Steve Lee 65415c3b9e allow * to be used in registry path for remove-item (#4866)
* [feature]
allow * to be used in registry path for remove-item

* [feature]
address PR feedback
have remove-item return error if -literalpath doesn't resolve to path

* [feature]
fix in navigation exposed an issue with WSMan Config Provider tests
that require -Recurse to be used otherwise a confirmation prompt shows
2017-09-25 10:15:38 -07:00

492 lines
21 KiB

try {
#skip all tests on non-windows platform
$defaultParamValues = $PSdefaultParameterValues.Clone()
$PSDefaultParameterValues["it:skip"] = !$IsWindows
Describe "Basic Registry Provider Tests" -Tags @("CI", "RequireAdminOnWindows") {
BeforeAll {
if ($IsWindows) {
$restoreLocation = Get-Location
$registryBase = "HKLM:\software\Microsoft\PowerShell\3\"
$parentKey = "TestKeyThatWillNotConflict"
$testKey = "TestKey"
$testKey2 = "TestKey2"
$testPropertyName = "TestEntry"
$testPropertyValue = 1
$defaultPropertyName = "(Default)"
$defaultPropertyValue = "something"
$otherPropertyValue = "other"
AfterAll {
if ($IsWindows) {
#restore the previous environment
Set-Location -Path $restoreLocation
BeforeEach {
if ($IsWindows) {
#create a parent key that can be easily removed and will not conflict
Set-Location $registryBase
New-Item -Path $parentKey > $null
#create the test keys/test properties for the tests to manipulate
Set-Location $parentKey
New-Item -Path $testKey > $null
New-Item -Path $testKey2 > $null
New-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -Value $testPropertyValue > $null
AfterEach {
if ($IsWindows) {
Set-Location $registryBase
Remove-Item -Path $parentKey -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Context "Validate basic registry provider Cmdlets" {
It "Verify Test-Path" {
Test-Path -IsValid Registry::HKCU/Software | Should Be $true
Test-Path -IsValid Registry::foo/Softare | Should Be $false
It "Verify Get-Item" {
$item = Get-Item $testKey
$item.PSChildName | Should BeExactly $testKey
It "Verify Get-Item on inaccessible path" {
{ Get-Item HKLM:\SAM\SAM -ErrorAction Stop } | ShouldBeErrorId "System.Security.SecurityException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetItemCommand"
It "Verify Get-ChildItem" {
$items = Get-ChildItem
$items.Count | Should BeExactly 2
$Items.PSChildName -contains $testKey | Should Be $true
$Items.PSChildName -contains $testKey2 | Should Be $true
It "Verify Get-ChildItem can get subkey names" {
$items = Get-ChildItem -Name
$items.Count | Should BeExactly 2
$items -contains $testKey | Should Be $true
$items -contains $testKey2 | Should Be $true
It "Verify New-Item" {
$newKey = New-Item -Path "NewItemTest"
Test-Path "NewItemTest" | Should Be $true
Split-Path $newKey.Name -Leaf | Should Be "NewItemTest"
It "Verify Copy-Item" {
$copyKey = Copy-Item -Path $testKey -Destination "CopiedKey" -PassThru
Test-Path "CopiedKey" | Should Be $true
Split-Path $copyKey.Name -Leaf | Should Be "CopiedKey"
It "Verify Move-Item" {
$movedKey = Move-Item -Path $testKey -Destination "MovedKey" -PassThru
Test-Path "MovedKey" | Should Be $true
Split-Path $movedKey.Name -Leaf | Should Be "MovedKey"
It "Verify Rename-Item" {
$existBefore = Test-Path $testKey
$renamedKey = Rename-Item -path $testKey -NewName "RenamedKey" -PassThru
$existAfter = Test-Path $testKey
$existBefore | Should Be $true
$existAfter | Should Be $false
Test-Path "RenamedKey" | Should Be $true
Split-Path $renamedKey.Name -Leaf | Should Be "RenamedKey"
Context "Valdiate basic registry property Cmdlets" {
It "Verify New-ItemProperty" {
New-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name "NewTestEntry" -Value 99 > $null
$property = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name "NewTestEntry"
$property.NewTestEntry | Should Be 99
$property.PSChildName | Should Be $testKey
It "Verify Set-ItemProperty" {
Set-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -Value 2
$property = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName
$property."$testPropertyName" | Should Be 2
It "Verify Set-Item" {
Set-Item -Path $testKey -Value $defaultPropertyValue
$property = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $defaultPropertyName
$property."$defaultPropertyName" | Should BeExactly $defaultPropertyValue
It "Verify Set-Item with -WhatIf" {
Set-Item -Path $testKey -Value $defaultPropertyValue
Set-Item -Path $testKey -Value $otherPropertyValue -WhatIf
$property = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $defaultPropertyName
