Andrew Schwartzmeyer 54874180ce Remove build and doc references to Git submodules (#8177)
As of #7892, the PowerShell repository no longer uses Git submodules.
This is fantastic from a workflow standpoint, and so all the notes about
how to deal with submodules (and all the build steps explicitly
initializing and updating submodules) can be safely removed.
2018-11-05 10:39:29 -08:00

120 lines
4.1 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# full paths to files to add to container to run the build
DynamicParam {
# Add a dynamic parameter '-Name' which specifies the name of the build to run
# Get the names of the builds.
$buildJsonPath = (Join-Path -path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'build.json')
$build = Get-Content -Path $buildJsonPath | ConvertFrom-Json
$names = @($build.Windows.Name)
foreach($name in $build.Linux.Name)
$names += $name
# Create the parameter attributs
$ParameterAttr = New-Object "System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute"
$ValidateSetAttr = New-Object "System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute" -ArgumentList $names
$Attributes = New-Object "System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection``1[System.Attribute]"
$Attributes.Add($ParameterAttr) > $null
$Attributes.Add($ValidateSetAttr) > $null
# Create the parameter
$Parameter = New-Object "System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter" -ArgumentList ("Name", [string], $Attributes)
$Dict = New-Object "System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary"
$Dict.Add("Name", $Parameter) > $null
return $Dict
Begin {
$Name = $PSBoundParameters['Name']
End {
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$additionalFiles = @()
$buildPackageName = $null
# If specified, Add package file to container
if ($BuildPath)
Import-Module (Join-Path -path $PSScriptRoot -childpath '..\..\build.psm1')
Import-Module (Join-Path -path $PSScriptRoot -childpath '..\packaging')
# Use temp as destination if not running in VSTS
$destFolder = $env:temp
# Use artifact staging if running in VSTS
$BuildPackagePath = New-PSSignedBuildZip -BuildPath $BuildPath -SignedFilesPath $SignedFilesPath -DestinationFolder $destFolder
Write-Host "##vso[artifact.upload containerfolder=results;artifactname=$name-singed.zip]$BuildPackagePath"
$buildPackageName = Split-Path -Path $BuildPackagePath -Leaf
$additionalFiles += $BuildPackagePath
$psReleaseBranch = 'master'
$psReleaseFork = 'PowerShell'
$location = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'PSRelease'
if(Test-Path $location)
Remove-Item -Path $location -Recurse -Force
$gitBinFullPath = (Get-Command -Name git).Source
if (-not $gitBinFullPath)
throw "Git is required to proceed. Install from 'https://git-scm.com/download/win'"
Write-Verbose "cloning -b $psReleaseBranch --quiet https://github.com/$psReleaseFork/PSRelease.git" -verbose
& $gitBinFullPath clone -b $psReleaseBranch --quiet https://github.com/$psReleaseFork/PSRelease.git $location
Push-Location -Path $PWD.Path
$unresolvedRepoRoot = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot '../..'
$resolvedRepoRoot = (Resolve-Path -Path $unresolvedRepoRoot).ProviderPath
Write-Verbose "Starting build at $resolvedRepoRoot ..." -Verbose
Import-Module "$location/vstsBuild" -Force
Import-Module "$location/dockerBasedBuild" -Force
$buildParameters = @{
ReleaseTag = $ReleaseTag
BuildPackageName = $buildPackageName
Invoke-Build -RepoPath $resolvedRepoRoot -BuildJsonPath './tools/releaseBuild/build.json' -Name $Name -Parameters $buildParameters -AdditionalFiles $AdditionalFiles
Write-VstsError -Error $_
exit 0