Dongbo Wang 0d8eff6446 Fix array expression to not return null or throw error (#4296)
This change fixes 3 issues:
- According to [PowerShell Language Specification Version 3.0](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=36389), as quoted: "_The result is the (possibly empty) unconstrained 1-dimensional array_", `@(...)` should only return `object[]` array.
- `@([object[]]$null).GetType()` fails with error `"You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression."`
- `@([System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]$null)` fails with error `"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."`
2017-07-24 21:52:30 -07:00

75 lines
3 KiB

Describe "ArrayExpression Tests" -Tags "CI" {
It "@([object[]](1,2,3)) should return a 3-element array of object[]" {
$result = @([object[]](1,2,3))
$result.GetType().FullName | Should Be "System.Object[]"
$result.Length | Should Be 3
It "@([int[]](1,2,3)) should return a 3-element array of object[]" {
$result = @([int[]](1,2,3))
$result.GetType().FullName | Should Be "System.Object[]"
$result.Length | Should Be 3
It "@([object[]]`$null) should return a 1-element(`$null) array of object[]" {
$result = @([object[]]$null)
$result.GetType().FullName | Should Be "System.Object[]"
$result.Length | Should Be 1
$result[0] | Should Be $null
It "@([int[]]`$null) should return a 1-element(`$null) array of object[]" {
$result = @([int[]]$null)
$result.GetType().FullName | Should Be "System.Object[]"
$result.Length | Should Be 1
$result[0] | Should Be $null
It "@([object[]][System.Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull]::Value) should return a 1-element(`$null) array of object[]" {
$result = @([object[]][System.Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull]::Value)
$result.GetType().FullName | Should Be "System.Object[]"
$result.Length | Should Be 1
$result[0] | Should Be $null
It "@([int[]][System.Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull]::Value) should return a 1-element(`$null) array of object[]" {
$result = @([int[]][System.Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull]::Value)
$result.GetType().FullName | Should Be "System.Object[]"
$result.Length | Should Be 1
$result[0] | Should Be $null
It "@(`$null) should return a 1-element(`$null) array of object[]" {
$result = @($null)
$result.GetType().FullName | Should Be "System.Object[]"
$result.Length | Should Be 1
$result[0] | Should Be $null
It "@([System.Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull]::Value) should return an empty array of object[]" {
$result = @([System.Management.Automation.Internal.AutomationNull]::Value)
$result.GetType().FullName | Should Be "System.Object[]"
$result.Length | Should Be 0
It "@([object[]]`$a) should return a new array" {
$a = 1,2,3
$result = @([object[]]$a)
$result.GetType().FullName | Should Be "System.Object[]"
$result.Length | Should Be 3
It "@([int[]]`$a) should return a new array" {
$a = 1,2,3
$result = @([int[]]$a)
$result.GetType().FullName | Should Be "System.Object[]"
$result.Length | Should Be 3
It "@([System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]`$null) should return a 1-element(`$null) array of object[]" {
$result = @([System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]$null)
$result.GetType().FullName | Should Be "System.Object[]"
$result.Length | Should Be 1
$result[0] | Should Be $null