
160 lines
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe 'Tests for $ErrorView' -Tag CI {
It '$ErrorView is an enum' {
$ErrorView | Should -BeOfType System.Management.Automation.ErrorView
It '$ErrorView should have correct default value' {
$expectedDefault = 'ConciseView'
$ErrorView | Should -BeExactly $expectedDefault
It 'Exceptions not thrown do not get formatted as ErrorRecord' {
$exp = [System.Exception]::new('test') | Out-String
$exp | Should -BeLike "*Message : test*"
Context 'ConciseView tests' {
BeforeEach {
$testScriptPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath 'test.ps1'
AfterEach {
Remove-Item -Path $testScriptPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
It 'Cmdlet error should be one line of text' {
Get-Item (New-Guid) -ErrorVariable e -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
($e | Out-String).Trim().Count | Should -Be 1
It 'Script error should contain path to script and line for error' {
$testScript = @'
$a = 1
$b = 2
Set-Content -Path $testScriptPath -Value $testScript
$e = { & $testScriptPath } | Should -Throw -ErrorId 'UnexpectedToken' -PassThru | Out-String
$e | Should -BeLike "*${testScriptPath}:4*"
# validate line number is shown
$e | Should -BeLike '* 4 *'
It "Remote errors show up correctly" {
Start-Job -ScriptBlock { Get-Item (New-Guid) } | Wait-Job | Receive-Job -ErrorVariable e -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
($e | Out-String).Trim().Count | Should -Be 1
It "Activity shows up correctly for scriptblocks" {
$e = & "$PSHOME/pwsh" -noprofile -command 'Write-Error 'myError' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; $error[0] | Out-String'
[string]::Join('', $e).Trim() | Should -BeLike "*Write-Error:*myError*" # wildcard due to VT100
It "Function shows up correctly" {
function test-myerror { [cmdletbinding()] param() Write-Error 'myError' }
$e = & "$PSHOME/pwsh" -noprofile -command 'function test-myerror { [cmdletbinding()] param() write-error "myError" }; test-myerror -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; $error[0] | Out-String'
[string]::Join('', $e).Trim() | Should -BeLike "*test-myerror:*myError*" # wildcard due to VT100
It "Pester Should shows test file and not pester" {
$testScript = '1 + 1 | Should -Be 3'
Set-Content -Path $testScriptPath -Value $testScript
$e = { & $testScriptPath } | Should -Throw -ErrorId 'PesterAssertionFailed' -PassThru | Out-String
$e | Should -BeLike "*$testScriptPath*"
$e | Should -Not -BeLike '*pester*'
It "Long lines should be rendered correctly with indentation" {
$testscript = @'
$myerrors = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
Copy-Item (New-Guid) (New-Guid) -ErrorVariable +myerrors -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Set-Content -Path $testScriptPath -Value $testScript
$e = & $testScriptPath | Out-String
$e | Should -BeLike "*${testScriptPath}:2*"
# validate line number is shown
$e | Should -BeLike '* 2 *'
It "Long exception message gets rendered" {
$msg = "1234567890"
while ($msg.Length -le $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width)
$msg += $msg
$e = { throw "$msg" } | Should -Throw $msg -PassThru | Out-String
$e | Should -BeLike "*$msg*"
It "Position message does not contain line information" {
$e = & "$PSHOME/pwsh" -noprofile -command "foreach abc" 2>&1 | Out-String
$e | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$e | Should -Not -BeLike "*At line*"
It "Error shows if `$PSModuleAutoLoadingPreference is set to 'none'" {
$e = & "$PSHOME/pwsh" -noprofile -command '$PSModuleAutoLoadingPreference = ""none""; cmdletThatDoesntExist' 2>&1 | Out-String
$e | Should -BeLike "*cmdletThatDoesntExist*"
It "Error shows for advanced function" {
# need to have it virtually interactive so that InvocationInfo.MyCommand is empty
$e = '[cmdletbinding()]param()$pscmdlet.writeerror([System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new(([System.NotImplementedException]::new("myTest")),"stub","notimplemented","command"))' | pwsh -noprofile -file - 2>&1 | Out-String
$e | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
# need to see if ANSI escape sequences are in the output as ANSI is disabled for CI
if ($e.Contains("`e")) {
$e | Should -BeLike "*: `e*myTest*"
else {
$e | Should -BeLike "*: myTest*"
It "Error containing '<type>' are rendered correctly for scripts" -TestCases @(
@{ type = 'CRLF'; newline = "`r`n" }
@{ type = 'LF' ; newline = "`n" }
) {
Set-Content -path $testScriptPath -Value "throw 'hello${newline}there'"
$e = & "$PSHOME/pwsh" -noprofile -file $testScriptPath 2>&1 | Out-String
$e.Split("o${newline}t").Count | Should -Be 1 -Because "Error message should not contain newline"
Context 'NormalView tests' {
It 'Error shows up when using strict mode' {
try {
$ErrorView = 'NormalView'
Set-StrictMode -Version 2
throw 'Oops!'
catch {
$e = $_ | Out-String
finally {
Set-StrictMode -Off
$e | Should -BeLike '*Oops!*'