherName' } It "Static method use the default SessionState if it's called in a Runspace where the class is not defined" { ## Define the functions that [Foo] depends on in PS2 Runspace. RunScriptInPS -PowerShell $ps2 -Script "function Get-Name { 'PS2 Runspace - Name' }" -IgnoreResult RunScriptInPS -PowerShell $ps2 -Script "function Get-AnotherName { 'PS2 Runspace - AnotherName' }" -IgnoreResult ## Define the function to call the static method 'GetName' on the passed-in type RunScriptInPS -PowerShell $ps2 -Script 'function Call-GetName([type] $type) { $type::GetName() }' -IgnoreResult ## We call the static method in PS2 Runspace. The class is not defined in this Runspace, ## so the default SessionState will be used to run the method. The default SessionState ## is always the one where the class was defined most recently. In this case, the class ## was lastly defined in PS1 Runspace, os the method will be invoked in PS1 Runspace. $result = $ps2.AddCommand("Call-GetName").AddParameter("type", [Foo]).Invoke() $result | Should Be 'PS1 Runspace - AnotherName' } } }