$property."$defaultPropertyName" | Should BeExactly $defaultPropertyValue
It "Verify Get-ItemPropertyValue" {
$propertyValue = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName
$propertyValue | Should Be $testPropertyValue
It "Verify Copy-ItemProperty" {
Copy-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -Destination $testKey2
$property1 = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$property2 = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey2 -Name $testPropertyName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$property2."$testPropertyName" | Should Be $property1."$testPropertyName"
$property1.PSChildName | Should Be $testKey
$property2.PSChildName | Should Be $testKey2
It "Verify Move-ItemProperty" {
Move-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -Destination $testKey2
$property1 = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$property2 = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey2 -Name $testPropertyName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$property1 | Should BeNullOrEmpty
$property2."$testPropertyName" | Should Be $testPropertyValue
$property2.PSChildName | Should Be $testKey2
It "Verify Rename-ItemProperty" {
Rename-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -NewName "RenamedProperty"
$property1 = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$property2 = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name "RenamedProperty" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$property1 | Should BeNullOrEmpty
$property2.RenamedProperty | Should Be $testPropertyValue
$property2.PSChildName | Should Be $testKey
It "Verify Clear-ItemProperty" {
Clear-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName
$property = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName
$property."$testPropertyName" | Should Be 0
It "Verify Clear-Item" {
Set-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -Value $testPropertyValue
Set-Item -Path $testKey -Value $defaultPropertyValue
Clear-Item -Path $testKey
$key = Get-Item -Path $testKey
$key.Property.Length | Should BeExactly 0
It "Verify Clear-Item with -WhatIf" {
Set-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -Value $testPropertyValue
Set-Item -Path $testKey -Value $defaultPropertyValue
Clear-Item -Path $testKey -WhatIf
$key = Get-Item -Path $testKey
$key.Property.Length | Should BeExactly 2
It "Verify Remove-ItemProperty" {
Remove-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName
$properties = @(Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey)
$properties.Count | Should Be 0
Describe "Extended Registry Provider Tests" -Tags @("Feature", "RequireAdminOnWindows") {
BeforeAll {
if ($IsWindows) {
$restoreLocation = Get-Location
$registryBase = "HKLM:\software\Microsoft\PowerShell\3\"
$parentKey = "TestKeyThatWillNotConflict"
$testKey = "TestKey"
$testKey2 = "TestKey2"
$testPropertyName = "TestEntry"
$testPropertyValue = 1
AfterAll {
if ($IsWindows) {
#restore the previous environment
Set-Location -Path $restoreLocation
BeforeEach {
if ($IsWindows) {
#create a parent key that can be easily removed and will not conflict
Set-Location $registryBase
New-Item -Path $parentKey > $null
#create the test keys/test properties for the tests to manipulate
Set-Location $parentKey
New-Item -Path $testKey > $null
New-Item -Path $testKey2 > $null
New-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -Value $testPropertyValue > $null
New-ItemProperty -Path $testKey2 -Name $testPropertyName -Value $testPropertyValue > $null
AfterEach {
if ($IsWindows) {
Set-Location $registryBase
Remove-Item -Path $parentKey -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Context "Valdiate New-ItemProperty Parameters" {
BeforeEach {
#remove the current properties so that we can remake them with different parameters
Remove-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-ItemProperty -Path $testKey2 -Name $testPropertyName -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
It "Verify Filter" {
try {
$result = New-ItemProperty -Path ".\*" -Filter "Test*" -Name $testPropertyName -Value $testPropertyValue -ErrorAction Stop
throw "Expected exception not thrown"
catch { $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "NotSupported,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewItemPropertyCommand" }
It "Verify Include" {
$result = New-ItemProperty -Path ".\*" -Include "*2" -Name $testPropertyName -Value $testPropertyValue
$result."$testPropertyName" | Should Be $testPropertyValue
