
193 lines
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Management.Automation.Language;
using System.Management.Automation.Subsystem;
using System.Threading;
using Xunit;
namespace PSTests.Sequential
public class MyPredictor : ICommandPredictor
private readonly Guid _id;
private readonly string _name, _description;
private readonly bool _delay;
public List<string> History { get; }
public List<string> AcceptedSuggestions { get; }
public static readonly MyPredictor SlowPredictor;
public static readonly MyPredictor FastPredictor;
static MyPredictor()
SlowPredictor = new MyPredictor(
"Test Predictor #1",
"Description for #1 predictor.",
delay: true);
FastPredictor = new MyPredictor(
"Test Predictor #2",
"Description for #2 predictor.",
delay: false);
private MyPredictor(Guid id, string name, string description, bool delay)
_id = id;
_name = name;
_description = description;
_delay = delay;
History = new List<string>();
AcceptedSuggestions = new List<string>();
public Guid Id => _id;
public string Name => _name;
public string Description => _description;
bool ICommandPredictor.SupportEarlyProcessing => true;
bool ICommandPredictor.AcceptFeedback => true;
public void StartEarlyProcessing(IReadOnlyList<string> history)
public void OnSuggestionAccepted(string acceptedSuggestion)
public List<PredictiveSuggestion> GetSuggestion(PredictionContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (_delay)
// The delay is exaggerated to make the test reliable.
// xUnit must spin up a lot tasks, which makes the test unreliable when the time difference between 'delay' and 'timeout' is small.
// You can get the user input from the AST.
var userInput = context.InputAst.Extent.Text;
return new List<PredictiveSuggestion> {
new PredictiveSuggestion($"{userInput} TEST-1 from {Name}"),
new PredictiveSuggestion($"{userInput} TeSt-2 from {Name}"),
public static class CommandPredictionTests
public static void PredictInput()
MyPredictor slow = MyPredictor.SlowPredictor;
MyPredictor fast = MyPredictor.FastPredictor;
Ast ast = Parser.ParseInput("Hello world", out Token[] tokens, out _);
// Returns null when no predictor implementation registered
List<PredictionResult> results = CommandPrediction.PredictInput(ast, tokens).Result;
// Register 2 predictor implementations
SubsystemManager.RegisterSubsystem<ICommandPredictor, MyPredictor>(slow);
SubsystemManager.RegisterSubsystem(SubsystemKind.CommandPredictor, fast);
// Expect the results from 'fast' predictor only b/c the 'slow' one
// cannot finish before the specified timeout.
// The specified timeout is exaggerated to make the test reliable.
// xUnit must spin up a lot tasks, which makes the test unreliable when the time difference between 'delay' and 'timeout' is small.
results = CommandPrediction.PredictInput(ast, tokens, millisecondsTimeout: 1000).Result;
PredictionResult res = results[0];
Assert.Equal(fast.Id, res.Id);
Assert.Equal(2, res.Suggestions.Count);
Assert.Equal($"Hello world TEST-1 from {fast.Name}", res.Suggestions[0].SuggestionText);
Assert.Equal($"Hello world TeSt-2 from {fast.Name}", res.Suggestions[1].SuggestionText);
// Expect the results from both 'slow' and 'fast' predictors
// Same here -- the specified timeout is exaggerated to make the test reliable.
// xUnit must spin up a lot tasks, which makes the test unreliable when the time difference between 'delay' and 'timeout' is small.
results = CommandPrediction.PredictInput(ast, tokens, millisecondsTimeout: 4000).Result;
Assert.Equal(2, results.Count);
PredictionResult res1 = results[0];
Assert.Equal(slow.Id, res1.Id);
Assert.Equal(2, res1.Suggestions.Count);
Assert.Equal($"Hello world TEST-1 from {slow.Name}", res1.Suggestions[0].SuggestionText);
Assert.Equal($"Hello world TeSt-2 from {slow.Name}", res1.Suggestions[1].SuggestionText);
PredictionResult res2 = results[1];
Assert.Equal(fast.Id, res2.Id);
Assert.Equal(2, res2.Suggestions.Count);
Assert.Equal($"Hello world TEST-1 from {fast.Name}", res2.Suggestions[0].SuggestionText);
Assert.Equal($"Hello world TeSt-2 from {fast.Name}", res2.Suggestions[1].SuggestionText);
SubsystemManager.UnregisterSubsystem(SubsystemKind.CommandPredictor, fast.Id);
public static void Feedback()
MyPredictor slow = MyPredictor.SlowPredictor;
MyPredictor fast = MyPredictor.FastPredictor;
// Register 2 predictor implementations
SubsystemManager.RegisterSubsystem<ICommandPredictor, MyPredictor>(slow);
SubsystemManager.RegisterSubsystem(SubsystemKind.CommandPredictor, fast);
var history = new[] { "hello", "world" };
var ids = new HashSet<Guid> { slow.Id, fast.Id };
CommandPrediction.OnSuggestionAccepted(slow.Id, "Yeah");
// The calls to 'StartEarlyProcessing' and 'OnSuggestionAccepted' are queued in thread pool,
// so we wait a bit to make sure the calls are done.
while (slow.History.Count == 0 || slow.AcceptedSuggestions.Count == 0)
Assert.Equal(2, slow.History.Count);
Assert.Equal(history[0], slow.History[0]);
Assert.Equal(history[1], slow.History[1]);
Assert.Equal(2, fast.History.Count);
Assert.Equal(history[0], fast.History[0]);
Assert.Equal(history[1], fast.History[1]);
Assert.Equal("Yeah", slow.AcceptedSuggestions[0]);
SubsystemManager.UnregisterSubsystem(SubsystemKind.CommandPredictor, fast.Id);