2016-08-25 17:49:32 +00:00

29 lines
928 B

Describe "Start-Sleep DRT Unit Tests" -Tags "CI" {
It "Should be works properly when sleeping with Second" {
$dtStart = [DateTime]::Now
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
$dtEnd = [DateTime]::Now
$milliseconds = (New-TimeSpan -Start $dtStart -End $dtEnd).TotalMilliseconds
$milliseconds | Should BeGreaterThan 1000
It "Should be works properly when sleeping with Milliseconds" {
$dtStart = [DateTime]::Now
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 1000
$dtEnd = [DateTime]::Now
$milliseconds = (New-TimeSpan -Start $dtStart -End $dtEnd).TotalMilliseconds
$milliseconds | Should BeGreaterThan 1000
Describe "Start-Sleep" -Tags "CI" {
Context "Validate Start-Sleep works properly" {
It "Should only sleep for at least 1 second" {
$result = Measure-Command { Start-Sleep -s 1 }
$result.TotalSeconds | Should BeGreaterThan 0.25