# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. Describe "Test trap" -Tags "CI" { Context "Trap with flow control" { It "Line after exception should NOT be continued when it's from a nested script block" { $a = . {trap {"trapped"; continue;}; . {"hello"; throw "exception"; "world"}} $a.Length | Should -Be 2 $a -join "," | Should -BeExactly "hello,trapped" } It "Line after exception should NOT be continued and both inner and outter traps should be triggered" { $a = . {trap {"outer trap"; continue;}; . {trap {"inner trap"; break;}; "hello"; throw "exception"; "world"}} $a.Length | Should -Be 3 $a -join "," | Should -BeExactly "hello,inner trap,outer trap" } It "Line after exception should be invoked after continue" { $a = . {trap {"outer trap"; continue;} "hello"; throw "exception"; "world"} $a.Length | Should -Be 3 $a -join "," | Should -BeExactly "hello,outer trap,world" } It "Line after exception should NOT be invoked and inner trap should not be triggered" { $a = . {trap {"outer trap"; continue;}; . {trap [system.Argumentexception] {"inner trap"; continue;}; "hello"; throw "exception"; "world"}} $a.Length | Should -Be 2 $a -join "," | Should -BeExactly "hello,outer trap" } } }