Aditya Patwardhan 5cd0e85d12 Fixed passing common test modules path to unelevated Powershell (#4313)
- Fixed the way common test modules are passed to elevated and unelevated powershell. Earlier, only elevated powershell got those through inheritance as a child process. Now we add them to the startup of the process.
- Fixed error reported by PSScriptAnalyzer about ? / Where-Object
- Converted all the parameters passed to powershell.exe to be a base64 encoded string to avoid complications with quotes.
- Removed code which was updated $env:PSModulePath as we do it in startup args for powershell process instead. 
- Added a way to disable -Quiet for Pester.
- Opencover.console.exe gets confused when the base64 encoded parameter is given with '&' invoke.
Writing to a ps1 file and invoking the script works around the issue.
This also makes it similar to how unelevated tests are invoked.
2017-08-04 09:16:17 -07:00

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#region privateFunctions
$script:psRepoPath = [string]::Empty
if ($null -ne (Get-Command -Name 'git' -ErrorAction Ignore)) {
$script:psRepoPath = git rev-parse --show-toplevel
function Get-AssemblyCoverageData([xml.xmlelement] $element)
$coverageSummary = (Get-CoverageSummary -element $element.Summary)
$classCoverage = Get-ClassCoverageData $element
$AssemblyCoverageData = [PSCustomObject] @{
AssemblyName = $element.ModuleName
CoverageSummary = $coverageSummary
Branch = $coverageSummary.BranchCoverage
Sequence = $coverageSummary.SequenceCoverage
ClassCoverage = $classCoverage
$AssemblyCoverageData | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name ToString -Value { "{0} ({1})" -f $this.AssemblyName,$this.CoverageSummary.BranchCoverage } -Force
return $AssemblyCoverageData
function Get-ClassCoverageData([xml.xmlelement]$element)
$classes = [system.collections.arraylist]::new()
foreach ( $class in $element.classes.class )
# skip classes with names like <>f__AnonymousType6`4
if ( $class.fullname -match "<>" ) { continue }
$name = $class.fullname
$branch = $class.summary.branchcoverage
$sequence = $class.summary.sequenceCoverage
$o = [pscustomobject]@{ ClassName = $name; Branch = $branch; Sequence = $sequence}
$o.psobject.TypeNames.Insert(0, "ClassCoverageData")
$null = $classes.Add($o)
return $classes
function Get-CodeCoverageChange($r1, $r2, [string[]]$ClassName)
$h = @{}
$Deltas = new-object "System.Collections.ArrayList"
if ( $ClassName ) {
foreach ( $Class in $ClassName ) {
$c1 = $r1.Assembly.ClassCoverage | Where-Object {$_.ClassName -eq $Class }
$c2 = $r2.Assembly.ClassCoverage | Where-Object {$_.ClassName -eq $Class }
$ClassCoverageChange = [pscustomobject]@{
ClassName = $Class
Branch = $c2.Branch
BranchDelta = $c2.Branch - $c1.Branch
Sequence = $c2.Sequence
SequenceDelta = $c2.Sequence - $c1.sequence
Write-Output $ClassCoverageChange
$r1.assembly | ForEach-Object { $h[$_.assemblyname] = @($_) }
$r2.assembly | ForEach-Object {
$h[$_.assemblyname] += $_
$h[$_.assemblyname] = @($_)
foreach($kvPair in $h.GetEnumerator())
$runs = @($h[$kvPair.Name])
$assemblyCoverageChange = (Get-AssemblyCoverageChange -r1 $runs[0] -r2 $runs[1])
$null = $Deltas.Add($assemblyCoverageChange)
$CoverageChange = [PSCustomObject] @{
Run1 = $r1
Run2 = $r2
Branch = $r2.CoverageSummary.BranchCoverage
Sequence = $r2.CoverageSummary.SequenceCoverage
BranchDelta = [double] ($r2.CoverageSummary.BranchCoverage - $r1.CoverageSummary.BranchCoverage)
SequenceDelta = [double] ($r2.CoverageSummary.SequenceCoverage - $r1.CoverageSummary.SequenceCoverage)
Deltas = $Deltas
return $CoverageChange
