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function Clean-State
if (Test-Path $FullyQualifiedLink)
Remove-Item $FullyQualifiedLink -Force
if (Test-Path $FullyQualifiedFile)
Remove-Item $FullyQualifiedFile -Force
if (Test-Path $FullyQualifiedFolder)
Remove-Item $FullyQualifiedFolder -Force
Describe "New-Item" -Tags "CI" {
$tmpDirectory = $TestDrive
$testfile = "testfile.txt"
$testfolder = "newDirectory"
$testlink = "testlink"
$FullyQualifiedFile = Join-Path -Path $tmpDirectory -ChildPath $testfile
$FullyQualifiedFolder = Join-Path -Path $tmpDirectory -ChildPath $testfolder
$FullyQualifiedLink = Join-Path -Path $tmpDirectory -ChildPath $testlink
BeforeEach {
It "should call the function without error" {
{ New-Item -Name $testfile -Path $tmpDirectory -ItemType file } | Should Not Throw
It "Should create a file without error" {
New-Item -Name $testfile -Path $tmpDirectory -ItemType file
Test-Path $FullyQualifiedFile | Should Be $true
$fileInfo = Get-ChildItem $FullyQualifiedFile
$fileInfo.Target | Should Be $null
$fileInfo.LinkType | Should Be $null
It "Should create a folder without an error" {
New-Item -Name newDirectory -Path $tmpDirectory -ItemType directory
Test-Path $FullyQualifiedFolder | Should Be $true
It "Should create a file using the ni alias" {
ni -Name $testfile -Path $tmpDirectory -ItemType file
Test-Path $FullyQualifiedFile | Should Be $true
It "Should create a file using the Type alias instead of ItemType" {
New-Item -Name $testfile -Path $tmpDirectory -Type file
Test-Path $FullyQualifiedFile | Should Be $true
It "Should create a file with sample text inside the file using the Value switch" {
$expected = "This is test string"
New-Item -Name $testfile -Path $tmpDirectory -ItemType file -Value $expected
Test-Path $FullyQualifiedFile | Should Be $true
Get-Content $FullyQualifiedFile | Should Be $expected
It "Should not create a file when the Name switch is not used and only a directory specified" {
#errorAction used because permissions issue in Windows
New-Item -Path $tmpDirectory -ItemType file -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Test-Path $FullyQualifiedFile | Should Be $false
It "Should create a file when the Name switch is not used but a fully qualified path is specified" {
New-Item -Path $FullyQualifiedFile -ItemType file
Test-Path $FullyQualifiedFile | Should Be $true
It "Should be able to create a multiple items in different directories" {
$FullyQualifiedFile2 = Join-Path -Path $tmpDirectory -ChildPath test2.txt
New-Item -ItemType file -Path $FullyQualifiedFile, $FullyQualifiedFile2
Test-Path $FullyQualifiedFile | Should Be $true
Test-Path $FullyQualifiedFile2 | Should Be $true
Remove-Item $FullyQualifiedFile2
It "Should be able to call the whatif switch without error" {
{ New-Item -Name testfile.txt -Path $tmpDirectory -ItemType file -WhatIf } | Should Not Throw
It "Should not create a new file when the whatif switch is used" {
New-Item -Name $testfile -Path $tmpDirectory -ItemType file -WhatIf
Test-Path $FullyQualifiedFile | Should Be $false
It "Should create a hard link of a file without error" {
New-Item -Name $testfile -Path $tmpDirectory -ItemType file
Test-Path $FullyQualifiedFile | Should Be $true
New-Item -ItemType HardLink -Target $FullyQualifiedFile -Name $testlink -Path $tmpDirectory
Test-Path $FullyQualifiedLink | Should Be $true
$fileInfo = Get-ChildItem $FullyQualifiedLink
$fileInfo.Target | Should Be $null
$fileInfo.LinkType | Should Be "HardLink"
# More precisely these tests require SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege.
# You can see list of priveledges with `whoami /priv`.
# In the default windows setup, Admin user has this priveledge, but regular users don't.
Describe "New-Item with links" -Tags @('CI', 'RequireAdminOnWindows') {
$tmpDirectory = $TestDrive
$testfile = "testfile.txt"
$testfolder = "newDirectory"
$testlink = "testlink"
$FullyQualifiedFile = Join-Path -Path $tmpDirectory -ChildPath $testfile
$FullyQualifiedFolder = Join-Path -Path $tmpDirectory -ChildPath $testfolder
$FullyQualifiedLink = Join-Path -Path $tmpDirectory -ChildPath $testlink
$SymLinkMask = [System.IO.FileAttributes]::ReparsePoint
$DirLinkMask = $SymLinkMask -bor [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Directory
BeforeEach {
It "Should create a symbolic link of a file without error" {
New-Item -Name $testfile -Path $tmpDirectory -ItemType file
Test-Path $FullyQualifiedFile | Should Be $true
New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Target $FullyQualifiedFile -Name $testlink -Path $tmpDirectory
Test-Path $FullyQualifiedLink | Should Be $true
$fileInfo = Get-ChildItem $FullyQualifiedLink
$fileInfo.Target | Should Match ([regex]::Escape($FullyQualifiedFile))
$fileInfo.LinkType | Should Be "SymbolicLink"
$fileInfo.Attributes -band $DirLinkMask | Should Be $SymLinkMask
It "Should create a symbolic link to a non-existing file without error" {
$target = Join-Path $tmpDirectory "totallyBogusFile"
New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Target $target -Name $testlink -Path $tmpDirectory
Test-Path $FullyQualifiedLink | Should Be $true
$fileInfo = Get-ChildItem $FullyQualifiedLink
$fileInfo.Target | Should Be $target
Test-Path $fileInfo.Target | Should be $false
$fileInfo.LinkType | Should Be "SymbolicLink"
$fileInfo.Attributes -band $DirLinkMask | Should Be $SymLinkMask
It "Should create a symbolic link to directory without error" {
New-Item -Name $testFolder -Path $tmpDirectory -ItemType directory
Test-Path $FullyQualifiedFolder | Should Be $true
New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Target $FullyQualifiedFolder -Name $testlink -Path $tmpDirectory
Test-Path $FullyQualifiedLink | Should Be $true
$fileInfo = Get-Item $FullyQualifiedLink
$fileInfo.Target | Should Match ([regex]::Escape($FullyQualifiedFolder))
$fileInfo.LinkType | Should Be "SymbolicLink"
$fileInfo.Attributes -band $DirLinkMask | Should Be $DirLinkMask
# Remove the link explicitly to avoid broken symlink issue
Remove-Item $FullyQualifiedLink -Force
It "Should error correctly when failing to create a symbolic link" -Skip:($IsWindows -or $IsElevated) {
# This test expects that /sbin exists but is not writable by the user
try {
New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path "/sbin/powershell-test" -Target $FullyQualifiedFolder -ErrorAction Stop
throw "Execution OK"
} catch {
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "NewItemSymbolicLinkElevationRequired,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewItemCommand"
It "New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink should understand directory path ending with slash" {
$folderName = [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()
$symbolicLinkPath = New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path "$tmpDirectory/$folderName/" -Value "/bar/"
$symbolicLinkPath | Should Not Be $null