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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "Language Primitive Tests" -Tags "CI" {
It "Equality comparison with string and non-numeric type should not be culture sensitive" {
$date = [datetime]'2005,3,10'
$val = [System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives]::Equals($date, "3/10/2005")
$val | Should -BeTrue
It "Test conversion of an PSObject with Null Base Object to bool" {
$mshObj = New-Object psobject
{ [System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives]::ConvertTo($mshObj, [bool]) } | Should -BeTrue
It "Test conversion of an PSObject with Null Base Object to string" {
$mshObj = New-Object psobject
{ [System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives]::ConvertTo($mshObj, [string]) -eq "" } | Should -BeTrue
It "Test conversion of an PSObject with Null Base Object to object" {
$mshObj = New-Object psobject
{ $mshObj -eq [System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives]::ConvertTo($mshObj, [Object]) } | Should -BeTrue
It "Test Conversion of an IEnumerable to object[]" {
$col = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::GetCurrentProcess().Modules
$ObjArray = [System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives]::ConvertTo($col, [object[]])
$ObjArray.Length | Should -Be $col.Count
It "Casting recursive array to bool should not cause crash" {
$a[0] = $a = [PSObject](, 1)
[System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives]::IsTrue($a) | Should -BeTrue
It "LanguagePrimitives.GetEnumerable should treat 'DataTable' as Enumerable" {
$dt = [System.Data.DataTable]::new("test")
$dt.Columns.Add("Name", [string]) > $null
$dt.Columns.Add("Age", [string]) > $null
$dr = $dt.NewRow(); $dr["Name"] = "John"; $dr["Age"] = "20"
$dr2 = $dt.NewRow(); $dr["Name"] = "Susan"; $dr["Age"] = "25"
$dt.Rows.Add($dr); $dt.Rows.Add($dr2)
[System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives]::IsObjectEnumerable($dt) | Should -BeTrue
$count = 0
[System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives]::GetEnumerable($dt) | ForEach-Object { $count++ }
$count | Should -Be 2
It "TryCompare should succeed on int and string" {
$result = $null
[System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives]::TryCompare(1, "1", [ref] $result) | Should -BeTrue
$result | Should -Be 0
It "TryCompare should fail on int and datetime" {
$result = $null
[System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives]::TryCompare(1, [datetime]::Now, [ref] $result) | Should -BeFalse
It "TryCompare should succeed on int and int and compare correctly smaller" {
$result = $null
[System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives]::TryCompare(1, 2, [ref] $result) | Should -BeTrue
$result | Should -BeExactly -1
It "TryCompare should succeed on string and string and compare correctly greater" {
$result = $null
[System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives]::TryCompare("bbb", "aaa", [ref] $result) | Should -BeTrue
$result | Should -BeExactly 1
It "TryCompare should succeed on string and string and compare case insensitive correctly" {
$result = $null
[System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives]::TryCompare("AAA", "aaa", $true, [ref] $result) | Should -BeTrue
$result | Should -BeExactly 0
It "TryCompare with cultureInfo is culture sensitive" {
$result = $null
$swedish = [cultureinfo] 'sv-SE'
# in Swedish, åäö appears at the end of the alphabet, and should compare greater than o
$val = [System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives]::TryCompare("ooo", "ååå", $false, $swedish, [ref] $result)
$val | Should -BeTrue
$result | Should -BeExactly -1
It "TryCompare compares greater than null as Compare" {
$result = $null
$compareResult = [System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives]::Compare($null, 10)
$val = [System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives]::TryCompare($null, 10, [ref] $result)
$val | Should -BeTrue
$result | Should -BeExactly $compareResult
It "TryCompare compares less than null as Compare" {
$result = $null
$compareResult = [System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives]::Compare(10, $null)
$val = [System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives]::TryCompare(10, $null, [ref] $result)
$val | Should -BeTrue
$result | Should -BeExactly $compareResult