function Get-AssemblyCoverageChange($r1, $r2)
if($null -eq $r1 -and $null -ne $r2)
$r1 = @{ AssemblyName = $r2.AssemblyName ; Branch = 0 ; Sequence = 0 }
elseif($null -eq $r2 -and $null -ne $r1)
$r2 = @{ AssemblyName = $r1.AssemblyName ; Branch = 0 ; Sequence = 0 }
if ( compare-object $r1.assemblyname $r2.assemblyname ) { throw "different assemblies" }
$AssemblyCoverageChange = [pscustomobject] @{
AssemblyName = $r1.AssemblyName
Branch = $r2.Branch
BranchDelta = $r2.Branch - $r1.Branch
Sequence = $r2.Sequence
SequenceDelta = $r2.Sequence - $r1.Sequence
return $AssemblyCoverageChange
function Get-CoverageData($xmlPath)
[xml]$CoverageXml = get-content -readcount 0 $xmlPath
if ( $null -eq $CoverageXml.CoverageSession ) { throw "CoverageSession data not found" }
$assemblies = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach( $module in $CoverageXml.CoverageSession.modules.module| Where-Object {$_.skippedDueTo -ne "MissingPdb"}) {
$assemblies.Add((Get-AssemblyCoverageData -element $module)) | Out-Null
$CoverageData = [PSCustomObject] @{
CoverageLogFile = $xmlPath
CoverageSummary = (Get-CoverageSummary -element $CoverageXml.CoverageSession.Summary)
Assembly = $assemblies
Add-Member -InputObject $CoverageData -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name GetClassCoverage -Value { param ( $name ) $this.assembly.classcoverage | Where-Object {$_.classname -match $name } }
$null = $CoverageXml
## Adding explicit garbage collection as the $CoverageXml object tends to be very large, in order of 1 GB.
return $CoverageData
function Get-CoverageSummary([xml.xmlelement] $element)
$CoverageSummary = [PSCustomObject] @{
NumSequencePoints = $element.numSequencePoints
VisitedSequencePoints = $element.visitedSequencePoints
NumBranchPoints = $element.numBranchPoints
VisitedBranchPoints = $element.visitedBranchPoints
SequenceCoverage = $element.sequenceCoverage
BranchCoverage = $element.branchCoverage
MaxCyclomaticComplexity = $element.maxCyclomaticComplexity
MinCyclomaticComplexity = $element.minCyclomaticComplexity
VisitedClasses = $element.visitedClasses
NumClasses = $element.numClasses
VisitedMethods = $element.visitedMethods
NumMethods = $element.numMethods
$CoverageSummary | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name ToString -Value { "Branch:{0,3} Sequence:{1,3}" -f $this.BranchCoverage,$this.SequenceCoverage } -Force
return $CoverageSummary
# needed for PowerShell v4 as Archive module isn't available by default
function Expand-ZipArchive([string] $Path, [string] $DestinationPath)
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
$fileStream = New-Object System.IO.FileStream -ArgumentList @($Path, [System.IO.FileMode]::Open, [System.IO.FileAccess]::Read)
$zipArchive = New-Object System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive -ArgumentList @($fileStream, [System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveMode]::Read, $false)
foreach($entry in $zipArchive.Entries)
$extractPath = (Join-Path $DestinationPath $entry.FullName)
$fileInfo = New-Object System.IO.FileInfo -ArgumentList $extractPath
if(-not $fileInfo.Directory.Exists) { New-Item -Path $fileInfo.Directory.FullName -ItemType Directory | Out-Null }
$newfileStream = [System.IO.File]::Create($extractPath)
if($newfileStream) { $newfileStream.Dispose() }
if($zipArchive) { $zipArchive.Dispose() }
if($fileStream) { $fileStream.Dispose() }
Get code coverage information for the supplied coverage file.
Coverage information from the supplied OpenCover XML file is displayed. The output object has options to show assembly coverage and summary.
