Steve Lee 0a2f9c8821 Update Enable-PSRemoting so configuration name for Preview releases (#7202)
The intent was to have the version of the PSSessionConfiguration name not include the `v` for the version string.  Also, Preview releases should standardize on `PowerShell.6-Preview` instead of clobbering `PowerShell.6` so that stable and preview can co-exist side-by-side.

Need to verify on Win10 IoT if `Install-PowerShellRemoting.ps1` is still needed anymore as it may be possible to run `pwsh -c enable-psremoting` from within Windows PowerShell Core removing the need for that script which duplicates `Enable-PSRemoting` capability.

Update: Not able to get the current master build working on Win10 IoT, getting `Invalid access to memory` error.  Will have to investigate this separately from this PR and keep `Install-PowerShellRemoting.ps1` for now.

Fix https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/7119
2018-07-16 19:35:48 -07:00

162 lines
6.9 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "PSVersionTable" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
$sma = Get-Item (Join-Path $PSHome "System.Management.Automation.dll")
$formattedVersion = $sma.VersionInfo.ProductVersion
$mainVersionPattern = "(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)(-.+)?"
$fullVersionPattern = "^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)(-.+)?-(\d+)-g(.+)$"
$expectedPSVersion = ($formattedVersion -split " ")[0]
$expectedVersionPattern = "^$mainVersionPattern$"
if ($formattedVersion.Contains(" Commits: "))
$rawGitCommitId = $formattedVersion.Replace(" Commits: ", "-").Replace(" SHA: ", "-g")
$expectedGitCommitIdPattern = $fullVersionPattern
$unexpectectGitCommitIdPattern = "qwerty"
} else {
$rawGitCommitId = ($formattedVersion -split " SHA: ")[0]
$expectedGitCommitIdPattern = "^$mainVersionPattern$"
$unexpectectGitCommitIdPattern = $fullVersionPattern
It "Should have version table entries" {
$PSVersionTable.Count | Should -Be 9
It "Should have the right version table entries" {
$PSVersionTable.ContainsKey("PSVersion") | Should -BeTrue
$PSVersionTable.ContainsKey("PSEdition") | Should -BeTrue
$PSVersionTable.ContainsKey("WSManStackVersion") | Should -BeTrue
$PSVersionTable.ContainsKey("SerializationVersion") | Should -BeTrue
$PSVersionTable.ContainsKey("PSCompatibleVersions") | Should -BeTrue
$PSVersionTable.ContainsKey("PSRemotingProtocolVersion") | Should -BeTrue
$PSVersionTable.ContainsKey("GitCommitId") | Should -BeTrue
$PSVersionTable.ContainsKey("Platform") | Should -BeTrue
$PSVersionTable.ContainsKey("OS") | Should -BeTrue
It "PSVersion property" {
$PSVersionTable.PSVersion | Should -BeOfType "System.Management.Automation.SemanticVersion"
$PSVersionTable.PSVersion | Should -BeExactly $expectedPSVersion
$PSVersionTable.PSVersion | Should -Match $expectedVersionPattern
$PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major | Should -Be 6
It "GitCommitId property" {
$PSVersionTable.GitCommitId | Should -BeOfType "System.String"
$PSVersionTable.GitCommitId | Should -Match $expectedGitCommitIdPattern
$PSVersionTable.GitCommitId | Should -Not -Match $unexpectectGitCommitIdPattern
$PSVersionTable.GitCommitId | Should -BeExactly $rawGitCommitId
It "Should have the correct platform info" {
$platform = [String][System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform
[String]$PSVersionTable["Platform"] | Should -Be $platform
It "Should have the correct OS info" {
if ($IsCoreCLR)
$OSDescription = [String][System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation]::OSDescription
[String]$PSVersionTable["OS"] | Should -Be $OSDescription
$OSDescription = [String][System.Environment]::OSVersion
[String]$PSVersionTable["OS"] | Should -Be $OSDescription
It "Verify `$PSVersionTable.PSEdition" {
if ($isCoreCLR) {
$edition = "Core"
$edition = "Desktop"
$PSVersionTable["PSEdition"] | Should -Be $edition
It "Verify `$PSVersionTable is ordered and 'PSVersion' is on first place" {
$PSVersionName = "PSVersion"
$keys1 = ($PSVersionTable | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders -Property Name | Out-String) -split [System.Environment]::NewLine | Where-Object {$_} | ForEach-Object {$_.Trim()}
$keys1[0] | Should -Be "PSVersion"
$keys1[1] | Should -Be "PSEdition"
$keys1last = $keys1[2..($keys1.length-1)]
$keys1sortedlast = $keys1last | Sort-Object
Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $keys1last -DifferenceObject $keys1sortedlast -SyncWindow 0 | Should -Be $null
It "Verify `$PSVersionTable can be formatted correctly when it has non-string key" {
try {
$key = Get-Item $PSScriptRoot
$PSVersionTable.Add($key, "TEST")
{ $PSVersionTable | Format-Table } | Should -Not -Throw
} finally {
It "Verify `$PSVersionTable can be formatted correctly when 'PSVersion' is removed" {
try {
$VersionValue = $PSVersionTable["PSVersion"]
$keys1 = ($PSVersionTable | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders -Property Name | Out-String) -split [System.Environment]::NewLine | Where-Object {$_} | ForEach-Object {$_.Trim()}
$keys1[0] | Should -Be "PSEdition"
$keys1.Length | Should -Be $PSVersionTable.Count
$keys1last = $keys1[1..($keys1.length-1)]
$keys1sortedlast = $keys1last | Sort-Object
Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $keys1last -DifferenceObject $keys1sortedlast -SyncWindow 0 | Should -Be $null
} finally {
$PSVersionTable.Add("PSVersion", $VersionValue)
It "Verify `$PSVersionTable can be formatted correctly when 'PSEdition' is removed" {
try {
$EditionValue = $PSVersionTable["PSEdition"]
$keys1 = ($PSVersionTable | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders -Property Name | Out-String) -split [System.Environment]::NewLine | Where-Object {$_} | ForEach-Object {$_.Trim()}
$keys1[0] | Should -Be "PSVersion"
$keys1.Length | Should -Be $PSVersionTable.Count
$keys1last = $keys1[1..($keys1.length-1)]
$keys1sortedlast = $keys1last | Sort-Object
Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $keys1last -DifferenceObject $keys1sortedlast -SyncWindow 0 | Should -Be $null
} finally {
$PSVersionTable.Add("PSEdition", $EditionValue)
It "Verify `$PSVersionTable can be formatted correctly when both 'PSEdition' and 'PSVersion' are removed" {
try {
$VersionValue = $PSVersionTable["PSVersion"]
$EditionValue = $PSVersionTable["PSEdition"]
$keys1 = ($PSVersionTable | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders -Property Name | Out-String) -split [System.Environment]::NewLine | Where-Object {$_} | ForEach-Object {$_.Trim()}
$keys1.Length | Should -Be $PSVersionTable.Count
$keys1sortedlast = $keys1 | Sort-Object
Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $keys1 -DifferenceObject $keys1sortedlast -SyncWindow 0 | Should -Be $null
} finally {
$PSVersionTable.Add("PSVersion", $VersionValue)
$PSVersionTable.Add("PSEdition", $EditionValue)