# Writing Pester Tests Note that this document does not replace the documents found in the [Pester](https://github.com/pester/pester) project. This is just some quick tips and suggestions for creating Pester tests for this project. The Pester community is vibrant and active, if you have questions about Pester or creating tests, the [Pester Wiki](https://github.com/pester/pester/wiki) has a lot of great information. As of January 2018, PowerShell Core is using Pester version 4 which has some changes from earlier versions. See [Migrating from Pester 3 to Pester 4](https://github.com/pester/Pester/wiki/Migrating-from-Pester-3-to-Pester-4) for more information. When creating tests, keep the following in mind: - Tests should not be overly complicated and test too many things. - Boil down your tests to their essence, test only what you need. - Tests should be as simple as they can. - Tests should generally not rely on any other test. ## Examples Here's the simplest of tests: ```powershell Describe "A variable can be assigned and retrieved" { It "Creates a variable and makes sure its value is correct" { $a = 1 $a | Should -Be 1 } } ``` If you need to do type checking, that can be done as well: ```powershell Describe "One is really one" { It "Compare 1 to 1" { $a = 1 $a | Should -Be 1 } It "1 is really an int" { $i = 1 $i | Should -BeOfType System.Int32 } } ``` If you are checking for proper errors, use the `Should -Throw -ErrorId` Pester syntax. It checks against `FullyQualifiedErrorId` property, which is recommended because it does not change based on culture as an error message might. ```powershell ... It "Get-Item on a nonexisting file should have error PathNotFound" { { Get-Item "ThisFileCannotPossiblyExist" -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetItemCommand" } ``` Note that if `Get-Item` were to succeed, the test will fail. However, if you need to check the `InnerException` or other members of the ErrorRecord, you should use `-PassThru` parameter: ```powershell It "InnerException sample" { $e = { Invoke-WebRequest https://expired.badssl.com/ } | Should -Throw -ErrorId "WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand" -PassThru $e.Exception.InnerException.NativeErrorCode | Should -Be 12175 } ``` ## Describe/Context/It For creation of PowerShell tests, the `Describe` block is the level of granularity suggested and one of three tags should be used: `CI`, `Feature`, or `Scenario`. If the tag is not provided, the build process will fail. ### Describe Creates a logical group of tests. All `Mocks` and `TestDrive` contents defined within a `Describe` block are scoped to that `Describe`; they will no longer be present when the `Describe` block exits. A `Describe` block may contain any number of `Context` and `It` blocks. ### Context Provides logical grouping of `It` blocks within a single `Describe` block. Any `Mocks` defined inside a `Context` are removed at the end of the `Context` scope, as are any files or folders added to the `TestDrive` during the `Context` block's execution. Any `BeforeEach` or `AfterEach` blocks defined inside a `Context` also only apply to tests within that `Context`. ### It The `It` block is intended to be used inside of a `Describe` or `Context` block. If you are familiar with the AAA pattern (Arrange-Act-Assert), the body of the `It` block is the appropriate location for an assert. The convention is to assert a single expectation for each `It` block. The code inside of the `It` block should throw a terminating error if the expectation of the test is not met and thus cause the test to fail. The name of the `It` block should expressively state the expectation of the test. ## Admin privileges in tests Tests that require admin privileges **on Windows** must be additionally marked with `RequireAdminOnWindows` Pester tag. In the Azure DevOps Windows CI, we run two different passes: - The pass with exclusion of `RequireAdminOnWindows` tagged tests. - The pass where only `RequireAdminOnWindows` tagged tests are being executed. In each case, tests are executed with appropriate privileges. Tests that need to be run with sudo **on Unix systems** must be additionally marked with `RequireSudoOnUnix` Pester tag. `RequireSudoOnUnix` tag takes precedence over all other tags like `CI`, `Feature`, etc. (which are ignored when `RequireSudoOnUnix` is present). Tests tagged with `RequireSudoOnUnix` will run as a separate pass for any Unix test. ## Selected Features ### Test Drive A `PSDrive` is available for file activity during a test and this drive is limited to the scope of a single `Describe` block. The contents of the drive