PS> $coverage = Get-CodeCoverage -CoverageXmlFile .\opencover.xml
PS> $cov.assembly
AssemblyName Branch Sequence CoverageSummary
------------ ------ -------- ---------------
powershell 100 100 Branch:100 Sequence:100
Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreCLR.AssemblyLoadContext 53.66 95.31 Branch:53.66 Sequence:95.31
Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost 36.53 38.40 Branch:36.53 Sequence:38.40
System.Management.Automation 42.18 44.11 Branch:42.18 Sequence:44.11
Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreCLR.Eventing 28.70 36.23 Branch:28.70 Sequence:36.23
Microsoft.PowerShell.Security 15.17 18.16 Branch:15.17 Sequence:18.16
Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management 18.84 21.70 Branch:18.84 Sequence:21.70
Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility 62.38 64.54 Branch:62.38 Sequence:64.54
Microsoft.WSMan.Management 3.93 4.45 Branch:3.93 Sequence:4.45
Microsoft.WSMan.Runtime 0 0 Branch: 0 Sequence: 0
Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Diagnostics 44.96 49.93 Branch:44.96 Sequence:49.93
Microsoft.PowerShell.PSReadLine 7.12 9.94 Branch:7.12 Sequence:9.94
Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement 59.77 62.04 Branch:59.77 Sequence:62.04
Microsoft.PackageManagement 41.73 44.47 Branch:41.73 Sequence:44.47
Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets 13.20 17.01 Branch:13.20 Sequence:17.01
Microsoft.PackageManagement.MetaProvider.PowerShell 54.79 57.90 Branch:54.79 Sequence:57.90
Microsoft.PackageManagement.NuGetProvider 62.36 65.37 Branch:62.36 Sequence:65.37
Microsoft.PackageManagement.CoreProviders 7.08 7.96 Branch:7.08 Sequence:7.96
Microsoft.PackageManagement.ArchiverProviders 0.53 0.56 Branch:0.53 Sequence:0.56
PS> $coverage = Get-CodeCoverage -CoverageXmlFile .\opencover.xml
PS> $cov.CoverageSummary
NumSequencePoints : 337052
VisitedSequencePoints : 143209
NumBranchPoints : 115193
VisitedBranchPoints : 46132
MaxCyclomaticComplexity : 398
MinCyclomaticComplexity : 1
VisitedClasses : 2465
NumClasses : 3894
VisitedMethods : 17792
NumMethods : 37832
SequenceCoverage : 42.49
BranchCoverage : 40.05
function Get-CodeCoverage
param ( [string]$CoverageXmlFile = "$pwd/OpenCover.xml" )
$xmlPath = (get-item $CoverageXmlFile).Fullname
(Get-CoverageData -xmlPath $xmlPath)
Compare results between two coverage runs.
Coverage information from the supplied OpenCover XML file is displayed. The output object has options to show assembly coverage and summary.
$comp = Compare-CodeCoverage -RunFile1 .\OpenCover.xml -RunFile2 .\OpenCover.xml
$comp.Deltas | sort-object assemblyname | format-table
AssemblyName Branch BranchDelta Sequence SequenceDelta
------------ ------ ----------- -------- -------------
Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets 13.20 0 17.01 0
Microsoft.PackageManagement 41.73 0 44.47 0
Microsoft.PackageManagement.ArchiverProviders 0.53 0 0.56 0
Microsoft.PackageManagement.CoreProviders 7.08 0 7.96 0
Microsoft.PackageManagement.MetaProvider.PowerShell 54.79 0 57.90 0
Microsoft.PackageManagement.NuGetProvider 62.36 0 65.37 0
Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Diagnostics 44.96 0 49.93 0
Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management 18.84 0 21.70 0
Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility 62.38 0 64.54 0
Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost 36.53 0 38.40 0
Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreCLR.AssemblyLoadContext 53.66 0 95.31 0
Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreCLR.Eventing 28.70 0 36.23 0
Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement 59.77 0 62.04 0
Microsoft.PowerShell.PSReadLine 7.12 0 9.94 0
Microsoft.PowerShell.Security 15.17 0 18.16 0
Microsoft.WSMan.Management 3.93 0 4.45 0
Microsoft.WSMan.Runtime 0 0 0 0
powershell 100 0 100 0
System.Management.Automation 42.18 0 44.11 0
$comp = Compare-CodeCoverage -Run1 $c -Run2 $c
$comp.Deltas | sort-object assemblyname | format-table
AssemblyName Branch BranchDelta Sequence SequenceDelta
------------ ------ ----------- -------- -------------
Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets 13.20 0 17.01 0
Microsoft.PackageManagement 41.73 0 44.47 0
Microsoft.PackageManagement.ArchiverProviders 0.53 0 0.56 0
Microsoft.PackageManagement.CoreProviders 7.08 0 7.96 0
Microsoft.PackageManagement.MetaProvider.PowerShell 54.79 0 57.90 0
Microsoft.PackageManagement.NuGetProvider 62.36 0 65.37 0
Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Diagnostics 44.96 0 49.93 0
Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management 18.84 0 21.70 0
Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility 62.38 0 64.54 0
Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost 36.53 0 38.40 0
Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreCLR.AssemblyLoadContext 53.66 0 95.31 0
Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreCLR.Eventing 28.70 0 36.23 0
Microsoft.PowerShell.PackageManagement 59.77 0 62.04 0
Microsoft.PowerShell.PSReadLine 7.12 0 9.94 0
Microsoft.PowerShell.Security 15.17 0 18.16 0
Microsoft.WSMan.Management 3.93 0 4.45 0
Microsoft.WSMan.Runtime 0 0 0 0
powershell 100 0 100 0
System.Management.Automation 42.18 0 44.11 0
function Compare-CodeCoverage
param (
if ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "file" )
[string]$xmlPath1 = (get-item $Run1File).Fullname
$Run1 = (Get-CoverageData -xmlPath $xmlPath1)
[string]$xmlPath2 = (get-item $Run1File).Fullname
$Run2 = (Get-CoverageData -xmlPath $xmlPath2)
$change = Get-CodeCoverageChange -r1 $Run1 -r2 $Run2 -Class $ClassName
if ( $Summary -or $ClassName )
Install OpenCover by downloading the 4.6.519 version.
Install OpenCover version 4.6.519.
function Install-OpenCover
param (
[parameter()][string]$Version = "4.6.519",
[parameter()][string]$TargetDirectory = "$home",
$filename = "opencover.${version}.zip"
$tempPath = "$env:TEMP/$Filename"
$packageUrl = "https://github.com/OpenCover/opencover/releases/download/${version}/${filename}"
if ( test-path $tempPath )
if ( $force )
remove-item -force $tempPath
throw "Package already exists at $tempPath, not continuing. Use -force to re-install"
if ( test-path "$TargetDirectory/OpenCover" )
if ( $force )
remove-item -recurse -force "$TargetDirectory/OpenCover"
throw "$TargetDirectory/OpenCover exists, not continuing. Use -force to re-install"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $packageUrl -OutFile "$tempPath"
if ( ! (test-path $tempPath) )
throw "Download failed: $packageUrl"
## We add ErrorAction as we do not have this module on PS v4 and below. Calling import-module will throw an error otherwise.
import-module Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($null -ne (Get-Command Expand-Archive -ErrorAction Ignore)) {
Expand-Archive -Path $tempPath -DestinationPath "$TargetDirectory/OpenCover"
} else {
Expand-ZipArchive -Path $tempPath -DestinationPath "$TargetDirectory/OpenCover"
Remove-Item -force $tempPath
Invoke-OpenCover runs tests under OpenCover to collect code coverage.
Invoke-OpenCover runs tests under OpenCover by executing tests on PowerShell.exe located at $PowerShellExeDirectory.
Invoke-OpenCover -TestPath $pwd/test/powershell -PowerShellExeDirectory $pwd/src/powershell-win-core/bin/CodeCoverage/netcoreapp1.0/win10-x64
function Invoke-OpenCover
param (
[parameter()]$OutputLog = "$home/Documents/OpenCover.xml",
[parameter()]$TestPath = "${script:psRepoPath}/test/powershell",
[parameter()]$OpenCoverPath = "$home/OpenCover",
[parameter()]$PowerShellExeDirectory = "${script:psRepoPath}/src/powershell-win-core/bin/CodeCoverage/netcoreapp2.0/win10-x64/publish",
[parameter()]$PesterLogElevated = "$pwd/TestResultsElevated.xml",
[parameter()]$PesterLogUnelevated = "$pwd/TestResultsUnelevated.xml",
[parameter()]$PesterLogFormat = "NUnitXml",
[parameter()]$TestToolsModulesPath = "${script:psRepoPath}/test/tools/Modules",
# check for elevation
$identity = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
$principal = New-Object System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal($identity)
$isElevated = $principal.IsInRole([System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)
if(-not $isElevated)
throw 'Please run from an elevated PowerShell.'
