text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Set Item Item: {0} Value: {1} Clear Item Item: {0} New Item Item: {0} Type: {1} Item: {0} Remove Key Item: {0} Copy Key Item: {0} Destination: {1} Rename Item Item: {0} NewName: {1} Move Item Item: {0} Destination: {1} Set Property Item: {0} Property: {1} Clear Property Item: {0} Property: {1} Set Property Value At Item: {0} Property: {1} At: {2} Add Property Value At Item: {0} Property: {1} At: {2} Remove Property Value At Item: {0} Property: {1} At: {2} New Property Item: {0} Property: {1} Remove Property Item: {0} Property: {1} Rename property. Item: {0} SourceProperty: {1} DestinationProperty: {2} Copy Property Item: {0} SourceProperty: {1} DestinationItem: {2} DestinationProperty: {3} Move Property Item: {0} SourceProperty: {1} DestinationItem: {2} DestinationProperty: {3} (default) The operation was not processed. The location that was provided does not allow this operation. The operation is not allowed on the source location. The operation is not allowed on the destination location. The configuration settings for the local computer The software settings for the current user A key in this path already exists. The operation cannot be performed because the destination path is subordinate to the source path. The at parameter must be an integer to index a specific property value. The property is not a multi-valued property. To remove this property, use Remove-ItemProperty. The property is not a multi-valued property and values cannot be added to it. To change the value use Set-ItemProperty. The property already exists. Property {0} does not exist at path {1}. The registry key at the specified path does not exist. Could not bind parameter 'Type'. Could not convert "{0}" to "{1}". The possible enumeration values are "String, ExpandString, Binary, DWord, MultiString, QWord, Unknown". Key {0} has been created, but a default value could not be set. Unable to create a drive with the specified root. The root path does not exist. The item cannot be renamed because an item with that name already exists in the same container. Registry key name must start with a valid base key name. The subkey argument is not valid. Cannot delete a subkey tree because the subkey does not exist. No value exists with that name. The enum value {0} is not valid. A value argument must be specified. A name argument must be specified. The specified RegistryValueKind is a value that is not valid. RegistryKey.SetValue does not allow a String[] that contains a null String reference. Registry subkeys should not be greater than 255 characters. A non-empty subkey name must be specified. The type of the value object did not match the specified RegistryValueKind or the object could not be properly converted. RegistryKey.SetValue does not support arrays of type '{0}'. Only Byte[] and String[] are supported. The specified registry key does not exist. The length of the specified value name exceeds the maximum of 16383 characters. The size of the specified value data exceeds the maximum of 1 MB. The specified registry subkey does not exist. The specified RegistryKeyPermissionCheck value is not valid. A transaction argument must be specified. The specified SafeHandle value is not valid. The registry key has subkeys; recursive removals are not supported by this method. Remote registry operations are not allowed with transactions. Cannot create a KTM handle without a Transaction.Current or specified transaction. The object does not contain a security descriptor. The specified transaction or Transaction.Current must match the transaction used to create or open this TransactedRegistryKey. The TransactedRegistryKey object is not associated with a transaction because it is for a predefined key. Requested registry access is not allowed. The security identifier is not allowed to be the owner of this object. The security identifier is not allowed to be the primary group of this object. Method failed with unexpected error code {0}. Unable to perform a security operation on an object that has no associated security. This can happen when trying to get an ACL of an anonymous kernel object. Transaction related error {0} occurred. Access to the registry key '{0}' is denied. Cannot write to the registry key. Cannot access a closed registry key. Unknown error: {0}. Registry transactions are not supported on this platform. The specified permission name is not valid. Incorrect thread for enabling or disabling a privilege. The permission must be reverted before changing its state again. The specified handle is not valid.