are cleared when a `Context` block is exited. A test may need to work with file operations and validate certain types of file activities. It is usually desirable not to perform file activity tests that will produce side effects outside of an individual test. Pester creates a `PSDrive` inside the user's temporary drive that is accessible via `TestDrive:` or `$TestDrive`. **Pester will remove** this drive after the test completes. You may use this drive to isolate the file operations of your test to a temporary store. The following example illustrates the feature: ```powershell function Add-Footer($path, $footer) { Add-Content $path -Value $footer } Describe "Add-Footer" { $testPath="TestDrive:\test.txt" Set-Content $testPath -value "my test text." Add-Footer $testPath "-Footer" $result = Get-Content $testPath It "adds a footer" { (-join $result) | Should -BeExactly "my test text.-Footer" } } ``` When this test completes, the contents of the `TestDrive:` will be removed. ### Parameter Generation ```powershell $testCases = @( @{ a = 0; b = 1; ExpectedResult = 1 } @{ a = 1; b = 0; ExpectedResult = 1 } @{ a = 1; b = 1; ExpectedResult = 0 } @{ a = 0; b = 0; ExpectedResult = 0 } ) Describe "A test" { It " -xor should be " -TestCases $testCases { param ($a, $b, $ExpectedResult) $a -xor $b | Should -Be $ExpectedResult } } ``` ### Mocking Mocks the behavior of an existing command with an alternate implementation. This creates new behavior for any existing command within the scope of a `Describe` or `Context` block. The function allows you to specify a script block that will become the command's new behavior. The following example illustrates simple use: ```powershell Context "Get-Random is not random" { Mock Get-Random { return 3 } It "Get-Random returns 3" { Get-Random | Should -Be 3 } } ``` More information may be found [here](https://github.com/pester/Pester/wiki/Mock). ### Free Code in a Describe block Code execution in Pester can be very subtle and can cause issues when executing test code. The execution of code which lays outside of the usual code blocks may not happen as you expect. Consider the following: ```powershell Describe it { Write-Host -For DarkRed "Before Context" Context "subsection" { Write-Host -for DarkRed "Before BeforeAll" BeforeAll { write-host -for Blue "In Context BeforeAll" } Write-Host -for DarkRed "After BeforeAll" Write-Host -for DarkRed "Before AfterAll" AfterAll { Write-Host -for Blue "In Context AfterAll" } Write-Host -for DarkRed "After AfterAll" BeforeEach { Write-Host -for Blue "In BeforeEach" } AfterEach { Write-Host -for Blue "In AfterEach" } Write-Host -for DarkRed "Before It" It "should not be a surprise" { 1 | should -Be 1 } Write-Host -for DarkRed "After It" } Write-Host -for DarkRed "After Context" Write-Host -for DarkGreen "Before Describe BeforeAll" BeforeAll { Write-Host -for DarkGreen "In Describe BeforeAll" } AfterAll { Write-Host -for DarkGreen "In Describe AfterAll" } } ``` Now, when run, you can see the execution schedule: ``` PS# invoke-pester c:\temp\pester.demo.tests.ps1 Describing it In Describe BeforeAll Before Context Context subsection In Context BeforeAll Before BeforeAll After BeforeAll Before AfterAll After AfterAll Before It In BeforeEach [+] should not be a surprise 79ms In AfterEach After It In Context AfterAll After Context Before Describe BeforeAll In Describe AfterAll Tests completed in 79ms Passed: 1 Failed: 0 Skipped: 0 Pending: 0 ``` The `Describe` - `BeforeAll` block is executed before any other code even though it was at the bottom of the `Describe` block. So if some state is set elsewhere in the `Describe` block, that state will not yet be visible (as the code will not yet been run). Notice, too, that the `BeforeAll` block in `Context` is executed before any other code in that block. Generally, you should have code reside in one of the code block elements of `BeforeAll`, `BeforeEach`, `AfterEach` and/or `AfterAll`, especially if those blocks rely on some state set by free code elsewhere in the block. ### Skipping Tests in Bulk Sometimes it is beneficial to skip all the tests in a particular `Describe` block. For example, tests which are not applicable to a platform could be skipped, and they would be reported as skipped. The following is an example of how this may be done: ```powershell Describe "Should not run these tests on non-Windows platforms" { BeforeAll { $originalDefaultParameterValues = $PSDefaultParameterValues.Clone() if ( ! $IsWindows ) { $PSDefaultParameterValues["it:skip"] = $true } } AfterAll { $global:PSDefaultParameterValues = $originalDefaultParameterValues } Context "Block 