$result.PSChildName | Should Be $testKey2
It "Verify Exclude" {
$result = New-ItemProperty -Path ".\*" -Exclude "*2" -Name $testPropertyName -Value $testPropertyValue
$result."$testPropertyName" | Should Be $testPropertyValue
$result.PSChildName | Should Be $testKey
It "Verify Confirm can be bypassed" {
$result = New-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -Value $testPropertyValue -force -Confirm:$false
$result."$testPropertyName" | Should Be $testPropertyValue
$result.PSChildName | Should Be $testKey
It "Verify WhatIf" {
$result = New-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -Value $testPropertyValue -whatif
$result | Should BeNullOrEmpty
Context "Valdiate Get-ItemProperty Parameters" {
It "Verify Name" {
$result = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName
$result."$testPropertyName" | Should Be $testPropertyValue
$result.PSChildName | Should Be $testKey
It "Verify Path but no Name" {
$result = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey
$result."$testPropertyName" | Should Be $testPropertyValue
$result.PSChildName | Should Be $testKey
It "Verify Filter" {
try {
$result = Get-ItemProperty -Path ".\*" -Filter "*Test*" -ErrorAction Stop
throw "Expected exception not thrown"
catch { $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "NotSupported,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetItemPropertyCommand" }
It "Verify Include" {
$result = Get-ItemProperty -Path ".\*" -Include "*2"
$result."$testPropertyName" | Should Be $testPropertyValue
$result.PSChildName | Should Be $testKey2
It "Verify Exclude" {
$result = Get-ItemProperty -Path ".\*" -Exclude "*2"
$result."$testPropertyName" | Should Be $testPropertyValue
$result.PSChildName | Should Be $testKey
Context "Valdiate Get-ItemPropertyValue Parameters" {
It "Verify Name" {
$result = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName
$result | Should Be $testPropertyValue
Context "Valdiate Set-ItemPropertyValue Parameters" {
BeforeAll {
$newPropertyValue = 2
It "Verify Name" {
Set-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -Value $newPropertyValue
$result = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName
$result."$testPropertyName" | Should Be $newPropertyValue
It "Verify PassThru" {
$result = Set-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -Value $newPropertyValue -PassThru
$result."$testPropertyName" | Should Be $newPropertyValue
It "Verify Piped Default Parameter" {
$prop = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName
$prop | Set-ItemProperty -Name $testPropertyName -Value $newPropertyValue
$result = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName
$result."$testPropertyName" | Should Be $newPropertyValue
It "Verify WhatIf" {
$result = Set-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -Value $newPropertyValue -PassThru -WhatIf
$result = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName
$result."$testPropertyName" | Should Be $testPropertyValue
It "Verify Confirm can be bypassed" {
$result = Set-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -Value $newPropertyValue -PassThru -Confirm:$false
$result = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName
$result."$testPropertyName" | Should Be $newPropertyValue
Context "Valdiate Copy-ItemProperty Parameters" {
BeforeEach {
#remove the current property so that we have a place to copy to
Remove-ItemProperty -Path $testKey2 -Name $testPropertyName -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
It "Verify PassThru" {
#passthru returns the property on testKey not testKey2
$property1 = Copy-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -Destination $testKey2 -PassThru
$property2 = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey2 -Name $testPropertyName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$property2."$testPropertyName" | Should Be $property1."$testPropertyName"
$property1.PSChildName | Should Be $testKey
$property2.PSChildName | Should Be $testKey2
It "Verify Confirm can be bypassed" {
Copy-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -Destination $testKey2 -Confirm:$false
$property1 = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$property2 = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey2 -Name $testPropertyName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$property2."$testPropertyName" | Should Be $property1."$testPropertyName"
$property1.PSChildName | Should Be $testKey
$property2.PSChildName | Should Be $testKey2
