Describe "Common parameters support for script cmdlets" -Tags "CI" { BeforeEach { $rs = []::CreateRunspace() $ $ps = [System.Management.Automation.PowerShell]::Create() $ps.Runspace = $rs } AfterEach { $ps.Dispose() $rs.Dispose() } Context "Debug" { BeforeAll { $script = " function get-foo { [CmdletBinding()] param() write-output 'output foo' write-debug 'debug foo' }" } It "Debug get-foo" { $command = 'get-foo' [void] $ps.AddScript($script + $command) $asyncResult = $ps.BeginInvoke() $output = $ps.EndInvoke($asyncResult) $output[0] | Should be "output foo" $ps.Streams.Debug.Count | Should Be 0 } It 'get-foo -debug' { $command = 'get-foo -debug' [void] $ps.AddScript($script + $command) $asyncResult = $ps.BeginInvoke() $output = $ps.EndInvoke($asyncResult) $output[0] | Should Be "output foo" $ps.Streams.Debug[0].Message | Should Be "debug foo" $ps.InvocationStateInfo.State | Should Be 'Completed' } } Context "verbose" { BeforeAll { $script = " function get-foo { [CmdletBinding()] param() write-output 'output foo' write-verbose 'verbose foo' }" } It 'get-foo' { $command = 'get-foo' [void] $ps.AddScript($script + $command) $asyncResult = $ps.BeginInvoke() $output = $ps.EndInvoke($asyncResult) $output[0] | Should Be "output foo" $ps.streams.verbose.Count | Should Be 0 } It 'get-foo -verbose' { $command = 'get-foo -verbose' [void] $ps.AddScript($script + $command) $asyncResult = $ps.BeginInvoke() $output = $ps.EndInvoke($asyncResult) $output[0] | Should Be "output foo" $ps.Streams.verbose[0].Message | Should Be "verbose foo" $ps.InvocationStateInfo.State | Should Be 'Completed' } } Context "erroraction" { BeforeAll { $script = " function get-foo { [CmdletBinding()] param() write-error 'error foo' write-output 'output foo' }" } It 'erroraction' { $command = 'get-foo' [void] $ps.AddScript($script + $command) $asyncResult = $ps.BeginInvoke() $output = $ps.EndInvoke($asyncResult) $output[0] | Should Be "output foo" $ps.Streams.error[0].ToString() | Should match "error foo" } It 'erroraction continue' { $command = 'get-foo -erroraction Continue' [void] $ps.AddScript($script + $command) $asyncResult = $ps.BeginInvoke() $output = $ps.EndInvoke($asyncResult) $output[0] | Should Be "output foo" $ps.Streams.error[0].ToString() | Should match "error foo" } It 'erroraction SilentlyContinue' { $command = 'get-foo -erroraction SilentlyContinue' [void] $ps.AddScript($script + $command) $asyncResult = $ps.BeginInvoke() $output = $ps.EndInvoke($asyncResult) $output[0] | Should Be "output foo" $ps.streams.error.count | Should Be 0 } It 'erroraction Stop' { $command = 'get-foo -erroraction Stop' [void] $ps.AddScript($script + $command) $asyncResult = $ps.BeginInvoke() try { $ps.EndInvoke($asyncResult) Throw "Exception expected, execution should not have reached here" } catch { $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "ActionPreferenceStopException" } # Exception: "Command execution stopped because the preference variable "ErrorActionPreference" or common parameter is set to Stop: error foo" # BUG in runspace api. #$ps.error.count | Should Be 1 $ps.InvocationStateInfo.State | Should Be 'Failed' } } Context "SupportShouldprocess" { $script = ' function get-foo { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param() if($pscmdlet.shouldprocess("foo", "foo action")) { write-output "foo action" } }' It 'SupportShouldprocess' { $command = 'get-foo' $ps = []::Create() [void] $ps.AddScript($script + $command) $ps.RunspacePool = $rp $asyncResult = $ps.BeginInvoke() $output = $ps.EndInvoke($asyncResult) $output[0] | Should Be 'foo action' } It 'shouldprocess support -whatif' { $command = 'get-foo -whatif' $ps = []::Create() [void] $ps.AddScript($script + $command) $ps.RunspacePool = $rp $asyncResult = $ps.BeginInvoke() $output = $ps.EndInvoke($asyncResult) $ps.InvocationStateInfo.State | Should Be 'Completed' } It 'shouldprocess support -confirm under the non-interactive host' { $command = 'get-foo -confirm' [void] $ps.AddScript($script + $command) $asyncResult = $ps.BeginInvoke() $ps.EndInvoke($asyncResult) $ps.Streams.Error.Count | Should Be 1 # the host does not implement it. $ps.InvocationStateInfo.State | Should Be 'Completed' } } Context 'confirmimpact support: none' { BeforeAll { $script = ' function get-foo { [CmdletBinding(supportsshouldprocess=$true, ConfirmImpact="none")] param() if($pscmdlet.shouldprocess("foo", "foo action")) { write-output "foo action" } }' } It 'get-foo' { $command = 'get-foo' [void] $ps.AddScript($script + $command) $asyncResult = $ps.BeginInvoke() $output = $ps.EndInvoke($asyncResult) $output[0] | Should Be 'foo action' } It 'get-foo -confirm' { $command = 'get-foo -confirm' [void] $ps.AddScript($script + $command) $asyncResult = $ps.BeginInvoke() $output = $ps.EndInvoke($asyncResult) $output[0] | Should Be 'foo action' } } Context 'confirmimpact support: low under the non-interactive host' { BeforeAll { $script = ' function get-foo { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="low")] param() if($pscmdlet.shouldprocess("foo", "foo action")) { write-output "foo action" } }' } It 'get-foo' { $command = 'get-foo' [void] $ps.AddScript($script + $command) $asyncResult = $ps.BeginInvoke() $output = $ps.EndInvoke($asyncResult) $output[0] | Should Be 'foo action' } It 'get-foo -confirm' { $command = 'get-foo -confirm' [void] $ps.AddScript($script + $command) $asyncResult = $ps.BeginInvoke() $ps.EndInvoke($asyncResult) $ps.Streams.Error.Count | Should Be 1 # the host does not implement it. $ps.InvocationStateInfo.State | Should Be 'Completed' } } Context 'confirmimpact support: Medium under the non-interactive host' { BeforeAll { $script = ' function get-foo { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="medium")] param() if($pscmdlet.shouldprocess("foo", "foo action")) { write-output "foo action" } }' } It 'get-foo' { $command = 'get-foo' [void] $ps.AddScript($script + $command) $asyncResult = $ps.BeginInvoke() $output = $ps.EndInvoke($asyncResult) $output[0] | Should Be 'foo action' } It 'get-foo -confirm' { $command = 'get-foo -confirm' [void] $ps.AddScript($script + $command) $asyncResult = $ps.BeginInvoke() $ps.EndInvoke($asyncResult) $ps.Streams.Error.Count | Should Be 1 # the host does not implement it. $ps.InvocationStateInfo.State | Should Be 'Completed' } } Context 'confirmimpact support: High under the non-interactive host' { BeforeAll { $script = ' function get-foo { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="high")] param() if($pscmdlet.shouldprocess("foo", "foo action")) { write-output "foo action" } }' } It 'get-foo' { $command = 'get-foo' [void] $ps.AddScript($script + $command) $asyncResult = $ps.BeginInvoke() $ps.EndInvoke($asyncResult) $ps.Streams.Error.Count | Should Be 1 # the host does not implement it. $ps.InvocationStateInfo.State | Should Be 'Completed' } It 'get-foo -confirm' { $command = 'get-foo -confirm' [void] $ps.AddScript($script + $command) $asyncResult = $ps.BeginInvoke() $ps.EndInvoke($asyncResult) $ps.Streams.Error.Count | Should Be 1 # the host does not implement it. $ps.InvocationStateInfo.State | Should be 'Completed' } } Context 'ShouldContinue Support under the non-interactive host' { BeforeAll { $script = ' function get-foo { [CmdletBinding()] param() if($pscmdlet.shouldcontinue("foo", "foo action")) { write-output "foo action" } }' } It 'get-foo' { $command = 'get-foo' [void] $ps.AddScript($script + $command) $asyncResult = $ps.BeginInvoke() $ps.EndInvoke($asyncResult) $ps.Streams.Error.Count | Should Be 1 # the host does not implement it. $ps.InvocationStateInfo.State | Should Be 'Completed' } } }