Dongbo Wang 3a21d4c3df Search the assembly cache kept by ExecutionContext for type resolution. (#3327)
Our assembly cache contains assemblies that are explicitly loaded by powershell egine, such as via module loading or the assembly entries from InitialSessionState. We should search it before searching all loaded assemblies to give preference to resolve a type against the assemblies contained in the cache, so that in case there is a conflict, we might have a preferred assembly to use for a type resolution.

- Search from context.AssemblyCache.Values before search from all loaded assemblies.
- Skip assemblies that we already searched and found no matching type.
- Skip checking PS types kept in the scope and type accelerators when it's not necessary.
2017-03-17 13:19:31 -07:00

129 lines
6.5 KiB

Describe 'conversion syntax' -Tags "CI" {
# these test suite covers ([<type>]<expression>).<method>() syntax.
# it mixes two purposes: casting and super-class method calls.
It 'converts array of single enum to bool' {
# This test relies on the fact that [ConsoleColor]::Black is 0 and all other values are non-zero
[bool]@([ConsoleColor]::Black) | Should Be $false
[bool]@([ConsoleColor]::Yellow) | Should Be $true
It 'calls virtual method non-virtually' {
([object]"abc").ToString() | Should Be "System.String"
# generate random string to avoid JIT optimization
$r = [guid]::NewGuid().Guid
([object]($r + "a")).Equals(($r + "a")) | Should Be $false
It 'calls method on a super-type, when conversion syntax used' {
# This test relies on the fact that there are overloads (at least 2) for ToString method.
([System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]"Stop").ToString() | Should Be "Stop"
Context "Cast object[] to more narrow generic collection" {
BeforeAll {
$testCases1 = @(
## It's intentional to have 'Command' to be `{$result = ...}` and run it with `. $Command`.
## This is because `$result = & {[List[int]]@(1,2)}` will cause the resulted List to be unraveled,
## and in that case `$result` would be just an object array.
## To prevent unraveling, Command needs to be `{, [List[int]]@(1,2)}`, but then the test case title
## would become `, [List[int]]@(1,2)`, which is more confusing than `$result = [List[int]]@(1,2)`.
## This is why the current form of `$result = [List[int]]@(1,2)` is used intentionally here.
@{ Command = {$result = [Collections.Generic.List[int]]@(1)}; CollectionType = 'List`1'; ElementType = "Int32"; Elements = @(1) }
@{ Command = {$result = [Collections.Generic.List[int]]@(1,2)}; CollectionType = 'List`1'; ElementType = "Int32"; Elements = @(1,2) }
@{ Command = {$result = [Collections.Generic.List[int]]"4"}; CollectionType = 'List`1'; ElementType = "Int32"; Elements = @(4) }
@{ Command = {$result = [Collections.Generic.List[int]]@("4","5")}; CollectionType = 'List`1'; ElementType = "Int32"; Elements = @(4,5) }
@{ Command = {$result = [Collections.Generic.List[string]]@(1)}; CollectionType = 'List`1'; ElementType = "String"; Elements = @("1") }
@{ Command = {$result = [Collections.Generic.List[string]]@(1,2)}; CollectionType = 'List`1'; ElementType = "String"; Elements = @("1","2") }
@{ Command = {$result = [Collections.Generic.List[string]]1}; CollectionType = 'List`1'; ElementType = "String"; Elements = @("1") }
@{ Command = {$result = [Collections.Generic.List[string]]@("4")}; CollectionType = 'List`1'; ElementType = "String"; Elements = @("4") }
@{ Command = {$result = [System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[int]]@(1)}; CollectionType = 'Collection`1'; ElementType = "Int32"; Elements = @(1) }
@{ Command = {$result = [System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[int]]@(1,2)}; CollectionType = 'Collection`1'; ElementType = "Int32"; Elements = @(1,2) }
@{ Command = {$result = [System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[int]]"4"}; CollectionType = 'Collection`1'; ElementType = "Int32"; Elements = @(4) }
@{ Command = {$result = [System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[int]]@("4","5")}; CollectionType = 'Collection`1'; ElementType = "Int32"; Elements = @(4,5) }
@{ Command = {$result = [Collections.Generic.List[System.IO.FileInfo]]@('TestFile')};
CollectionType = 'List`1'; ElementType = "FileInfo"; Elements = @('TestFile') }
@{ Command = {$result = [Collections.Generic.List[System.IO.FileInfo]]@('TestFile1', 'TestFile2')};
CollectionType = 'List`1'; ElementType = "FileInfo"; Elements = @('TestFile1', 'TestFile2') }
@{ Command = {$result = [Collections.Generic.List[System.IO.FileInfo]]'TestFile'};
CollectionType = 'List`1'; ElementType = "FileInfo"; Elements = @('TestFile') }
It "<Command>" -TestCases $testCases1 {
param($Command, $CollectionType, $ElementType, $Elements)
$result = $null
. $Command
$result | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
$result.GetType().Name | Should Be $CollectionType
$genericArgs = $result.GetType().GetGenericArguments()
$genericArgs.Length | Should Be 1
$genericArgs[0].Name | Should Be $ElementType
$result.Count | Should Be $Elements.Length
$result -join ";" | Should Be ($Elements -join ";")
Describe "Type resolution should prefer assemblies in powershell assembly cache" -Tags "Feature" {
BeforeAll {
$cmdletCode = @'
namespace TestTypeResolution {
using System.Management.Automation;
[Cmdlet("Test", "TypeResolution")]
public class TestTypeResolutionCommand : PSCmdlet {
public string Name { get; set; }
protected override void BeginProcessing() {
public class TestTypeFoo {
public string Foo { get; set; }
$dupTypeCode = @'
namespace TestTypeResolution {
public class TestTypeFoo {
public string Bar { get; set; }
$cmdletDllDir = Join-Path $TestDrive "cmdlet"
$dupTypeDllDir = Join-Path $TestDrive "dupType"
$null = New-Item -Path $cmdletDllDir, $dupTypeDllDir -ItemType Directory -Force
$cmdletDllPath = Join-Path $cmdletDllDir "TestCmdlet.dll"
$dupTypeDllPath = Join-Path $dupTypeDllDir "TestType.dll"
Add-Type $cmdletCode -OutputAssembly $cmdletDllPath
Add-Type $dupTypeCode -OutputAssembly $dupTypeDllPath
$powershell = Join-Path $PSHOME "powershell"
It "validate Type resolution should prefer the assembly loaded by Import-Module" {
$command = @"
Add-Type -Path $dupTypeDllPath
Import-Module $cmdletDllPath
$location = & $powershell -noprofile -command $command
$location | Should Be $cmdletDllPath