# check to be sure that OpenCover is present
$OpenCoverBin = "$OpenCoverPath\opencover.console.exe"
if ( ! (test-path $OpenCoverBin))
# see if it's somewhere else in the path
$openCoverBin = (Get-Command -Name 'opencover.console' -ErrorAction Ignore).Source
if ($null -eq $openCoverBin) {
throw "$OpenCoverBin does not exist, use Install-OpenCover"
# check to be sure that powershell.exe is present
$target = "${PowerShellExeDirectory}\powershell.exe"
if ( ! (test-path $target) )
throw "$target does not exist, use 'Start-PSBuild -configuration CodeCoverage'"
# create the arguments for OpenCover
$updatedEnvPath = "${PowerShellExeDirectory}\Modules;$TestToolsModulesPath"
$startupArgs = "Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Force -Scope Process; `$env:PSModulePath = '${updatedEnvPath}';"
$targetArgs = "${startupArgs}", "Invoke-Pester","${TestPath}","-OutputFormat $PesterLogFormat"
if ( $CIOnly )
$targetArgsElevated = $targetArgs + @("-excludeTag @('Feature','Scenario','Slow')", "-Tag @('RequireAdminOnWindows')")
$targetArgsUnelevated = $targetArgs + @("-excludeTag @('Feature','Scenario','Slow','RequireAdminOnWindows')")
$targetArgsElevated = $targetArgs + @("-Tag @('RequireAdminOnWindows')")
$targetArgsUnelevated = $targetArgs + @("-excludeTag @('RequireAdminOnWindows')")
$targetArgsElevated += @("-OutputFile $PesterLogElevated")
$targetArgsUnelevated += @("-OutputFile $PesterLogUnelevated")
if(-not $SuppressQuiet)
$targetArgsElevated += @("-Quiet")
$targetArgsUnelevated += @("-Quiet")
$cmdlineElevated = CreateOpenCoverCmdline -target $target -outputLog $OutputLog -targetArgs $targetArgsElevated
$cmdlineUnelevated = CreateOpenCoverCmdline -target $target -outputLog $OutputLog -targetArgs $targetArgsUnelevated
if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$OpenCoverBin $cmdlineUnelevated") )
# invoke OpenCover elevated
# Write the command line to a file and then invoke file.
# '&' invoke caused issues with cmdline parameters for opencover.console.exe
$elevatedFile = "$env:temp\elevated.ps1"
"$OpenCoverBin $cmdlineElevated" | Out-File -FilePath $elevatedFile -force
powershell.exe -file $elevatedFile
# invoke OpenCover unelevated and poll for completion
$unelevatedFile = "$env:temp\unelevated.ps1"
"$openCoverBin $cmdlineUnelevated" | Out-File -FilePath $unelevatedFile -Force
runas.exe /trustlevel:0x20000 "powershell.exe -file $unelevatedFile"
# poll for process exit every 60 seconds
# timeout of 6 hours
# Runs currently take about 2.5 - 3 hours, we picked 6 hours to be substantially larger.
$timeOut = ([datetime]::Now).AddHours(6)
$openCoverExited = $false
while([datetime]::Now -lt $timeOut)
Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
$openCoverProcess = Get-Process "OpenCover.Console" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if(-not $openCoverProcess)
#run must have completed.
$openCoverExited = $true
if(-not $openCoverExited)
throw "Opencover has not exited in 6 hours"
Remove-Item $elevatedFile -force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item $unelevatedFile -force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
function CreateOpenCoverCmdline($target, $outputLog, $targetArgs)
$targetArgString = $targetArgs -join " "
$bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($targetArgString)
$base64targetArgs = [convert]::ToBase64String($bytes)
# the order seems to be important. Always keep -targetargs as the last parameter.
$cmdline = "-target:$target",
"-filter:`"+[*]* -[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSReadLine]*`"",
"-targetargs:`"-EncodedCommand $base64targetArgs`""
$cmdlineAsString = $cmdline -join " "
return $cmdlineAsString