1" { It "This block 1 test 1" { 1 | should -Be 1 } It "This is block 1 test 2" { 1 | should -Be 1 } } Context "Block 2" { It "This block 2 test 1" { 2 | should -Be 1 } It "This is block 2 test 2" { 2 | should -Be 1 } } } ``` Here is the output when run on a Linux distribution: ``` Describing Should not run these tests on non-Windows platforms Context Block 1 [!] This block 1 test 1 691ms [!] This is block 1 test 2 114ms Context Block 2 [!] This block 2 test 1 73ms [!] This is block 2 test 2 6ms ``` and here is the output when run on a Windows distribution: ``` Describing Should not run these tests on non-Windows platforms Context Block 1 [+] This block 1 test 1 86ms [+] This is block 1 test 2 33ms Context Block 2 [-] This block 2 test 1 52ms Expected: {1} But was: {2} 22: 2 | should -Be 1 at , : line 22 [-] This is block 2 test 2 77ms Expected: {1} But was: {2} 25: 2 | should -Be 1 at , : line 25 ``` This technique uses the `$PSDefaultParameterValues` feature of PowerShell to temporarily set the `It` block parameter `-skip` to true (or in the case of Windows, it is not set at all) ### Multi-line strings You may want to have a test like: ```powershell It 'tests multi-line string' { Get-MultiLineString | Should -Be @' first line second line '@ } ``` There are problems with using multi-line strings with verifying the output results. The reason for it are line-ends. They cause problems for two reasons: - They are different on different platforms (`\r\n` on Windows and `\n` on Unix). - Even on the same system, they depend on the way how the repo was cloned (local git configuration). Particularly, in the default Azure DevOps CI Windows image, you will get `\n` line ends in all your files. That causes problems, because at runtime `Get-MultiLineString` would likely produce `\r\n` line ends on Windows. Some workaround could be added, but they are sub-optimal and make reading test code harder. ```powershell function normalizeEnds([string]$text) { $text -replace "`r`n?|`n", "`r`n" } It 'tests multi-line string' { normalizeEnds (Get-MultiLineString) | Should -Be (normalizeEnds @' first line second line '@) } ``` When appropriate, you can avoid creating multi-line strings at the first place. These commands create an array of strings: - `Get-Content` - `Out-String -Stream` ## Pester Do and Don't ### Do 1. Name your file `.tests.ps1`. 2. Keep tests simple: - Test only what you need. - Reduce dependencies. 3. Be sure to tag your `Describe` blocks based on their purpose: - Tag `CI` indicates that it will be run as part of the continuous integration process. These should be unit test like, and generally take less than a second. - Tag `Feature` indicates a higher level feature test (we will run these on a regular basis), for example, tests which go to remote resources, or test broader functionality. - Tag `Scenario` indicates tests of integration with other features (these will be run on a less regular basis and test even broader functionality than feature tests. 4. Make sure that `Describe`/`Context`/`It` descriptions are useful. - The error message should not be the place where you describe the test. 5. Use `Context` to group tests. - Multiple `Context` blocks can help you group your test suite into logical sections. 6. Use `BeforeAll`/`BeforeEach`/`AfterEach`/`AfterAll` instead of custom initiators. 7. Use `Should -Throw -ErrorId` to check for expected errors. 8. Use `-TestCases` when iterating over multiple `It` blocks. 9. Use code coverage functionality where appropriate. 10. Use `Mock` functionality when you don't have your entire environment. 11. Avoid free code in a `Describe` block. - Use `BeforeAll`/`BeforeEach`/`AfterEach`/`AfterAll`. - See [Free Code in a Describe block](WritingPesterTests.md#free-code-in-a-describe-block) 12. Avoid creating or using test files outside of `TESTDRIVE:`. - `TESTDRIVE:` has automatic clean-up. 13. Keep in mind that we are creating cross platform tests. - Avoid using the registry. - Avoid using COM. 14. Avoid being too specific about the _count_ of a resource as these can change platform to platform. - Example: Avoid checking for the count of loaded format files, but rather check for format data for a specific type. ### Don't 1. Don't have too many evaluations in a single `It` block. - The first `Should` failure will stop that block. 2. Don't use `Should` outside of an `It` Block. 3. Don't use the word "Error" or "Fail" to test a positive case. - Example: Rephrase the negative sentence `"Get-ChildItem TESTDRIVE: shouldn't fail"` to the following positive case `"Get-ChildItem should be able to retrieve file listing from TESTDRIVE"`.