Dongbo Wang a4b8dd0a23 Remove Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreCLR.AssemblyLoadContext.dll (#4868)
The code in `AssemblyLoadContext.dll` doesn't need to be in a separate DLL anymore.
S.M.A.dll depends on `AssemblyLoadContext.dll`, so keeping that code out of S.M.A.dll doesn't help make S.M.A smaller size or less dependent. So the code in `AssemblyLoadContext.dll` is moved to `S.M.A.dll` and then we remove `AssemblyLoadContext.dll`.

The changes are:
- Move `CorePsAssemblyLoadContext.cs` to `src\S.M.A\CoreCLR\`
- Update `CorePsAssemblyLoadContext.cs` to get the test took moved to `Utils.InternalTestHooks` and update tests
- Update `build.psm1` and `.csproj` accrodingly
- Update `pwrshcommon.cpp` to remove `AssemblyLoadContext.dll` from the TPA list.
- `S.M.A.AssemblyExtensions` is removed as `PackageManagement` has finished their move to .NET Core 2.0. (I will work with Bryan to get the latest version uploaded to powershell-core)
2017-09-29 17:26:55 -07:00

126 lines
4.9 KiB

Describe "Import-Module" -Tags "CI" {
$moduleName = "Microsoft.PowerShell.Security"
BeforeEach {
Remove-Module -Name $moduleName -Force
(Get-Module -Name $moduleName).Name | Should BeNullOrEmpty
AfterEach {
Import-Module -Name $moduleName -Force
(Get-Module -Name $moduleName).Name | Should Be $moduleName
It "should be able to add a module with using Name switch" {
{ Import-Module -Name $moduleName } | Should Not Throw
(Get-Module -Name $moduleName).Name | Should Be $moduleName
It "should be able to add a module with using ModuleInfo switch" {
$a = Get-Module -ListAvailable $moduleName
{ Import-Module -ModuleInfo $a } | Should Not Throw
(Get-Module -Name $moduleName).Name | Should Be $moduleName
It "should be able to load an already loaded module" {
Import-Module $moduleName
{ $script:module = Import-Module $moduleName -PassThru } | Should Not Throw
Get-Module -Name $moduleName | Should Be $script:module
Describe "Import-Module with ScriptsToProcess" -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
$moduleRootPath = Join-Path $TestDrive 'TestModules'
New-Item $moduleRootPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
Push-Location $moduleRootPath
"1 | Out-File out.txt -Append -NoNewline" | Out-File script1.ps1
"2 | Out-File out.txt -Append -NoNewline" | Out-File script2.ps1
New-ModuleManifest module1.psd1 -ScriptsToProcess script1.ps1
New-ModuleManifest module2.psd1 -ScriptsToProcess script2.ps1 -NestedModules module1.psd1
AfterAll {
BeforeEach {
New-Item out.txt -ItemType File -Force | Out-Null
AfterEach {
$m = @('module1','module2','script1','script2')
remove-module $m -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item out.txt -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$testCases = @(
@{ TestNameSuffix = 'for top-level module'; ipmoParms = @{'Name'='.\module1.psd1'}; Expected = '1' }
@{ TestNameSuffix = 'for top-level and nested module'; ipmoParms = @{'Name'='.\module2.psd1'}; Expected = '21' }
@{ TestNameSuffix = 'for top-level module when -Version is specified'; ipmoParms = @{'Name'='.\module1.psd1'; 'Version'='0.0.1'}; Expected = '1' }
@{ TestNameSuffix = 'for top-level and nested module when -Version is specified'; ipmoParms = @{'Name'='.\module2.psd1'; 'Version'='0.0.1'}; Expected = '21' }
It "Verify ScriptsToProcess are executed <TestNameSuffix>" -TestCases $testCases {
Import-Module @ipmoParms
Get-Content out.txt | Should Be $Expected
Describe "Import-Module for Binary Modules in GAC" -Tags 'CI' {
Context "Modules are not loaded from GAC" {
BeforeAll {
[System.Management.Automation.Internal.InternalTestHooks]::SetTestHook('DisableGACLoading', $true)
AfterAll {
[System.Management.Automation.Internal.InternalTestHooks]::SetTestHook('DisableGACLoading', $false)
It "Load PSScheduledJob from Windows Powershell Modules folder should fail" -Skip:(-not $IsWindows) {
$modulePath = Join-Path $env:windir "System32/WindowsPowershell/v1.0/Modules/PSScheduledJob"
{ Import-Module $modulePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } | ShouldBeErrorId 'FormatXmlUpdateException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ImportModuleCommand'
Context "Modules are loaded from GAC" {
It "Load PSScheduledJob from Windows Powershell Modules folder" -Skip:(-not $IsWindows) {
$modulePath = Join-Path $env:windir "System32/WindowsPowershell/v1.0/Modules/PSScheduledJob"
Import-Module $modulePath
(Get-Command New-JobTrigger).Name | Should Be 'New-JobTrigger'
Describe "Import-Module for Binary Modules" -Tags 'CI' {
It "PS should try to load the assembly from file path first" {
$src = @"
using System.Management.Automation; // Windows PowerShell namespace.
namespace ModuleCmdlets
public class TestBinaryModuleCmdlet1Command : Cmdlet
protected override void BeginProcessing()
WriteObject("BinaryModuleCmdlet1 exported by the ModuleCmdlets module.");
Add-Type -TypeDefinition $src -OutputAssembly $TESTDRIVE\System.dll
$results = powershell -noprofile -c "`$module = Import-Module $TESTDRIVE\System.dll -Passthru; `$module.ImplementingAssembly.Location; Test-BinaryModuleCmdlet1"
#Ignore slash format difference under windows/Unix
$path = (Get-ChildItem $TESTDRIVE\System.dll).FullName
$results[0] | Should Be $path
$results[1] | Should BeExactly "BinaryModuleCmdlet1 exported by the ModuleCmdlets module."