James Truher 9e225ccae2 changes tags for tests
Start using tags CI, Feature, Scenario
2016-07-27 12:06:51 -07:00

38 lines
1.4 KiB

using Namespace System.Management.Automation.Language
Describe "The SafeGetValue method on AST returns safe values" -Tags "CI" {
It "A hashtable is returned from a HashtableAst" {
$HashtableAstType = [HashtableAst]
$HtAst = {
@{ one = 1 }
}.ast.Find({$args[0] -is $HashtableAstType}, $true)
$HtAst.SafeGetValue().GetType().Name | Should be Hashtable
It "An Array is returned from a LiteralArrayAst" {
$ArrayAstType = [ArrayLiteralAst]
$ArrayAst = {
@( 1,2,3,4)
}.ast.Find({$args[0] -is $ArrayAstType}, $true)
$ArrayAst.SafeGetValue().GetType().Name | Should be "Object[]"
It "The proper error is returned when a variable is referenced" {
$ast = { $a }.Ast.Find({$args[0] -is "VariableExpressionAst"},$true)
try {
$ast.SafeGetValue() | out-null
Throw "Execution Succeeded"
catch {
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should be "InvalidOperationException"
$_.ToString() | Should Match '\$a'
It "A ScriptBlock AST fails with the proper error" {
try {
{ 1 }.Ast.SafeGetValue()
Throw "Execution Succeeded"
catch {
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should be "InvalidOperationException"