Andrew Schwartzmeyer 5901e70dd0 Revert work-around in Json.Tests.ps1
This resolves #627.
2016-03-14 13:39:32 -07:00

42 lines
1.3 KiB

# While Core PowerShell does not support the JSON cmdlets, a third
# party C# library, [Json.NET](http://www.newtonsoft.com/json), can be
# loaded into PowerShell and used directly.
# http://www.newtonsoft.com/json/help/html/ParsingLINQtoJSON.htm
Describe "Json.NET LINQ Parsing" {
# load third party Json.NET library
$base = [System.AppContext]::BaseDirectory
$path = Join-Path $base Newtonsoft.Json.dll
BeforeEach {
$jsonFile = Join-Path -Path (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath assets) -ChildPath TestJson.json
$jsonData = (Get-Content $jsonFile | Out-String)
$json = [Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject]::Parse($jsonData)
It "Should return data via Item()" {
[string]$json.Item("Name") | Should Be "Zaphod Beeblebrox"
It "Should return data via []" {
[string]$json["Planet"] | Should Be "Betelgeuse"
It "Should return nested data via Item().Item()" {
[int]$json.Item("Appendages").Item("Heads") | Should Be 2
It "Should return nested data via [][]" {
[int]$json["Appendages"]["Arms"] | Should Be 3
It "Should return correct array count" {
$json["Achievements"].Count | Should Be 4
It "Should return array data via [n]" {
[string]$json["Achievements"][3] | Should Be "One hoopy frood"