# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. Describe 'Misc Test' -Tags "CI" { Context 'Where' { class C1 { [int[]] $Wheels = @(1,2,3); [string] Foo() { return (1..10).Where({ $PSItem -in $this.Wheels; }) -join ';' } [string] Bar() { return (1..10 | Where-Object { $PSItem -in $this.Wheels; }) -join ';' } } It 'Invoke Where' { [C1]::new().Foo() | Should -Be "1;2;3" } It 'Pipe to where' { [C1]::new().Bar() | Should -Be "1;2;3" } } Context 'ForEach' { class C1 { [int[]] $Wheels = @(1,2,3); [string] Foo() { $ret="" Foreach($PSItem in $this.Wheels) { $ret +="$PSItem;"} return $ret } [string] Bar() { $ret = "" $this.Wheels | ForEach-Object { $ret += "$_;" } return $ret } } It 'Invoke Foreach' { [C1]::new().Foo() | Should -Be "1;2;3;" } It 'Pipe to Foreach' { [C1]::new().Bar() | Should -Be "1;2;3;" } } Context 'Class instantiation' { Class C1 { [string] Foo() { return (Get-TestText) } } BeforeAll { $ExpectedTextFromBoundInstance = "Class C1 was defined in this Runspace" $ExpectedTextFromUnboundInstance = "New Runspace without class C1 defined" ## Define 'Get-TestText' in the current Runspace function Get-TestText { return $ExpectedTextFromBoundInstance } $NewRunspaceFunctionDefinitions = @" ## Define 'Get-TestText' in the new Runspace function Get-TestText { return '$ExpectedTextFromUnboundInstance' } ## Define the function to create an instance of the given type using the default constructor function New-UnboundInstance([Type]`$type) { `$type::new() } ## Define the function to call 'Foo()' on the given C1 instance, and return the result function Run-Foo(`$C1Instance) { `$C1Instance.Foo() } "@ ## Create a new Runspace and define helper functions in it $powershell = [powershell]::Create() $powershell.AddScript($NewRunspaceFunctionDefinitions).Invoke() > $null $powershell.Commands.Clear() function InstantiateInNewRunspace([Type]$type) { try { $result = $powershell.AddCommand("New-UnboundInstance").AddParameter("type", $type).Invoke() $result.Count | Should -Be 1 return $result[0] } finally { $powershell.Commands.Clear() } } function RunFooInNewRunspace($instance) { try { $result = $powershell.AddCommand("Run-Foo").AddParameter("C1Instance", $instance).Invoke() $result.Count | Should -Be 1 return $result[0] } finally { $powershell.Commands.Clear() } } } AfterAll { $powershell.Dispose() } It "Create instance that is bound to a SessionState" { $instance = [C1]::new() ## For a bound class instance, the execution of an instance method is ## done in the Runspace/SessionState the instance is bound to. $instance.Foo() | Should -BeExactly $ExpectedTextFromBoundInstance RunFooInNewRunspace $instance | Should -BeExactly $ExpectedTextFromBoundInstance } It "Create instance that is NOT bound to a SessionState" { $instance = InstantiateInNewRunspace ([C1]) ## For an unbound class instance, the execution of an instance method is done in ## the Runspace/SessionState where the call to the instance method is made. $instance.Foo() | Should -BeExactly $ExpectedTextFromBoundInstance RunFooInNewRunspace $instance | Should -BeExactly $ExpectedTextFromUnboundInstance } } }