Steve Lee b1af9ea230 -Verbose should not override $ErrorActionPreference (#5113)
* -Verbose should not override $ErrorActionPreference

* apply same fix to -debug and added test case

* address Aditya's feedback
2017-10-26 13:40:14 -07:00

149 lines
5.5 KiB

Describe "Tests for (error, warning, etc) action preference" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
$orgin = $GLOBAL:errorActionPreference
AfterAll {
if ($GLOBAL:errorActionPreference -ne $orgin)
$GLOBAL:errorActionPreference = $orgin
Context 'Setting ErrorActionPreference to stop prevents user from getting the error exception' {
$err = $null
get-childitem nosuchfile.nosuchextension -ea stop -ev err
catch {}
It '$err.Count' { $err.Count | Should Be 1 }
It '$err[0] should not be $null' { $err[0] | Should Not Be $null }
It '$err[0].GetType().Name' { $err[0] | Should BeOfType "System.Management.Automation.ActionPreferenceStopException" }
It '$err[0].ErrorRecord' { $err[0].ErrorRecord | Should not BeNullOrEmpty }
It '$err[0].ErrorRecord.Exception.GetType().Name' { $err[0].ErrorRecord.Exception | Should BeOfType "System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException" }
It 'ActionPreference Ignore Works' {
$errorCount = $error.Count
Get-Process -Name asdfasdfsadfsadf -ErrorAction Ignore
$error.Count | Should Be $errorCount
It 'action preference of Ignore cannot be set as a preference variable' {
try {
$GLOBAL:errorActionPreference = "Ignore"
Get-Process -Name asdfasdfasdf
Throw "Exception expected, execution should not have reached here"
} catch {
$_.CategoryInfo.Reason | Should Be NotSupportedException
} finally {
$GLOBAL:errorActionPreference = $orgin
It 'action preference of Suspend cannot be set as a preference variable' {
try {
$GLOBAL:errorActionPreference = "Suspend"
Get-Process -Name asdfasdfasdf
Throw "Exception expected, execution should not have reached here"
} catch {
$_.CategoryInfo.Reason | Should Be ArgumentTransformationMetadataException
finally {
$GLOBAL:errorActionPreference = $orgin
It 'enum disambiguation works' {
$errorCount = $error.Count
Get-Process -Name asdfasdfsadfsadf -ErrorAction Ig
$error.Count | Should Be $errorCount
It 'ErrorAction = Suspend works on Workflow' -Skip:$IsCoreCLR {
. .\TestsOnWinFullOnly.ps1
Run-TestOnWinFull "ActionPreference:ErrorAction=SuspendOnWorkflow"
It 'ErrorAction = Suspend does not work on functions' {
function MyHelperFunction {
MyHelperFunction -ErrorAction Suspend
Throw "Exception expected, execution should not have reached here"
} catch {
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "ParameterBindingFailed,MyHelperFunction"
It 'ErrorAction = Suspend does not work on cmdlets' {
Get-Process -ErrorAction Suspend
Throw "Exception expected, execution should not have reached here"
catch {
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "ParameterBindingFailed,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetProcessCommand"
It 'WarningAction = Suspend does not work' {
Get-Process -WarningAction Suspend
Throw "Exception expected, execution should not have reached here"
catch {
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "ParameterBindingFailed,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetProcessCommand"
#issue 2076
It 'ErrorAction and WarningAction are the only action preferences do not support suspend' -Pending{
$params = [System.Management.Automation.Internal.CommonParameters].GetProperties().Name | Select-String Action
$suspendErrors = $null
$params | ForEach-Object {
$input=@{'InputObject' = 'Test';$_='Suspend'}
try {
Write-Output @input
} catch {
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "ParameterBindingFailed,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteOutputCommand"
$num | Should Be 2
It '<switch> does not take precedence over $ErrorActionPreference' -TestCases @(
) {
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$params = @{
ItemType = "File";
Path = "$testdrive\test.txt";
Confirm = $false
New-Item @params > $null
$params += @{$switch=$true}
{ New-Item @params } | Should Not Throw
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
{ New-Item @params } | ShouldBeErrorId "NewItemIOError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewItemCommand"
Remove-Item "$testdrive\test.txt" -Force