James Truher 9e225ccae2 changes tags for tests
Start using tags CI, Feature, Scenario
2016-07-27 12:06:51 -07:00

74 lines
2.3 KiB

Describe 'PSModuleInfo.GetExportedTypeDefinitions()' -Tags "CI" {
It "doesn't throw for any module" {
$discard = Get-Module -ListAvailable | % { $_.GetExportedTypeDefinitions() }
$true | Should Be $true # we only verify that we didn't throw. This line contains a dummy Should to make pester happy.
Describe 'use of a module from two runspaces' -Tags "CI" {
function New-TestModule {
Setup -Dir $Name
$manifestParams = @{
Path = "TestDrive:\$Name\$Name.psd1"
if ($Content) {
Set-Content -Path "${TestDrive}\$Name\$Name.psm1" -Value $Content
$manifestParams['RootModule'] = "$Name.psm1"
New-ModuleManifest @manifestParams
$resolvedTestDrivePath = Split-Path ((get-childitem TestDrive:\)[0].FullName)
if (-not ($env:PSMODULEPATH -like "*$resolvedTestDrivePath*")) {
$env:PSMODULEPATH += ";$resolvedTestDrivePath"
try {
New-TestModule -Name 'Random' -Content @'
$script:random = Get-Random
class RandomWrapper
[int] getRandom()
return $script:random
It 'use different sessionStates for different modules' {
$ps = 1..2 | % { $p = [powershell]::Create().AddScript(@'
Import-Module Random
$p.Invoke() > $null
$res = 1..2 | % {
0..1 | % {
# The idea: instance created inside the context, in one runspace.
# Method is called on instance in the different runspace, but it should know about the origin.
$w = $ps[$_].AddScript('& (Get-Module Random) { [RandomWrapper]::new() }').Invoke()[0]
$res.Count | Should Be 4
$res[0] | Should Not Be $res[1]
$res[0] | Should Be $res[2]
$res[1] | Should Be $res[3]
} finally {