It "Verify WhatIf" {
Copy-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -Destination $testKey2 -WhatIf
try {
Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey2 -Name $testPropertyName -ErrorAction Stop
throw "Expected exception not thrown"
catch { $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "System.Management.Automation.PSArgumentException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetItemPropertyCommand" }
Context "Valdiate Move-ItemProperty Parameters" {
BeforeEach {
#remove the current property so that we have a place to move to
Remove-ItemProperty -Path $testKey2 -Name $testPropertyName -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
It "Verify PassThru" {
$property2 = Move-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -Destination $testKey2 -PassThru
$property1 = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$property1 | Should BeNullOrEmpty
$property2."$testPropertyName" | Should Be $testPropertyValue
$property2.PSChildName | Should Be $testKey2
It "Verify Confirm can be bypassed" {
Move-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -Destination $testKey2 -Confirm:$false
$property1 = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$property2 = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey2 -Name $testPropertyName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$property1 | Should BeNullOrEmpty
$property2."$testPropertyName" | Should Be $testPropertyValue
$property2.PSChildName | Should Be $testKey2
It "Verify WhatIf" {
Move-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -Destination $testKey2 -WhatIf
$property1 = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$property2 = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey2 -Name $testPropertyName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$property1."$testPropertyName" | Should Be $testPropertyValue
$property1.PSChildName | Should Be $testKey
$property2 | Should BeNullOrEmpty
Context "Valdiate Rename-ItemProperty Parameters" {
BeforeAll {
$newPropertyName = "NewEntry"
It "Verify Confirm can be bypassed" {
Rename-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -NewName $newPropertyName -Confirm:$false
$property1 = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$property2 = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $newPropertyName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$property1 | Should BeNullOrEmpty
$property2."$newPropertyName" | Should Be $testPropertyValue
It "Verify WhatIf" {
Rename-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -NewName $newPropertyName -WhatIf
$property1 = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$property2 = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $newPropertyName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$property1."$testPropertyName" | Should Be $testPropertyValue
$property2 | Should BeNullOrEmpty
Context "Valdiate Clear-ItemProperty Parameters" {
It "Verify Confirm can be bypassed" {
Clear-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -Confirm:$false
$result = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName
$result."$testPropertyName" | Should Be 0
It "Verify WhatIf" {
Clear-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -WhatIf
$result = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName
$result."$testPropertyName" | Should Be $testPropertyValue
Context "Valdiate Remove-ItemProperty Parameters" {
It "Verify Confirm can be bypassed" {
Remove-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -Confirm:$false
try {
Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -ErrorAction Stop
throw "Expected exception not thrown"
catch { $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "System.Management.Automation.PSArgumentException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetItemPropertyCommand" }
It "Verify WhatIf" {
Remove-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName -WhatIf
$result = Get-ItemProperty -Path $testKey -Name $testPropertyName
$result."$testPropertyName" | Should Be $testPropertyValue
Context "Validate -LiteralPath" {
It "Verify New-Item and Remove-Item work with asterisk" {
try {
$tempPath = "HKCU:\_tmp"
$testPath = "$tempPath\*\sub"
$null = New-Item -Force $testPath
$testPath | Should Exist
Remove-Item -LiteralPath $testPath
$testPath | Should Not Exist
finally {
Remove-Item -Recurse $tempPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} finally {
$global:PSdefaultParameterValues = $defaultParamValues