bin/ obj/ project.lock.json *-tests.xml /debug/ /staging/ /Packages/ *.nuget.props # dotnet cli install/uninstall scripts dotnet-install.ps1 # VS auto-generated solution files for project.json solutions *.xproj *.xproj.user *.suo # VS auto-generated files for csproj files *.csproj.user # Visual Studio IDE directory .vs/ # Project Rider IDE files .idea.powershell/ # Ignore executables *.exe *.msi *.appx # Ignore binaries and symbols *.pdb *.dll *.wixpdb # Ignore packages *.deb *.tar.gz *.zip *.rpm *.pkg *.nupkg *.AppImage # ignore the telemetry semaphore file DELETE_ME_TO_DISABLE_CONSOLEHOST_TELEMETRY # default location for produced nuget packages /nuget-artifacts # resgen output gen # Per repo profile .profile.ps1 # macOS .DS_Store # TestsResults TestsResults*.xml # Resharper settings PowerShell.sln.DotSettings.user